What are you planning to do on inauguration day? I think I might travel down to DC to see some Tribbers over the weekend, but I plan on celebrating inauguration day with my Drinking Liberally pals in Philadelphia.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Working I’m scheduled for a 14 hour day. Just another day.
Obama has broken tradition..No NYT interview.
But he had dinner with George Will, Bill Kristol, Rich Lowry, David Brooks, Charles Krauthammer — at Will’s house;
That’s quite special.
God! I hope he took a shower afterward.
no. he was comfortably at home. We were just observing — no time for those who got him elected.
he’s meeting with “liberals” today.
good to know they made the To-do-List. Or was that an afterthought?
There is a vigil and die-in for the liberation of Iraq (my term, not theirs) in front of the Federal Building every Tuesday at noon, and I have been invited to go there to speak and read the names of Iraqis killed by the American invasion and occupation (I guess I’m the only one they could find who can pronounce them).
After that, I will go back to work.
If you’re going to be in DC on Sunday afternoon, I’d love to meet you in person! That’s my only time when I’ll be solo and able to move about!
And for anyone who lives in DC – where do you suggest two women and one ten year old boy spend the night, assuming we have no room in town (our room is far out of town, and we’re worried we won’t get back in if we leave DC Monday night.)
I hear the mall will be closed until 4am that morning. Is that the whole mall, or just the viewing areas?
Is it true the bars will be open until 5am? Would they allow a young boy inside???
Friends of ours are hosting an Inaugural party on Saturday. The card they made was clever; it has the color poster image from the Obama campaign and says on the front, “Hope…you can make it”.
Inside the card they wrote: “Just four ways you can be recognized from the floor: Wear your favorite Obama t-shirt, Wear your most powerful Obama campaign buttons, stand and deliver your best Obama joke, and Explain what King George meant when he said, “Wall Street Got Drunk”.
I’m looking forward to it.
I will be working and hopefully getting glimpses on our filtered internet.
I’ll probably get up, go to work, and then go to DL for inauguration day.
but honestly, I don’t really care all that much.
I am going to find a group of people who…like myself…do not really give much of a shit about media hustle and go hang out as far as possible from a TV screen. (What? You think it’s more than a public hustle? A sacred oath or something? Please. Didn’t the Preznit Butches, Ronnie Raygun and Lame Dick Cheney take the same oath? Guess it’s not very “sacred” then, is it? I mean…they weren’t turned into crispy critters by a bolt from above despite having violated it in every one of its many orfices, right?)
Actually go to DeeCeeLand Confusement Park to watch the hypno-dumbshow?
In JANUARY!!!???
The fucking city is nasty enough in good weather.
Have fun…
I’m gonna.
i disagree with you often, but not this time.
i would rather eat a sandwich made entirely of shit with diarrhea sauce on top than go to washington DC.
Like the song says:
celebrating a newly elected politician is like celebrating a newly-purchased hammer. they’re both tools chosen to do a job (except the hammer doesn’t lie to you)
Wish I were traveling upstate a wee bit to see the Dalai Lama at a local Buddhist center, but, alas, I’m too phlegmatic.
Aside of that, I suppose I’ll watch the inauguration on the telly. Will then channel-surf for live coverage of the concerned citizens of DC driving a stake into Dick Cheney.
Might just give another listen to Wax Audio’s Bush/Lennon trilogy, too.
Mighty good stuff.
And let’s see, it’s a Tuesday, so I’ll probably come home from work, make dinner, play with my son for a while, and then do some writing after he goes to bed.
But I’m frankly astounded at how nutso a lot of people seem to be about watching the inauguration. It’s an inauguration – he puts his hand on a book, takes the recites an oath and makes a speech. If anything eventful happens, it’ll be on YouTube (probably posted within seconds from an iPhone in the audience). It’s like watching a Catholic mass with less incense.
Frankly watching it live sounds about as exciting a Catholic mass too – but without the slow aerobics to keep the blood flowing.
Taking the day off work, and curling up in my comfy chair to watch everything on TV. (Getting a new TV for the occasion — the old one is barely sputtering through Olbermann and Maddow these days…).
Going downtown (DC) would be just too insane — too cold, too many hours on my feet, compared to getting a much better view from the comfort of my living room.
Stocking up on popcorn, chocolate and bubbly. 🙂
Gonna knock back a few I think.
Cut the tie-wraps holding my American flag to it’s pole and re-tie it right side up for the first time in 8 years.
I will be recovering from a long weekend bender by watching our new president parade down Penn Ave. How Sweet it is!
Take the day off, wear my Obama 08 shirt and watch the goings on on my new HDTV.