I’m hanging out near Union Station in DC with Man Eegee, maryb2004, CabinGirl, AP & Mr. AP, and Brother Feldspar. Obama went by a couple hours ago and everyone cheered . The town is drunk and excited.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Those of us in the hinterlands are counting on you to give us a full report, drunken or sober!
I’d rather read you than watch Tweety talk BS to Spike Lee and Michelle Bernard.
By you, you mean Booman, I assume. LOL.
Wish I was there. 🙁
Me, too 🙁
And yes, reports! Reports! I’m all for the drunken ones – adds a little something, I suppose 😉
Did you take your cookie shooter of mass destruction?
Jerk. Can you hug Manny for me? Just a friendly one, of course.
Make us proud!
Where will you be tomorrow? I’m heading in overnight..!
BooMan – I’m emailing you my cell phone. Text me yours!
(For those of you stuck at work on Tuesday!)
to all BooTribers, especially Mr & Mrs AP who I have met when they visited Holland twice. Enjoy your stay and be proud.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Today I attended a pro-Palestine rally. I walked around listening to the different conversations. The only hate speech I heard came from the counter-demonstrators, but not that much really. Mostly they did the same thing they did at the demonstrations in Summer, 2006. They waved American and Israeli flags, and brought with them whatever they had that would make a loud noise – boom boxes, drums, any kind of noisemaker, and just tried to drown us out with meaningless noise. That was the sum total of their message. Kind of says it all, doesn’t it?
The cops made them go across the street, and I don’t think they met with a good public reception over there because they were gone after about 30 minutes or so.
There WAS one guy at our rally who was very emotional and kept going on in a very angry way to anyone who would listen about effing Israel, and their effing occupation, and their effing bombs, but he never said anything about killing or smashing or destroying or crushing anyone, and never said anything negative about “the Jews”. He DID say there will be no peace until Jews disavow Zionism, something a number of Jews have also said.
Now granted, the weather was not adverse, and the cops were very friendly, helpful, and some were even smiling at us, but do these folks look like extremists with murder in their hearts?
Here are a few photos:
Unfortunately in Amsterdam we do not have only the Anne Frank museum, but also the Center for Indormation and Documentation Israel (CIDI). They provide the lazy Dutch media with the IDF views of the war on Gaza and find the aspects of “anti-Semitism” during emotional discussions at anti-Israel protests more important than the war crimes of Israeli military might against a defenseless Gaza strip run by the Hamas organization.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
You know, I was listening to a discussion of the situation in Gaza on talk radio a week or so ago. The host is generally a moderate, thoughtful guy, don’t know his background in regard to Zionism/Israel. He listened without objection to caller after caller repeating the standard, dead-ignorant, racist, bigoted BS about Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims (they’re completely different from “us”, you know, they don’t love their children, they want all Jews dead, blahblahblah).
Then a guy called who was actually reasonably knowledgeable, and had some negative observations about Israel’s policies and actions in the OPT. His tone was calm, his words were moderate, he focused on Israel’s policies and actions in the OPT, and didn’t say anything against Jews, or “the Jews”. The first thing that came out of the host’s mouth after listening to him for a bit was that the caller sounded kind of anti-Semitic.
Trying to hide a smile and a sense of self-satisfaction Prime Minister Ehud Olmert faced the cameras at the Defense Ministry and declared to the Israeli public, “We won.” The Israel Defense Forces objectives for its operation in the Gaza Strip were “obtained in full.” Hamas was “surprised and badly beaten,” the government “made decisions responsibly and wisely,” the IDF’s performance was excellent and the southern home front “displayed resilience.”
Did you hear Olmert’s statement “to the people of Gaza”?! I have NEVER heard anything so nauseatingly enraging. Like ANYONE who suffered through the last three weeks is going to believe a word of it.
Gosh, but I wish I was in Washington. Give em hell, BooMan!
I’m stuck here in Windsor 🙁 I will, however, be on the radio giving the perspective of an American ex-pat. Listen between 4 and 4:30 http://www.cbc.ca/windsor/# Click on 1550 AM CBC Radio Windsor.
Very cool! Is that today that you’ll be on, or on Inauguration Day?
On Tuesday. I’m pretty pumped. How’s DC?
DC was fun. We just went down to meet everybody for dinner last night, and came home afterwards. The excitement is definitely in the air there, and it made me wish I could stay for the whole thing. When Obama’s motorcade left Union Station (we were just across the street), there were people running down the street to see, cheering. CNN was on in the restaurant, and people were watching the Obama train arrival on that and cheering that too, as if it were a football game or something.
It is really cold there, though! I was sort of glad to be watching the concert this afternoon from the warmth of my living room. I’m such a wimp. 🙂
say HI
They are both in their 50s from Colorado. He is 6’4″. She is 5’8″. He is Chuck, and she is Karen.
I told her to carry plenty of TP.