Congratulations to the Arizona Cardinals.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Congrats to the Cardinals. Go Steelers!!
Myself Jimmy from Canada. Changing the way you see things can also change your reality. You can create your own rules for changing your reality.
Drug Intervention
That just reminded me – “Spamalot” is playing here – I need to see if I can get some cheap tickets..!
I am much amused:
Yet another contribution to the “Thanks for Abandoning Our State, Janet” file:
But wait! There’s more!
And if you order today! You’ll also receive these shitty accessories!
Seattle police chief named Drug Czar.
Gary Locke nominated for Secretary of Commerce.
conviction upheld
so sayeth the 10th circuit court of appeals. next stop, the supremes.
l’m certainly not shedding any tears for him, but, his fate was sealed when congress passed teleCON immunity.
buh bye joe.
23 march…maybe:
yeah, it’s a minsec lockup, but he’s still going away.
buh bye joe.
Major protest tomorrow (Feb. 28th) against Sheriff Joe Arpaio of the Phoenix Metro Area. Zack de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine has been promoting the event and will attend along with many human rights groups.
Also, we’re just shy of our 10,000 signature goal for the petition that calls attention to the human rights abuses of Sheriff Arpaio. More info at
I’ll be at the protest tomorrow, hopefully I can locate my camera battery before then :-/
It’s fine to have a protest, but the problems are deeper than Arpaio. Attempts at a recall failed, and he was just re-elected to office.
Even if he was removed, the populace that elected and supported him would remain. That populace apparently LIKES to have inmates marched down the street in their under ware. They LIKE a sheriff that is over 76 years old. They would certainly just elect one of Arpaio’s minions.
Best to vote with your feet.
you’re not telling me anything i don’t already know, i live in az. the protest’s message was primarily aimed at napolitano and president obama to reign in arpaio’s abuses. without the 287g agreement, he would be more restricted.
this appointment certainly caught me by surprise:
very interesting, as l think it’s unusual for a freshman to be selected. granted, he’s the ‘senior senator’ from colorado, but, assuming franken gets seated, he’s #98 in seniority.
l haven’t seen this reported anywhere else, btw.
not totally unexpected, but disheartening nonetheless, udall and bennet join “the moderate dems working group“.
and bennet’s already getting some serious pressure, and not so veiled threats, from labor over his position, or lack thereof, on EFCA. like the man said: “If you think they’re bluffing ask Al Wynn“.
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We will have to see what we can do to prevent this.
What Glenn Greenwald said.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha:
Interesting. And Btw – Marcy Winograd is going to challenge Harman again. AND – this is only her second attempt. Someone here said this would be her third, and it’s not.
While I think this falls short of proving Pelosi a liar, it does explain why impeachment was off the table. Not that I ever dreamed Cheney hadn’t succeeded in compromising the democrats in his evil deeds.
I do feel Pelosi was a silent accomplice to torture. I do not forgive her that.
This is all an orchestrated dirty trick being run to destabilize Obama through Panetta and Pelosi.
Note that the witness against Pelosi is Porter Goss, who spent his known CIA career in the Directorate of Operations during their golden years, the madcap assassination and destabilization years of the sixties, doing most of his work in the Carribean. What’s a little character assassination when you’ve been onboard for real assassinations.
Wow. Gov. Huntsman of Utah is resigning to become Obama’s ambassador to China. The O-Man keeps picking off the sane ones.
wednesday may 27th:
come out and show you support, at a minimum, a public plan…since universal, single-payer is obviously off the table.
thanks in advance.
One sunday, one again a few minutes ago. Both over 4.0. That’s the price for great weather, I guess. Hate them. Didn’t use to mind until the Northridge one. That was truly scary. Don’t want to go through anything like that again, ever!
gotta be…or worse. how else do you explain this: Ritter, senators suggest Salazar for Supreme Court
bad idea…bad joke…bad trip…whatever.
Thank you. It helped vash Post!
MU/RS Downloads – Full software releases
SEIU is stepping in to help fight anti-migrant/anti-latino bills in AZ. Please spread the word and join the campaign. It’s getting nastier by the day.
…and in related news, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne can go cheney himself