The conservative position on poor women: No birth control for poor women. No abortions for poor women. Inadequate health care for poor women and their children.
The conservative position on poor women: No birth control for poor women. No abortions for poor women. Inadequate health care for poor women and their children.
Because poor women give birth to poor babies, i.e., cheap labor.
That’s why racism is so economically appealing to the GOP. It creates a devalued, easily identifiable class of surplus labor.
Buy two, get one for free.
Don’t forget the part where they convince poor white guys that their REAL problem are the poor Hispanic guys, and not the rich guys who are hiring undocumented workers or are moving their jobs out of the state or even out of the country. Getting poor and middle class folks to expend energy on race hatred was a “genius” move for the landholding class in the Old South that has continued to see usefulness even today.
Racism is useful to the GOP for a lot of reasons.
Anything that perpetuates hatred, mistrust, and division is the lifeblood of the modern-day GOP.
I still cannot fathom why so many Christian conservatives think that their proclaimed Savior, Jesus Christ, would endorse these positions. And not only endorse them, but command them to fight against these things with all the power they can muster.
In part because they are guilty about sex, they are afraid of retribution from the Great Abortion Clinic Bomber In The Sky, and they’re racists.
And some other reasons too.
Probably for the same reason that the pre-Diaspora Jew on the cross is usually depicted with Nordic features.
Their Jesus bears no relationship with the historic Jesus.
the Christianist Jesus bears no resemblance to the Biblical Jesus (So far as I know, from reading histories written around that timeframe–Josephus comes to mind)…I know of no ‘historical’ Jesus. Not to say he didn’t exist, but I’ve yet to read a history of the period by one who lived then that made any mention of Jesus, either by name or by reputation.
Kinda like trying to find archaeological evidence of the First Temple…Biblical history is clouded too much by Religion–you might as well give up on getting any decent hard facts from a search.
And shockingly, they opposed extension of SCHIP as well. Burning the candle at both ends.
still living in the 19th century…wrong then…wrong now.
a quote from Frederick Douglass on women’s rights comes to mind:
l’m not so sure the the rights of animals are any more sacrosanct today either.
l’m not so sure the the rights of animals are any more sacrosanct today either.
Here in California, at the same time gay couples were stripped of their marriage rights via Proposition 8, the voters voted for a proposition to give animals better living conditions in the food industry.
to the stimulus package for Byrne Grants the Democrats and Obama will do those poor women the favor of locking up as many of their men as possible for selling drugs as a last resort for economic sustenance.
You know, you would think Republicans would be happy to give massive amounts of birth control to poor women. Wouldn’t they see it as a great way to reduce the over-population of the peasants that don’t stop breeding?
Oh wait, they only do that to non-white women! Forgot!
Makes me want to wring a conservative’s neck!
I’m so sick and tired of the republican party’s basic contempt for lower-income women and their children. How dare they pick on people like this? They have no right whatsoever.
They are your basic woman-hating, child-hating, backward, misfits-the way I see it! Republicans sit in judgement of anyone who is lower-income. And in my opinion, they have no right of any kind to sit in judgement of anyone.
The conscienceless Ronald Reagan and his untrue and mean-spirited quote about “Cadillac driving welfare queens.” Ronnie can shove that quote up his ass-in my book! Posthumously, of course.
In fact, for the next four-possiby eight-years they know what they can do with their comments, don’t they?