Yesterday, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) once again subpoenaed Karl Rove to testify in Congress about politicized appointments in the Justice Department. he subpoena calls for Rove to appear at deposition on Monday, February 2, 2009.
Rove has stonewalled before, claiming a Bush-supported immunity, but with Bush out of office and an opinion by a Federal court backed up by the stance of Barack Obama, Rove cannot legally avoid testifying.

“I have said many times that I will carry this investigation forward to its conclusion, whether in Congress or in court, and today’s action is an important step along the way,” said Rep. Conyers. “Change has come to Washington, and I hope Karl Rove is ready for it. After two years of stonewalling, it’s time for him to talk.”

So the question is, will Rove appear on Feb. 2, or will he try once again to find a way to avoid the confrontation. Bush left office without a blanket pardon for Rove or his minions… and this may be what leads to a real eventual prosecution.

We’ll see.

Under The LobsterScope