Looks like a good day to roll over and sleep in:
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We woke up to a heavy dusting of snow on the ground, with more to come. Anyone else have that problem? 🙂
4 inches on the ground. Up to 8 inches more on the way. No school today. Tomorrow?
When I saw the weather map this morning, I noticed it looked like you were in the middle of the worst of it. You just have plain snow, no ice, right?
Ours isn’t really supposed to start until later in the day, but my mom is supposed to be flying home from Florida this afternoon. I hope she was able to move her flight up to earlier in the day, because I think she might wind up spending another day there if she didn’t.
All snow. The forecasters are saying that we have a chance of some sleet and freezing rain, but it will have to warm up to get that. Right now we’re sitting at 20°F.
Good morning!
I’ll re-post from the old cafe:
Came across a sweet site yesterday, a sample video below and link to the site. A hit for anyone enamored by puppies/kittens/babies.
Cute Things Falling Asleep
Too cute. It reminds me of a video of a certain Newf as a puppy, where he fell asleep with his head in his water bowl.
Both my guys are home with a stomach ailment today. Guess they couldn’t wait for school to close early.
Have you been packing peanut butter crackers in their Spiderman lunch boxes? 🙂
Heh. I looked up the salmonella symptoms, just in case- but they’re suffering from the opposite problem…(TMI, I know).
What are you doing with your unexpected vacation day?
Catching up on school work after a walk in the woods with a nap thrown in for good measure.
Naps are always good.
Sounds perfect.
Well I’m sure they hope the snow there doesn’t close school — ’cause they’ll pissed to have wasted a day off being sick.
I have a feeling they’ll get a delayed opening tomorrow, so they ‘ll probably get to feel like they got the best of both worlds. 🙂
I’d rather they just close them. The 2 hour delays (DeLay still makes me wince.) cause more problems than total closure.
I like the slow start to the day, but that’s because the delay doesn’t involve child care issues.
I’d seen that video at another site. I love how hard the puppy fights going to sleep but I can’t figure out is why dogs love to go to sleep with their heads on hard surfaces.
The site I linked to has quite a collection.
We had many good laughs here last night.
2 inches snow and sleet. I don’t care about the snow but the sleet sucks. I decided that since all the people with kids are working from home today, I am too. We’re supposed to get more this afternoon.
Keep your bad, bad weather away from me.
Had enough of the snow already?
Hey, that sounds like a reasonable plan to me. No sense risking your life in bad weather driving when you can just as easily work from home.
Good morning everyone.
Another sleep-lite night. Luna doesn’t deal well with heat in the best of times and last night was just too warm for her to settle down to sleep properly. She was in and out several times, and when out, barked. We don’t let her bark at night so that means I have to go get her.
On the plus side, she’s really coming along in the mothering department. She’s positioning herself better around the pups and has started licking them occasionally. I’m still on bottom duty, but that’s not very hard – I just hold their bottoms under warm running water and rub until nothing else comes out.
Glad Luna is getting back to her old self. And great photo up top – I guess I missed the new ones you posted last night before the cafe changed.
I only posted the one up top. I’ve got a few more from this morning I’ll be posting soon.
Luna and the pups are already parked in front of the fan (it’s not yet 11am, and it’s clearly going to be another hot one).
Luna had about a half pound of cheese for breakfast, which hopefully means she’s getting her appetite back. Since her surgery she’s only eaten small amounts, and nearly always something different than what she would eat the time before. She wouldn’t eat meat, but she’d eat fish, but only salmon or trout, and then only raw or smoked, not cooked. One meal she’d eat buttered bread, and the next not. She ate some hard cheese, but then not ricotta. Last night I boiled her some pasta and made a thick cheese sauce (homemade mac and cheese), and she ate it all. I keep thawing out meat and then having to feed it to the septic system when it goes off (if you have a septic system, feed it a bit of meat now and again to keep the bacteria healthy and happy – ours should be very happy at the moment).
Hector watches the barbarians from a safe height.
That is adorable! The pup on the left looks like a little piglet.
Yeah, they do look a bit like piglets. Imogen thinks they look like little walruses with there truncated faces.
That’s the boy on the left, the huge female in the center, and the other female on the right.
Hey! You’re going to give her a complex. She’s big boned. And boys always grow slower than girls. And that other cute little petite girl? She’s probably stuck up.
Just because we call her “Gargantula” doesn’t mean we love her any less. The owner of the papa dog wants one of the girls, so I’m trying not to get too attached to either of them because she gets first pick (she breeds and shows Pyrs and will take the most correct puppy). The male is going to someone local.
Either that or keres photoshopped her head onto Sienna Miller’s body.
Lol. Don’t give me any ideas – I’m a bit twisted to start with.
I’ve been sleeping on the futon/couch in the living room sto that I can attend to the dogs at night. Hector thinks it’s a great trampoline.
One of these days I’m going to get my flash fixed.
Whenever he comes to a stop his left ear stays up for a few seconds before slowly drooping back down.
What a funny bunny. That futon makes me want to go to bed.
He’s an absolute riot at times.
I like the top action shot.
Bunny fun!
I’m glad Hector’s getting some enjoyment out of all this disruption. I’d hate to think he felt ignored.
Well, he has Poo-Bombed the towel pile, twice.
I think he’s just asserting his territorial rights.
Last night he watched the Australian open with us. I was lying down on the futon and he had an unfortunate habit of standing on my chest during critical points.
So you had hare on your chest…
Is that a bunny on your chest or are you just happy to see me?
I’ve got a million of ’em….really.
So you had hare on your chest…
Only when I forget to pluck.
For those of you wondering why there is a rail around the nest, I present exhibit A – the puppy tail to the right of Luna’s elbow. The rail keeps a mother from accidentally suffocating a pup against the side of the box.
Luna is looking quite bright and happy in that picture. It’s nice to see.
The fresh towels may have helped.
Luna and puppies are now the honorary mascots of our county office building. I couldn’t help sending them around today. Andi & Jim, please don’t tell the evil overlords.
Luna, diva dog of the universe, says “that’s as it should be”.
BTW, have you ever read American Cassandra: The Life of Dorothy Thompson? I really enjoyed it.
Luna is looking much better today!
And I had been wondering about the ledge, actually. Glad to see it works.
The big boy just finished this painting of his little bro in Ecuador. Preferring to sit alone on the long bus rides, almost invariably a local woman would sit next to him and begin breastfeeding her infant.
Madonna and Ben in oil (24″x36″)
Very nice. He has a very distinctive style.
Very nice! Did he start it in Ecuador or after they got back (I can’t remember how many months ago they were there.)
He started last week and finished last night. It’s still wet. 🙂
I’m so impressed. You have one talented boy there.
I’m sure it was all of the macaroni and cheese with sliced hot dogs that I fed him when he was little. It nourished that artistic spirit.
Well, you’re the mother. You get to take all the credit. That’s how it works 🙂
Can I disown the boy who climbed the school building at 4 in the morning with beer on his breath?
I know someone else who used to do things like that and he grew up to be a dang bureaucrat!
A bureaucrat? The horrors!
I’m sure he’ll be fine.
Is Ryan feeling left out that she doesn’t have her own embarrassing picture?
She’ll just have to wait for her birthday. 🙂
How’s the weather up your way? Looks bad on the maps.
That would definitely be something to look forward to. 🙂
It’s messy — we’ve had about 6 inches of snow and now we’ve got about 2 inches of sleet on top of that. The sleet is still coming down but it supposed to change snow later. They’ve already announced that schools are closed tomorrow.
Why do you still have power? Something must be wrong…
Jeez, thanks for giving the Evil Eye ideas. ;P
Aw shucks, it was nothing.
Well cross your fingers and knock on wood because so far it is nothing.
Jimmie the Duke lineman was in the office today and I asked him to keep a special eye on Mt. Liberty.
Ah Jimmy … one of my favorite people . He was so helpful when we were building the house back in ’79 and was all good about getting our power back. But after PSI became Cinergy he apparently didn’t cover our area any longer.
P.S. We won’t tell on you about the puppies. 😉
He’s got a very interesting style. It reminds me of Thomas Hart Benton.
I think he’s still finding his style. It’s been really interesting to watch his progression through the years. When he was a teenager it kind of freaked me out to see his self portraits because they seemed so dark and creepy and he was such a bright, funny boy. They reminded me somewhat of Egon Schiele.
I, otoh, tend to have a very “sunny” artistic palette, and I’m broody by nature. So go figure.
What’s nice to see is that he’s finding his own “voice” so-to-speak. Having done a BFA, I have to tell you that it’s a rare find even amongst the artistically inclined.
There is similarity.
I was just watching our new governor give the State of the State. One of Benton’s most famous works is a mural in the Missouri State Capital: A Social History of Missouri.
Benton’s big mural at Indiana University is quite something and has generated more than a little controversy at times.
I really like it! We’re fans of Ste. Genevieve Art Colony Depression period art over maryb’s way and a little south along the river. Benton is in this collection compiled by an old friend.
This extended family of seven Yellow-tailed black cockatoos are sitting in the trees about 50 feet from our front door. And boy are they noisy.