“…politicians find it politically necessary to voice support for Israel even when they are killing innocent people for no good reason.” BooMan, 1/29/2009
No they don’t, not if they have integrity and decency. If they have integrity and decency they find it necessary to voice something quite different.
Statement Of Sen. Patrick Leahy
The Shurrab Family
Senate Floor
January 28, 2009MR. LEAHY. Mr. President, we have all seen the photographs of houses, schools and other civilian infrastructure destroyed in Gaza, and the reports of civilian deaths, including over 400 children, and many thousands more injured. Behind each of these statistics is a story of a family tragedy. I want to take this opportunity to talk about one that has touched the lives of Vermonters, and which should cause each of us deep concern.
Amer Shurrab is a recent graduate of Middlebury College, which is located not very far from my home in Vermont. Amer is also a Palestinian, whose family was living in Gaza during the recent Israeli invasion. His father, Muhammed Kassab Shurrah, is a farmer who grows fruits and vegetables on a small plot of land.
On January 16th, Amer’s father and brothers were returning home with provisions from their farm during the 3 hour humanitarian cease-fire that was in effect that day. Although there was apparently no indication that the route was unsafe for a civilian vehicle carrying civilian passengers, Israeli soldiers fired from a civilian house at their car as it passed for reasons that remain unknown. In a panic, Amer’s brother, Kassab, already wounded, got out of the vehicle and was shot a total of 18 times and died a short distance away. Israeli bullets also hit Amer’s father and younger brother Ibrahim, who were unable to leave the car to get medical attention because Israeli soldiers refused to allow movement in or out of the area.
Muhammed tried everything he could to save his son Ibrahim, who was bleeding to death before his eyes. He phoned a hospital with his cell phone, but the hospital told him the Israeli Army was preventing an ambulance from reaching them. He called relatives, who contacted the Red Cross on his behalf to ask for assistance, but the Red Cross had to wait for assurance from Israeli authorities that an ambulance would get through unscathed, assurance which was not forthcoming. He spoke with several members of the press, including the BBC, who even broadcast his plea for help. But an ambulance could not reach them until 22 hours after the incident, even though the hospital was located less than a mile away. By this time, Ibrahim had died in his father’s arms. Israeli troops reportedly looked on and ignored Muhammed’s pleas for help.
This case cries out for an immediate, thorough, credible and transparent investigation by the Israeli Government. Any individuals determined to have violated the laws of war should be prosecuted and appropriately punished. In addition, it is important that the U.S. Embassy determine whether any Israeli soldiers who were equipped by the U.S. violated U.S. laws or agreements governing the use of U.S. equipment, both in relation to this incident and others involving civilian casualties. This should include the use of white phosphorous in heavily populated areas, which is alleged to have caused serious injuries to civilians.
Mr. President, this is a heartbreaking story. My thoughts and prayers go out to Amer Shurrab and his family and friends, and to the families of other civilians, Palestinian and Israeli, who died or suffered other grievous losses in this latest escalation of violence.
The only thing I disagree with here is that an investigation should be conducted by the Israel government. That would be tantamount to the Council of Foxes investigating last night’s raid on the hen house. After all, it was the Israeli government that planned and ordered this crime against humanity in the first place.
Listen to this two-part interview with Amer Shurrab. Don’t cop out by just reading it. Listen to this young man describe what happened to his brothers and father at the hands of the “most moral army in the world” half a world away, and listen to him tell how he and others tried desperately, and uselessly to save his brother’s life. Listen to his voice, and listen to his sobs. If this does not break your heart, then you have a heart of stone.
Interview with Amer Shurrab Part 1
Interview with Amer Shurrab Part 2
And remember that this is only one such story. There are many, many more that will never be heard.
PM Erdogan returns to hero’s welcome after Gaza row
ISTANBUL (Reuters) – Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan received a hero’s welcome on his return to Istanbul on Friday after accusing Israel of “knowing very well how to kill” during a heated debate at the World Economic Forum.
And a BBC World Service correspondent (name?) in Istanbul has the gall to insinuate that he did it only for political gain in Turkey. I won’t deny that it will play to his favor. But she seemed to discount the possibility that anyone in power might be so incensed by Israel’s behavior (yes, behavior like anyone else) that he would make a scene, so to speak. How does this Shimon Peres manage to keep popping up again and again to spout the most hypocritcal, self-serving, self-righteious crap about how Israel always does good and only suffers for it. He seems to have survived every Israeli government going back to King David and to have pronounced on, if not participated in, every peace peace proposal and peace conference going back even further. He is one of the most slippery characters in the oppression and destruction of the Palestinians.
We need the video of Peres….to count how many lies he said.
Get Jon Stewart’s staff on that – they’re really good at that kind of thing.
Link to Reuters’ article
and related to Gaza that gives confirmation: “Israel knows how”
The very thing Israel deplored, it has become.
The concept of Zionism was flawed. 100 years of pushing the Zionist agenda. What has the true cost been for the world.
Love weiss:
Rethinking Zionism
Study: 20 years of conflict has cost Middle East $12 trillion
The reality is that what Israel is now it has always been. Remember that its creation necessitated massive ethnic cleansing – something the Zionists understood from Herzl’s first inklings. He wrote of the necessity for ethnic cleansing in Der Judenstadt. Israel was built and continues to be built on the blood, crushed bones, and rubble of Palestine.
Remember that it was the Zionists and later the Israelis who introduced terrorism to the region. They even used it in Europe.
The only reason it SEEMS that Israel has become what it deplored is that when its propaganda strikes current communication technology there is a huge dissonance, and the lies are wearing thin.
Love this comment:
Under this article:
Secret Israeli database reveals full extent of illegal settlement
“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”
Israel is a monster.
Also an abyss. Full of stolen goods, by the way.
Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel is an excellent site to keep up to date on this Middle East issue. I suspect that Leahy is aware of it.
LINK: http://www.vtjp.org/