I refuse to Twitter and almost never respond to Instant Messages.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Yeah, with cell phones, who needs Twitter? Just talk to people already. But, I do chat and recently got a webcam so I can watch my new grand baby girl who lives on the Left Coast.
besides (for the paranoiacs out there), what we’re saying is going on as permanent a record as what we’re typing, so why worry?
Enjoy your conversation, and let the caller hear your voice.
I don’t what is going on, but I’m get bombarded with Facebook friend invitations lately. I haven’t changed my deodorant or toothpaste, so it’s a mystery. Maybe the looming economic catastrophe is pushing people to reach out for community.
I IM less these days. In years past, I used to IM up a storm.
I text more than I call on my phone. I don’t use Twitter at all.
l’m very much a luddite…don’t even have a cell phone…and happily so.
two laptops, an ipod touch, an intertube connection and lots of open wifi available, and a land line…leave a msg, l’ll get back to you…maybe.
I just got a cell phone a month ago. For a decade I lived without one. But I’m getting old and creaky and I may fall and not be able to get up. So now I can text someone from where I’m stretched out.
I refuse to Twitter
That’s ok. The world doesn’t care what you’re doing minute to minute anyway. Unlike Atrios. 🙂 And me, of course. 😉
I don’t read blogs or comment on them.
By the way, check out this series of pictures of the President boarding Marine One:
He shook the hand of the Marine saluting at the base of the stairs. Priceless.
Pitchers and catchers report.
Oh yeah, it’s Valentine’s Day too.
I can’t do that, Dave.
Just noting that I will respond to this diary in Twitter and IM.
Habs suck! 🙂
Whose your hero now Connman? Flyers 4 Bruins 3 in OT.
Flyers a bit less repulsive today eh? 😉
Peace and Hockey!
Why are Congressional Bills bundled into massive documents that compile and confuse unrelated stuff? Why don’t they, say, throw up “Stimulus Aid to States, proportional to population, $80 Billion,” yeah or nay? If it’s voted down, come back with $70 Billion, yeah or nay? And so on until there’s a majority passage. Then, move on to “Highway Infrastructure Maintenance,$100 Billion” and “Supertrain Development and Deployment,” “Individual Tax Rebates,” etc.
All this closed-door conferencing and dickering stirs the pot until Congress critters eventually don’t know what they’re finally voting for or against. And, of course, neither do we so I guess that’s the point of bundling. Can someone tell me when legislation stopped being straight-forward? Was it always this way?
Is the 2009 technology equivalent to “Get off My Lawn?”