I don’t know how many times I have to say it, but I’ll say it again:  The GOP must destroy America’s economy by any means necessary in order to regain political power.  How quickly America has forgotten that when Democrats raised the idea of a stimulus plan eight months ago, the GOP laughed and said our economy was fine.  They killed it in the House.  Bush immediately threatened a veto saying there was no need for it because our economy was the strongest it had ever been.
But now, these same Republicans are the ones taken seriously by the Village, while the “clueless liberals” and “inexperienced President” fumble around while the “brave GOP insurgency” kicks into action blocking more stimulus. The Democrats have been rolled again, and this time it’s going to cost millions and millions of us our jobs, our health insurance, our livelihoods, our way of life, many of our freedoms and eventually our country.

It starts by assuring the stimulus package fails, it continues with the shifting of blame to Obama, it ends with the Village writing the narrative. The GOP control of the Village got us into two wars, it got us into this mess in the first place, and soon it will get us into a full-blown economic depression.

Then the fun really begins.  Then the real long knives will come out for Obama and the Democrats. The Village and the hatemongers on the right will see to that. They will come for Obama with blood in their eye, folks. You thought they did a number on The Hick From Hope, Arkansas? You thought they did a number on The Jawja Peanut Farmah?  You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Well, some of you have.  Back in November, 1963 in Dallas.  Back in April, 1968 in Memphis.  Back in June, 1968 in Los Angeles.

The storm is coming, folks.  America is going to be a much different country in just a few short years.  I’ve been talking about worst case scenarios now for over a year both at the Frog Pond and now at my own place, and I just do not see this game of chess playing out in a way where the good guys win.

In fact, I see chess pieces on both sides of the battle turning on the Black King.  “Shat mat”, the Persians said when they won this game they invented thousands of years ago…”The King is dead.”

We get the term “checkmate” from that phrase.

Checkmate is all but upon us now.  Mate in 6 moves?  Mate in 8?  Mate in 2?

In the end, you still lose.