A man shot and killed by his wife in Maine had materials in his home capable of making a dirty bomb. And no, he was not a Muslim Islamofascist. It appears he was homegrown American Nazi angry at the elction of Barack Obama as our forst African American President:
BELFAST, Maine — James G. Cummings, who police say was shot to death by his wife two months ago, allegedly had a cache of radioactive materials in his home suitable for building a “dirty bomb.”
According to an FBI field intelligence report from the Washington Regional Threat and Analysis Center posted online by WikiLeaks, an organization that posts leaked documents, an investigation into the case revealed that radioactive materials were removed from Cummings’ home after his shooting death on Dec. 9.
The report posted on the WikiLeaks Web site states that “On 9 December 2008, radiological dispersal device components and literature, and radioactive materials, were discovered at the Maine residence of an identified deceased [person] James Cummings.” […]
It says that four 1-gallon containers of 35 percent hydrogen peroxide, uranium, thorium, lithium metal, thermite, aluminum powder, beryllium, boron, black iron oxide and magnesium ribbon were found in the home.
Also found was literature on how to build “dirty bombs” and information about cesium-137, strontium-90 and cobalt-60, radioactive materials. The FBI report also stated there was evidence linking James Cummings to white supremacist groups. […]
An application for membership in the National Socialist Movement [i.e., an American Nazi group] filled out by Cummings also was found in the residence, according to the report. Cummings’ wife, Amber B. Cummings, 31, told investigators that her husband spoke of “dirty bombs,” according to the report, and mixed chemicals in her kitchen sink. She allegedly told police that Cummings subjected her to years of mental, physical and sexual abuse. She also said that Cummings was “very upset” when Barack Obama was elected president.
Color me scared. It appears the homegrown terrorist threat from white supremacists, radical right wing extremists and other Obama haters is worse than we imagined. A .pdf file link (Caution when opening) to the FBI investigative report on Cummings can be viewed here.
I hope someone has started a legal defense fund for Mrs. Cummings to thank her for her service to our country?
Just my quick glance at the FBI report indicates her motivations in shooting him were probably more personal than patriotic — due to years of abuse, which doesn’t surprise me either, sadly.
Anyone as clearly disturbed and angry at the world was very likely to be taking it out on those closest to him as well as planning bigger targets.
I am FAR more concerned about “home-grown nutjob” terrorists, egged on by years of listening to Rush and O’Reilly, etc. who are looking for a scapegoat for their internal rage and frustrations, than I am about foreigners of any ethnic group or religion.
An angry racist Nazi with access to a trust fund which contains untold tens of millions of dollars.
It doesn’t get any more chilling than that.
This, the TN Unitarian Church shooting, anthrax letters, Atlanta bombings, OK City…every time something like this happens, there should be a running list underneath it reminding everyone of what occurred before. I fear this is more of a threat to US citizens than al-Qaeda striking America again.
BTW: That car bombing of a physician in Arkansas dropped out of the news. Does anyone know if that doctor performed abortions?
Nothing in the news reports say that he was other than someone who helped license physicians.
The bomb was homemade. Detonation was heard at least a mile away.
Dr. Trent Pierce suffered severe trauma to his left eye, and had to undergo immediate surgery to his abdomen for removal of metal shards as well as for his eye and face.
Somebody was probably really ticked at him for taking away his medical license or not making him a doctor.
I wonder how long it will be before a picture appears that shows him at a Sarah Palin rally?
We owe his wife a debt of gratitude. She is a national hero.
This will not be the only instance. The Reich-wingers are psychotic. The Obama presidency is simply poking them in the eye. Expect the worst.
Yet more reason for that new Presidential limo prominently on display at the inauguration.
.. but we need to spy on Quakers ..
Domestic spying in pursuit of a purely partisan political agenda – perhaps the worst of the worst of Bush’s crimes..
Not even close unless you don’t look outside U.S. borders. After all, he’s destroyed two entire countries and caused the deaths of well over a million human beings (and counting), and the displacement of at least 5-6 million (and counting).
The hate rhetorists on the political right need to take responsibility for this!
if ever there was a case that could be made for prosecuting the reich-wing hate talkers, for fomenting “terrorism” and vilence, this is it. from orcinus:
read the whole thing, it’s truly a chilling glimpse into the abyss that the reich-wing fringe inhabits.
Time to confront those right wing radio and tv nuts by bringing back the Fairness Doctrine. Russ Limberger, O’Reilly, Hateity, Savage and that witch from the west, Anne Coulter should not have unrestricted use of the air waves to sling their slanderous charges.
Give their victims equal time to answer the vicious charges these apostles of hate so freely dispense. That is only fair.