The puppies certainly are. Luna’s still outside and probably won’t ask to come in until after I fall asleep. In the mean time I’m going to take a page from the puppies and pile into bed.
I couldn’t believe we got ours back so fast — I had looked at the outage map which had more dots than open space and figured we wouldn’t get it back for at least 24 hours.
One of the DNR guys from the park was in at 4:00 and said the entire park is still out. So far, they’re unable to find where the lines are down and are now running the back trails on ATVs. I don’t recall seeing even a momentary blink at our place or work this time.
Speaking of work, I remembered someone had posted the URL for this great site some months ago. Today, I thought it was time to share it with my fellow sucklers at the public trough. There’s even a special one for Family Man’s philosophy students.
That place is a hoot. I gave my sister their calendar and Jim has a mug from them that says “No one of us is as dumb as all of us” that he takes to all his meetings.
I guess if they were going to have a major outage at the park, now when it’s basically empty is pretty much the best possible time.
I’m sleepy….I was up late-ish last night (11:30) with the CBs, helping them make beaded jewelry for their sweethearts (CBtE’s idea). It reminded me of when they were little and we would make stuff together.
Plus, I overstretched something in my neck and shoulder at yoga last night. Uck. I’m getting old and creaky. 🙂
I think I’m only at the intermittently old and creaky stage…but it is a new development. Whatever I did seems to be loosening up and responding to ibuprofen, fortunately.
Tonight’s the first pizza and BYOB night of the season at the bakery a few towns over (and it’s turning into a goodbye party for one of my yoga friends who is moving to Seattle), so I think that’s our big plan for the evening.
And the weather is turning icky again. At least we had the brief illusion of spring.
This is a young one, just moulting out of its juvenile feathers and into it’s adult plumage (and a bit scruffy looking because of it). Since it has grown up around us, it is far less skittish than the other ones that live here. Hence the great shots.
Eastern Spinebills are smallish birds and about life-size in these photos.
Thanks. I think I’ve mentioned before how frenetic this species is. Like a lot of nectar feeders they move flittingly. I have to focus the camera by hand to even have a chance of getting a clean shot. And of course, by the time I’ve gotten the camera focused the bird has moved to the next flower, or better yet, behind one.
Like many of the birds here, they have fantastic shades of otherwise unremarkable colors. Names like ‘Grey Fantail’ (another one of our frenetic locals, who just for that extra special challenge all live down in our gully) give you no real clue as to the vibrant colors of the bird.
And now, it’s my bed time. Good night, and good morning.
The best part of having her here all day was that she’s finally getting less fearful of Luna. Her family doesn’t have a dog (she has Guinea pigs as pets), and even though she’s known Luna her whole life, Luna’s just too big for her to feel comfortable around. But by the end of Saturday she was stepping over Luna sprawled on the floor (as we all do) while saying, “Hi Luna”.
She’s old enough that we can now have her here by herself on a regular basis for some quality “auntie” time. Maybe a sleep-over next month.
Update on the puppy YouTube: the camera I borrowed Saturday didn’t have the right interface for our computer. Today I now borrowed a second video camera, which has the right outputs. Assuming all goes well, I should be able to film them tomorrow and post something shortly thereafter.
At the moment their all nursing. Which sounds so sedate, but it looks like something on the WWF.
I think this is the photo that every parent should keep on hand to show their kids what they will look like if they let their children get the haircut they think is ‘so cool’.
Wow. That’s gorgeous, Andi. Just beautiful.
All the more so because I’m familiar with that type of environment.
Not only do I love a nice walk in the foggy woods, but I love taking pictures there.
Fact is, if I’m ever fortunate enough to win a gallery show, it’ll probably be called ‘Fog’.
It’s the sense of movement. You can almost see the fog moving as it rises, there’s movement in the little waterfall. Heck you can almost see the moss growing on the trees.
And all that movement creates anticipation like … well, like SN’s comment about “where’s the unicorn”. You expect something special to appear through the mist.
And it was moving so fast that I was only able to get two shots taken before it was gone — the ultimate in lucky timing. Plus, in my hurry to gete the shots framed the way I wanted before the fog was gone, I had to forgo the shot of bigfoot running off up the hill.
Remember I still have to figure out how to use the software to download, edit and upload the video. And that my learning curve has gotten steeper each year I gotten older.
Twelve hours!! I just don’t think I can last that long! <she says in the voice of a five-year old just told she can’t go to Disneyland until the morning.>
Doesn’t it though. And there wasn’t even any fights over who got which nipple, or Gar crowd surfing over the other two to swap to the end of mom’s belly – at least one of which happens more often than not.
And I am up WAY too early.
But how else can I say ‘good morning’ to you before I go to bed? Welcome to Thursday. I signed off on my proofs at the printers, so I’m happy.
Now I can get some work done on the house.
Good night. Hope everybody is all snuggled up for a good night’s sleep.
The puppies certainly are. Luna’s still outside and probably won’t ask to come in until after I fall asleep. In the mean time I’m going to take a page from the puppies and pile into bed.
‘Night all.
Good morning/good night!
So what got you up so early? Dogs, kids, weather, or just cruel fate?
Cruel fate, I’m afraid. And now that I’m feeling a little sleepy again, it’s almost time to get the CBs up for school.
I hate that one — there’s nobody to blame but yourself. 😉
Well, I snuck in a 20-minute nap, and I’ll probably fall back to sleep for a while after I get everyone off to school.
I’m loving this warm weather, though. I don’t want it to end!
Sadly, it’s falling here but nowhere near as cold as it was — gradually going from 50 today to 38 on Sunday.
The winds here are awful this morning. But the sky is still clear.
Yeah the winds have been howling here for about 24 hours. We, not surprisingly, lost power but, very surprisingly, got it back in less than 3 hours.
I hope ours doesn’t go out. I actually have a little 3-hour project to work on this morning.
I couldn’t believe we got ours back so fast — I had looked at the outage map which had more dots than open space and figured we wouldn’t get it back for at least 24 hours.
Anyway, good luck.
One of the DNR guys from the park was in at 4:00 and said the entire park is still out. So far, they’re unable to find where the lines are down and are now running the back trails on ATVs. I don’t recall seeing even a momentary blink at our place or work this time.
Speaking of work, I remembered someone had posted the URL for this great site some months ago. Today, I thought it was time to share it with my fellow sucklers at the public trough. There’s even a special one for Family Man’s philosophy students.
And after the meetings, “Burnout” is my favorite.
This one is, of course, my current favorite.
Good morning CabinGirl & Andi! I’m off for another day in the paradise of local government. Hope your day is at least somewhat relaxing;-)
glad to know that Nashville is full of (in a small town I figure at least one = full of) happy go lucky elected officials. 🙂
The whole building was cracking up after work today. See above.
That place is a hoot. I gave my sister their calendar and Jim has a mug from them that says “No one of us is as dumb as all of us” that he takes to all his meetings.
I guess if they were going to have a major outage at the park, now when it’s basically empty is pretty much the best possible time.
Have fun! We’ll try to relax here…maybe FamilyMan can come give us some pointers.
See a little ways upthread for motivation in that area.
Those are funny! And I really needed a little chuckle this morning. 🙂
Me too! Have a good one, ID!
Thanks boran2! Payday tomorrow – then a 3 day weekend!!!
Ain’t public employment grand?
I get paid tomorrow also! We’re in sync.
More addictive than crack indeed. Plus, you still do other things (like chewing).
Good gracious, they’re cute.
The theme is “Morning, Noon, Night”.
The diary is here.
Your pictures should be there.
Happy Friday the thirteenth!
I’m sleepy….I was up late-ish last night (11:30) with the CBs, helping them make beaded jewelry for their sweethearts (CBtE’s idea). It reminded me of when they were little and we would make stuff together.
Plus, I overstretched something in my neck and shoulder at yoga last night. Uck. I’m getting old and creaky. 🙂
If you’re old and creaky at your age, then I must be dead and buried. ;P
I think I’m only at the intermittently old and creaky stage…but it is a new development. Whatever I did seems to be loosening up and responding to ibuprofen, fortunately.
Tonight’s the first pizza and BYOB night of the season at the bakery a few towns over (and it’s turning into a goodbye party for one of my yoga friends who is moving to Seattle), so I think that’s our big plan for the evening.
And the weather is turning icky again. At least we had the brief illusion of spring.
There’s a chance of snow tonight here but it’s going to stay above freezing during the day for the next week and that’s good enough for me.
Sounds like a fine time tonight.
Us old folks resent that! 😉
Oh come on, you’re not even a bit creaky yet!
You’re not really old until you can no longer even hear the creaking.
Did you have to bring up my hearing? 🙂
This is a young one, just moulting out of its juvenile feathers and into it’s adult plumage (and a bit scruffy looking because of it). Since it has grown up around us, it is far less skittish than the other ones that live here. Hence the great shots.
Eastern Spinebills are smallish birds and about life-size in these photos.
Great shot.
Ah, the Bird Whisperer is back! Wonderful pictures.
Thanks. I think I’ve mentioned before how frenetic this species is. Like a lot of nectar feeders they move flittingly. I have to focus the camera by hand to even have a chance of getting a clean shot. And of course, by the time I’ve gotten the camera focused the bird has moved to the next flower, or better yet, behind one.
Here’s a photo of an adult (from much further away), that gives you a better sense of how magnificently they are marked.
Thanks for the additional picture. They are a really gorgeous bird.
Like many of the birds here, they have fantastic shades of otherwise unremarkable colors. Names like ‘Grey Fantail’ (another one of our frenetic locals, who just for that extra special challenge all live down in our gully) give you no real clue as to the vibrant colors of the bird.
And now, it’s my bed time. Good night, and good morning.
Our niece (nearly four years old) spent the day with us today. Everyone, puppies included, was worn out by the end of the day.
Awww…puppies and little people. My cute meter has now been rendered dysfuncional. 🙂
Hope everyone has a restful evening after all the excitement.
Morning CG. Have a good time at the pizza and BYOB fest?
Heh. I actually fell asleep early and didn’t get up. And I’m still feeling old and creaky today.
Oh-oh, falling asleep early on Friday night — maybe you are becoming a geezer after all. 😉
Double good cuteness. Looks like the puppy as little uncertain about this new beast in the house.
The best part of having her here all day was that she’s finally getting less fearful of Luna. Her family doesn’t have a dog (she has Guinea pigs as pets), and even though she’s known Luna her whole life, Luna’s just too big for her to feel comfortable around. But by the end of Saturday she was stepping over Luna sprawled on the floor (as we all do) while saying, “Hi Luna”.
She’s old enough that we can now have her here by herself on a regular basis for some quality “auntie” time. Maybe a sleep-over next month.
The perfect day to remember those sage words: if you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.
Yep, we love generation geezers remember it well.
Happy Long Weekend, too, at least for some of us. Good morning all! Great pix from down under, keres!
Good morning all. It’s a father/dad day with madame off to see a friend. It looks like a nice sunny day here in the valley.
What are you two boys going to do? Cartoon network and pancakes sounds about right. 🙂
We’ll probably go out for a new game cartridge that he wants, some lunch and maybe kick a soccer ball.
Good morning!
Enjoy the boys’ day.
Thanks ask. We certainly have a nice day for it.
Typically dense on Monday morning.
click for larger
That’s a real stunner of a photo Andi.
Update on the puppy YouTube: the camera I borrowed Saturday didn’t have the right interface for our computer. Today I now borrowed a second video camera, which has the right outputs. Assuming all goes well, I should be able to film them tomorrow and post something shortly thereafter.
At the moment their all nursing. Which sounds so sedate, but it looks like something on the WWF.
I am so excited by the thought of seeing that video. w00t!
I think this is the photo that every parent should keep on hand to show their kids what they will look like if they let their children get the haircut they think is ‘so cool’.
‘Night all. Enjoy your day.
I love the puppy close up … the moth well maybe not so much.
Wow. That’s gorgeous, Andi. Just beautiful.
All the more so because I’m familiar with that type of environment.
Not only do I love a nice walk in the foggy woods, but I love taking pictures there.
Fact is, if I’m ever fortunate enough to win a gallery show, it’ll probably be called ‘Fog’.
So pretty. Thank you!
I would really love to see your fog photos. I hope you get that browser upgrade soon!
You are fortunate to live in such a beautiful place. This is a wonderful photo.
And you’re right — and I have no idea what I ever did to get so lucky.
I’m not sure how the rest of it got there. I guess my fingers went on walkabout.
I’m putting this in my top five andif photo favorites. Don’t ask me what the other 4 are, but this is definitely up near the top.
I guess people really like to see snow melting. 🙂
It’s the sense of movement. You can almost see the fog moving as it rises, there’s movement in the little waterfall. Heck you can almost see the moss growing on the trees.
And all that movement creates anticipation like … well, like SN’s comment about “where’s the unicorn”. You expect something special to appear through the mist.
And it was moving so fast that I was only able to get two shots taken before it was gone — the ultimate in lucky timing. Plus, in my hurry to gete the shots framed the way I wanted before the fog was gone, I had to forgo the shot of bigfoot running off up the hill.
You are a true artist. Focusing on creating your work of art rather than the path to profit ..
Ah but not (to carry comments across the web) so much an artiste that I would cut down trees to get a good sky shot. ;P
What, no unicorn?
No, dammit — Bebo won’t hold still long enough for me to put the horn on.
That’s why your next dog should be a Pyr, they’ll suffer any indignity.
Morning all.
I’m waiting for the light to enter the living room so that I can do some filming.
I’m waiting for the light to enter the living room so that I can do some filming.
Excitement builds to almost unbearable levels.
Try not to get too overheated.
Remember I still have to figure out how to use the software to download, edit and upload the video. And that my learning curve has gotten steeper each year I gotten older.
In other words: give me about 12 hours.
Oh dear, I hope I’ll be able to sleep tonight. 😉
Twelve hours!! I just don’t think I can last that long! <she says in the voice of a five-year old just told she can’t go to Disneyland until the morning.>
Sadly no, they departed our county with the last virgin. Lovely foggy photo, Andi!
So The Virgin of Brown County was fiction?
Before my time.
I’m sure that was just a coincidence and had nothing to do with your arrival in town.
I’m sure if you went over to the Liar’s Bench, you could find a bunch of virgins (and maybe a few unicorns).
Gar and Squeak mostly just lying there.
You know that won’t be enough…we need more puppy crack!!! Soon!!!!
Such a rough life – being a puppy…
They just look so incredibly soft.
Well that was just the cutest thing ever.
ooooh! more please.
I’ve got another unedited clip uploading to YouTube and will post the link short (if all goes well).
Sorry, it’s taking forever to upload. That may be because I exported it as a High Definition Video file. Live and learn.
Rest assured that as soon as it is up I’ll post it here.
Sooooo cute.
Please ma’am, may have some more?
Two minutes and 51 seconds of non-stop sucking!
Lol! It looks like a rugby scrum. 🙂
Doesn’t it though. And there wasn’t even any fights over who got which nipple, or Gar crowd surfing over the other two to swap to the end of mom’s belly – at least one of which happens more often than not.
Those little puppy butts are adorable. Luna looks … resigned.
Yep, resigned is the word. Only another week and a half and we’ll have them mostly weaned off her.
Poor Luna, her breasts will never be the same.
‘Fraid not, but unlike with human moms the hair will grow back and cover them.
The ultimate time waster.
This one is definitely my favorite … the falling down parts are worthy of an academy award.
Thanks so much for posting all of these. The best way to wake up ever! 🙂
Yet more sucking sounds.