Why does Gallup Polls act like a protector of the Beltway Establishment? They did a poll that showed that 71% of the people support investigations of Bush’s corruption of the Justice Department, 63% support investigations of warrantless wiretapping, and 62% support investigations of the treatment of detainees (torture). What headline does Gallup use?
No Mandate for Criminal Probes of Bush Administration
It’s hard to define what a ‘mandate’ is in terms of percentage points, but Gallup justifies their headline by noting that the public, given an option of a criminal investigation and an investigation by a independent panel, divides its support. In each case, the plurality of the people prefer a criminal investigation to either an independent panel or no investigation at all. You could craft many headlines from their data, but the one they chose would not leap to the forefront of my mind.
A headline never tells the whole story, and I tend to sympathize with those who have to try and write them. In this case, though, it seems like an open-and-shut case of intentional spin by an organization whose existence depends on a perception that it’s objective. They have chosen to risk their own credibility to serve the interests of somebody. Truly repulsive pandering to our domestic axis of evil.
But there’s more… A professional polling organization would not have set up the question this way in the first place. It’s kind of like asking “Which do you like better: apples, oranges, bananas, or Cheerios” and then using that to prove that most people don’t like fresh fruit. A professional polling organization that doesn’t have an ax to grind would have offered a choice between a criminal investigation and no investigation. My bet is that a substantial majority would choose the former. But we’ll never know for sure, thanks to whichever master Gallup now serves. Remember back when Gallup was THE go-to source for polling? Instead of the Fox News of polling? Tragic.
we don’t know for sure, but we know. Strong majorities support investigations.
Anyone who is involved in Middle East issues, particularly pertaining to the Israel/Palestine and Iraq matters is only too aware of how headlines are used to spin. It is not unusual to see a headline saying something along the lines of “Palestinian Militants (or Iraqi insurgents) Fire at Israelis (or Coalition members)”, and when you read the article you find out that the Israeli (or American) occupation forces attacked some “suspected Palestinian militants” (or “suspected Iraqi insurgents), and the “suspected militants” (or “suspected insurgents”) fired back at the attacking troops. I am really not exaggerating how egregious it sometimes is. Certain publications do this consistently. The “Paper of Record” is a prime offender.
Oh – here’s another one I LOVE! This was a real headline: “Gaza Children Return to School”. Those who bothered to read the article found out that the “school” many of them are returning to are in tents because the school buildings were destroyed or rendered unsafe to enter, and they are “returning to school” without books, or any kind of educational equipment or supplies because those were destroyed.
PS, Boo: I think you mean would NOT leap to your mind?
thanks. fixed.
God forbid, someone should put a US president or a US vice president behind bars, eh? God forbid anyone should charge either one with criminal conduct. I was never aware of the fact that the oath of office immunizes either one from criminal prosecutions! Comes as a total surprise to me!
IIRC this was the justification of pardoning Nixon. “To spare the American people the national trauma of seeing a former President on trial.”