(Using my best David Broder voice): “Once again the Democrats have sabotaged any possibility of bi-partisanship, even in the midst of this ghastly economic crisis. Thus I can only conclude that President Obama’s pledge to seek the input and advice of Republicans regarding the stimulus package was pure political posturing all along.”
this is worth reposting:
If you call for bi-partisanship in the space program and the other side is still claiming the earth is flat, do you pretend the earth is flat in order for them to get on board?
The Republican death spiral can only be stopped if they can sink Obama’s presidency. They’ll have plenty of help with the Republican stay-behinds throughout the government agencies, and there will always be the fascist, racist, religionist core that won’t budge, but if the Dems can chip away a few more points it’s over.
So the Repubs’ desperation, and their media allies screeching, are both understandable.
I think there has been a little sabotage going on not only among Bushies but also among bitter Clintonistas.
Is that a rhetorical question?
Indeed, the Republican ship is taking on a lot of water and guys like Broder better get ready to man the lifeboats. The resemblance between the present GOP and that of Herbert Hoover becomes more and more noticeable
Good bye and good riddance to these selfish and unethical fat cats; now let’s levy a progressive income tax on their bloated and unfairly acquired wealth. Time for revenue reform at long last.
zomg. hard to believe even Broder could say that. btw, over at Atrios, it was observed that the Republicans are just acting like an opposition party. which is what they are. and that is not a bad thing. just a normal thing. (and why anyone listens to that creaky old nitwit Broder is absolutely beyond me.)