We are all familiar with them. The ‘skeptics’ that discount all scientific evidence of the dire situation humanity has created with regards to the build-up of green-house gases and the resulting effect on the climate.
Skeptics’ disputes with the IPCC and advocates of action on climate change are commonly along one or more of the following lines:
* There is no conclusive evidence that climate change is happening;
* The changes in measured temperatures are part of the natural cycle;
* Even if the changes are human induced, the scale is not sufficiently large to make changes beyond sensible “least cost” measures; and
* The economic impact of making substantial cuts in greenhouse gas emissions on the scale suggested by the IPCC or other groups is too large.While some skeptics challenge a particular technical point or approach in the IPCC reports – for instance, that there is global warming but it is not due to human activity – others have a more sweeping rejection of climate change science and proposed responses in general.
Denial in the face of what we all can observe around us. The horrific bushfires in Australia – oh, just part of the natural cycle. Hardly any news outlet has reported on the connection between climate change and more frequent, and intense bushfires.:
Professor Field says that a warming planet will dry out forests in tropical areas, making them much more likely to suffer from bushfires.
And what about the ‘little’ things around us? This report was released only a few days ago; A Briefing for Policymakers and Concerned Citizens on Audubon’s Analyses of North American Bird Movements in the Face of Global Warming–February, 2009 (warning: pdf). And what did they find?
Analysis of four decades of Christmas Bird Count observations reveal that birds seen in North America during the first weeks of winter have moved dramatically northward–toward colder latitudes–over the past four decades. Significant northward movement occurred among 58% of the observed species–177 of 305. More than 60 moved in excess of 100 miles north, while the average distance moved by all studied species–including those that did not reflect the trend–was 35 miles northward.
There was also movement inland, from warmer coastal states into areas not long accustomed to winter temperatures suitable for their new arrivals.
The analysis found these trends among nearly every type of species, their sheer numbers and variety pointing to a powerful common force contributing to the movements.
So, the canaries are moving north…..
And now, just over a year after the release of the IPCC’s report (the work resulted in the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007) – what is the latest update:
CHICAGO, Feb. 14 — The pace of global warming is likely to be much faster than recent predictions, because industrial greenhouse gas emissions have increased more quickly than expected and higher temperatures are triggering self-reinforcing feedback mechanisms in global ecosystems, scientists said Saturday.
“We are basically looking now at a future climate that’s beyond anything we’ve considered seriously in climate model simulations,” Christopher Field, founding director of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University, said at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Field, a member of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said emissions from burning fossil fuels since 2000 have largely outpaced the estimates used in the U.N. panel’s 2007 reports. The higher emissions are largely the result of the increased burning of coal in developing countries, he said.
Reassured now? Still skeptical?
I am sure all of us have anecdotal evidence of changes, but cumulatively it becomes an important data set. In the town where I grew up, the snow now comes an average of 2-3 weeks later than in the ’60s – and spring is also 2-3 weeks earlier. Much less snow accumulates during a typical winter. There are still yearly fluctuations, but the trend is very obvious.
What are your experiences?
ask, You left out the climate change deniers claim that because the Earth has been warmer before then warming now can not be caused by anthropogenic climate change (APC). I frequently come across APC deniers claims that humanity is so puny that we cannot possibly change nature, despite the evidence provided by the real problems of acid rain, tropospheric ozone depletion and the massacre of entire huge species including the passenger pigeon.
Many natural reasons for climate change exist, among them the rare changes in Earth’s orbit, the density of interstellar molecular clouds in the disc of the Milky Way, volcanic activity, etc. It most certainly does not include a hotter sun, that claim has been debunked by solar astronomers in juried journal articles. In the early years of life on Earth climate change was caused by the emissions of huge populations of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.
The point is that we should not exacerbate a warming trend through our own behavior by emitting so much carbon that we trigger the feedback event of water vapor joining carbon dioxide and methane in insulating and warming the earth. If we cannot change that we will see human population crash because a warmer earth is better suited to reptiles than mammals.
George Will has a climate change denial column in hundreds of newspapers today (Sunday. Feb 15). he seems to think that the scientific consensus in favor of anthropogenic climate change cannot be valid now because a few scientists believed a new ice age was coming back in the 1970s. Scientists are just alarmists (says Will).
one of the biggest problems in the rocky mountain west, and particularly in colorado is the rapid decline of the forests, SAD, sudden aspen decline, due to nearly a decade of prolonged drought, and an appearance of bark beetles which were virtually unheard of in the past.
some lower elevations in the region have lost 90% of their aspen…
additionally, the pine and spruce stands are being increasingly destroyed by beetle infestations, which have even begun to affect previously unaffected species such as whitebark pines.
nearly all the science done in the past 5 to 10 years points to an overall warming trend as the catalyst.
anecdotally, we’re seeing the return of migratory birds much earlier, as well as an increase in the number of species that winter over. l’ve already see robins this year, which is very unusual in early february.
the past 5 years or so have seen a much wilder range of weather extremes, from record heat, winds, snow, you name it, than at any time l can recall prior, and l’ve lived here for almost 40 years. additionally, fires have become more commonplace and dangerous due to the available fuel, both in the mountains and on the prairie.
it’s real, and it’s rapidly getting worse.
additional info in a report by the usda forest service from march, 2008 [HTML]
a good climate change website http://www.realclimate.org/
a great resource for leading edge research information and home to some very serious scientific study is NCAR and it’s community, including UCAR, and UOP. NOAA is also a good reference.
like many science based organizations that depend on federal funding for a large part of their budgets, they’ve suffered significantly the past eight years, financially and politically.
there is a great deal of hope among the people l know there, that things are going to improve.
frankly, it would be difficult to imagine that they could get any worse.
Former astronaut speaks out on global warming
I agree with Schmitt.
Last evening I listened to a radio program that said in essence the evaluation of previous scientific data was deficient — “the reinterpretation shows we scientists underestimated the time frame of global warming…the dire timeline is not 2050..we now only have four years.”
On that basis we need not worry about the financial meltdown…whether it’ll be a soft depression or severe recession come 2012. Or worry about anything like hyperinflation because four years won’t fix the much touted global warming demise of planet earth.
I go with the position that the scientific data is flawed…..missing elements.
it’s a natural cycle of the universe. Nature’s course. Glaciers are melting returning to the mean — what they once were as per TV documentary on CBC – (Canada Broadcasting.)
Global warming: it’s a scam for a global green tax grab mandated by the UN.
we have forgotten the most basics – eons and eons ago the origins of the greening of planet earth — from flower to fruit. Close to four and a half billion years ago planet earth was a desolate place volcano-torn and very bleak — no green. What was the population of mammals then?
Life began in the oceans.
It was only 290 million years ago that the conifers appeared and flowering plants approximately 120 million years ago. So let’s keep things in perspective and not buy into garbage agendas.
I really don’t care what a retired astronaut has to say on this.
This gives a better perspective:
you beat me to it ask.
more details, for those interested, is available in the paper that’s from is by UIChicago that found overwhelming support. pdf of report here [1mb].
Keep in mind this second picture is six years old. Last year the actual North Pole was summertime ice free. Sorry I could not find a more updated photo but I will look this week. think of the second picture as the good old days.
View interactive feature on page …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
See charts Western and Eastern Arctic near mean levels – Current Sea Ice Conditions
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The human capacity for self-deception is amazing, isn’t it? (Harrison Schmitt, etc) To reinforce their skepticism the deniers turn to astronauts, TV weathermen, British aristocrats, a Danish economist and the like. I even read a post on the New York Times science web page that claimed any CO2 amount of 5000 parts per million or less would be safe. I’m sure we will keep seeing this kind of thing until the Greenland ice cap and the West Antarctic Ice Shelf melt into a much deeper sea. The insurance companies and Defense Department are convinced of man caused climate change, but then they are paid to be realists.