The Rush Limbaugh Doctrine: Racism – no, not us!

I’m amused. Rush Limbaugh is vying to be leader of the Grand Oil Party and he’s going whole hog — not with new ideas or solutions.  It’s the final solution – old Jim Crow, scarecrow, fear mongering.

“” Racism is a problem of the left, not the right” says Limbaugh. “The way to beat them is not with better policy ideas…….liberalism [is a] “psychosis”..and “deranged” “”

Hmmmm — got that?

Beyond oxyC,  Limbaugh has a real problem. He has a skin itch and heartburn over President Obama’s skin tone. And once again, no matter the achievements, skin tone is still a barrier to acceptance. Hidden in plain sight. Coded.

The Washington MonthlySteve Benen observes via Politico:

Rush: Obama bastardizing Constitution

[note the choice of word – “bastard”]


The rhetoric sounds so pleasant doesn’t it?

Limbaugh warned [the CPAC audience] that Republicans should not let concerns about racial insensitivities limit criticism of Obama’s policies. “It doesn’t matter to me what his race is. He’s liberal, and that’s what matters.”

“The racism in our culture was exclusively and fully on display in the Democrat [sic] primary last year,” Limbaugh said. “We didn’t ask if he was authentically black. What we were asking, was, ‘Was he wrong?’ We concluded, ‘Yes.’ ”

“The racism, the sexism, the bigotry that we are all charged with … doesn’t exist on our side,” he added.

Got it. Limbaugh has always believed that it “doesn’t matter” if Obama is black. It’s never made any difference if Obama is “authentically black.” Racism “doesn’t exist” among conservatives and was “exclusively” in the realm of Democratic politics.

Perhaps Limbaugh’s memory is failing him. I’m happy to help refresh his memory.

February 2007:

On Feb. 13, Rush Limbaugh derided Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) — who is biracial — for saying, “If you look African-American in this society, you’re treated as an African-American.” Limbaugh claimed that this statement meant Obama didn’t want to be black and should “renounce it”: “If it’s not something you want to be, if you didn’t decide it, renounce it, become white!”

March 2007:

Limbaugh continued to refer to Obama as the “Magic Negro” throughout the broadcast — 27 times, to be exact — and at one point sang “Barack, the Magic Negro” to the tune of “Puff, the Magic Dragon.”

March 2008:


August 2008:


September 2008:

Rush Limbaugh baselessly asserted of Sen. Barack Obama: “Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood?” Limbaugh continued: “He’s Arab. You know, he’s from Africa. He’s from Arab parts of Africa…. [H]e’s not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American.”

For someone who didn’t care about the president’s race, Limbaugh seems to have something with a preoccupation with the subject. I wonder why that is.

And Limbaugh sees his movement threatened by Gingrich!

What’s with this thingy – “Authentically black” !!!?!!!

Hey. Rush, old chap boy, we need only one drop. One drop.

It’s the oxyC. ya think?

From Thinkprogress

Limbaugh Takes On Gingrich: “We’ve Got To Stamp This Out Within This Movement”

In a hour-plus-long speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) that was carried live, commercial-free, on CNN and Fox News, Rush Limbaugh directly attacked his rival for the role of titular leader of the conservative movement, Newt Gingrich. Gingrich had told the CPAC crowd that the GOP must offer new ideas and policies. “It’s not our job to be the opposition party. It’s our job to be the `better solutions party’,” he said. He was echoing a point he had made last year that the party needed to move forward: “The era of Reagan is over.” (Limbaugh attacked him for the statement at the time.)

Today, Limbaugh came out swinging, insisting that conservatives need not concern themselves with policy ideas whatsoever and slamming conservatives who want to move beyond Reagan.

Everybody asks me — and I’m sure it’s been a focal point of your convention — well, what do we do, as conservatives? What do we do? How do we overcome this? … One thing we can all do is stop assuming that the way to beat them is with better policy ideas. […]

UPDATE:  Besides swiping at his competition, Limbaugh sought to prove his leadership bonafides by reiterating his hope that President Obama “fails,” insisting that racism was a problem of the left and not the right, and calling liberalism a “psychosis” and liberals “deranged.”

(emphasis in original)

“Hoping Obama fails.” So much for ‘Patriotism’ and ‘Country First.’

Oh my.

Waiting for Steele and Jindal to demand that Limbaugh STFU?

Will McConnell, Boehner, Norquist, Romney, Gingrich?

Given our demographics, I endorse the comment of Zooey found in the commentary at Thinkprogress:

“I hope Rush succeeds in becoming the face of the Republican party.

Go Rush!”

Rush Limbaugh, the GOP’s defacto leader. 2012 seals a second term.

Send Rush a box of cigars with a note… know what’s appropriate.