Have you ever taken a new driver out in the car only to discover when the ride is over that the new driver was terrified by the experience and not eager to try a second time? That’s how I think the Republicans should feel after their experience at governance. They’re much better suited as backseat drivers.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Republicans are way too annoying as backseat drivers, and make it more likely that you’re going to have a collision as a consequence of them whining and screaming from the rear seat. Better that they should be pedestrians. They are easier to run over that way.
Nah. Stick ’em in the trunk.
Precisely, my thought. Then, we could drop them off at the nearest institution of the mentally bewildered.
yes, pedestrians! maybe stimpak items they’re not accepting are for functioning traffic lights.
Wrong – you can’t be a good driver if the only turn you make is a right one.
Gives new meaning to their mantra that “government is the problem.” It’s the problem for them — because they don’t know how to govern.
Actually, many on the right think government is so inherently bad that good governing is irrelevant. No governing is preferred.
It is why the Bush administration put people like Brownie in charge at FEMA and hacks in charge of the SEC. Doing nothing is seen as better than competence.
Brownie was tasked with making sure emergency operations were privatized – but he went beyond the call of duty in his attempts to ensure those pesky volunteers were kept out of the way of the privatized operations or didn’t fulfill for free the tasks of the privatized that bailed. heckufa …
into whining red faced little two year olds.
Maybe another case of Benjamin Buttons?
Bush’s Mission : destroy good government
Once you have replaced qualified leaders with sycophants only qualified to institute an agenda of frustrating staff from doing their jobs, it’s not the work of a moment to fix things. Eight years of rotting infrastructure is no joke.
NOLA and Katrina sparked an organization devoted to watching dams and levees – Levees.org. The engineers have installed defective pumps in New Orleans over protest because they were supplied by friends of Bush. The Mississippi has been dredged for decades, destroying the wetlands barrier between the city and Gulf of Mexico. The list of things wrong includes dams and environmental concerns. BlueBloggin,Grist and Berry Street Beacon were all on top of CAFOs running over load limits polluting the groundwater of the Mississippi River aquifer.
If you haven’t been following Monsanto and the trail of farmer suicides – in India for example – following the introduction of GM ‘terminator’ seeds you won’t realize organic farmers in the U.S. are going to be put out of business. Here’s what’s waiting in the wings, for instance
I’ve collected more scary stuff at my place http://my.opera.com/oldephartte/blog/- but someone wanting to be put up to speed quickly could do much worse than visit Care2.
Wrong link on that organic gardening proposal
Sorry about that.