Why have all the violent calls for revolution or secession in America always had something to do with taxes and/or property* while the non-violent movements have all been about expanding individual liberty and human rights*?

And why are Glenn Beck and Chuck Norris pimping for another revolution by “right wing cells” to overthrow the elected government of the United States? For what else can a program to be aired by Beck with the name “We Surround Them” possibly refer to other than a threat of violence against not only the Obama administration but also anyone and everyone who doesn’t believe as Norris and Beck do?

* The Revolution was sparked by tax protests and debt owed by Virginia land owners to British interests, Southerners who favored secession did so because they considered slaves to be property, the Native Americans were slaughtered and ethnically cleansed for the land they lived upon.

** For example, Women Suffragists, the Civil Rights Movement, the Gay Rights Movement, Pro-Immigration marches, etc.

Update [2009-3-10 8:46:18 by Steven D]: Norris and Beck are not the only crazies. Watch this video by a group called “Restore the Republic” calling for soldiers and law enforcement to not only to disobey President Obama but to be prepared to arrest and detain federal officials.