First, be a red state Governor from the South who is presiding over a 10.4% unemployment rate.  Keep in mind 10.4% is technically for January.

Second, take the 25% of the stimulus money you, as Governor, have discretion over and choose not to create jobs or extend unemployment benefits, but to pay off part of the state’s debt instead creating a grand total of zero stimulus with the stimulus dollars you have.  Bravely complain you are forced to use the rest of the 75% of the stimulus money to not pay off your state’s debt by that horrible Hussein person in Washington, thus pissing off local political leaders in your home state.

Third, make sure your maneuver is seen as a completely political ploy to run in 2012, and get called out on it, and be made to look like a complete jackass nationally and get sabotaged in your own back yard.

Fourth, run for the GOP ticket in 2012.

Gods above and below, I hope they nominate his ass.