Came across this brand new blog yesterday while researching the “Restore the Republic” video I wrote about as an update to my post about Glenn Beck and Chuck Norris and their “We Surround Them” coming TV event on Fox News.
Follow me below the fold for a glimpse into the hatred, paranoia and desires for the overthrow of our government that this blogger who hopes to sponsor a “Patriot March” on Washington, DC this July to protest the tyranny of the Federal Government under President Obama.
This is one wingnut’s vision of future events which he believes the Obama administration and control of Congress by the Democratic Party will bring about. Read it not because it is an “entertaining” piece of of unintended farce. Read it because of what it reveals about the mindset of far too many people who do not accept Obama’s victory, and believe he should be taken down “by any means necessary.” In that respect, it is deeply disturbing. This “prophecy” is from someone who listens to Fox News, is a member of the ditto head nation of Rush Limbaugh, and who likely attended one of those hate fests last October otherwise known as Sarah Palin rallies. I think his screed is representative of a new wave of right wing hatred and violence laced fantasies (and some far to real plans for home grown terrorist violence) which have re-emerged over the last year. So read it, please, if only to better know the insanity that is lurking in the shadows waiting for its moment in the sun.
Tipping PointSummer, 2009 – World financial markets and major corporations are collapsing under a wave of private and state-bank failures in Europe, the UK and the US. […] Argentina, Venezuela and Brazil, […] have been forced to slash social services. In response, violent riots are daily occurrences. […] In the U.S., national unemployment has pushed ABOVE 10% and in California it’s over 15% and by all indications will rise to all time highs reached during the Great Depression (20%). Unable to stop the hemorrhage of citizens leaving the Golden State due to job losses, suffocating taxes and a devastating drought which has crippled its agricultural base–plus a demand for social services the legislature refuses to consider cutting–Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declares the state officially bankrupt: The world’s eighth largest economy is officially in default.
And So It [sic] BeginsFall, 2009 – Illegal immigration fueled by rival gang and drug cartel wars along the U.S. / Mexican border has reached epidemic proportions with Arizona and Texas calling up the entire Army National Guard to protect its borders. California begs for federal assistance, but the ACLU sues in federal court claiming federal assistance is excessive, unwarranted and the governor improperly requested help. Unable to control the raging border violence which has spilled across the border into San Diego, the California National Guard is mobilized to assist in protecting the city’s citizens. President Obama pleads for calm, but offers no federal assistance (fearing his leftist-base’s anger at using force to stop the unrest). […]
In the wake of overwhelming chaos and lack of leadership in Washington, seven Southern States—Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas and South Carolina—plus Wyoming and Montana officially file secession legislation in their respective legislatures if a companion of bills [sic] pending in Congress passes. The first bill would end-run the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution by allowing the president to seek third and successive terms if congress deemed the country’s economic and national security situation were “serious and consequential”. Determination for such circumstances would be the sole responsibility of the Commander-in-Chief. Essentially, the president could merely invoke the trigger of the amendment by executive order and run for a third term of office.The second bill would grant the President extra-constitutional powers during periods of “grave” national crisis, thus federalizing all state National Guard units, state and municipal bureaucracies, and manage all media outlets. […]
Let’s stop there for a moment. This is a vision of a world in which Congress willingly grants Obama unlimited power, the same power President Bush and Vice President Cheney and his coterie of conservative legal beagles believed the President already possessed under the Constitution without Congressional approval (i.e., the unitary executive theory promoted by David Addington, John Yoo, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, etc.). Funny how suddenly, under this imagined nightmarish vision of the future, states which overwhelming voted for Bush despite (or because of) his extra-constitutional power grab, now see grounds for secession should Congress pass a law granting Obama the same powers for which Bush previously claimed (and exercised) no Congressional approval was necessary.
Contrast that with the recurring theme that Obama would take no action to assist states suffering civil unrest, riots and violence in order to assauge his “leftist base” and that the ACLU would act to block federal assistance successfully in Court. So on the one hand Obama and left wing organizations such as the ACLU will be all powerful, while at the same time they will do nothing to help Americans in distress. Hmmm. I guess this fellow doesn’t remember the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the incompetent (and highly politicized) federal response engineered by Presidnet Bush. The cognitive dissonance on display here is astounding.
One final note. Notice how the civil unrest and economic disaster is all caused by (1) a refusal to cut social services, (2) high taxes and (3) illegal immigration from Mexico. All too familiar right wing themes. That radical conservative policies and a a radical conservative president created the mess we are now in, is conveniently ignored and/or denied.
Burn Baby BurnSpring / Summer, 2010 — Both bills pass the House and Senate. Vice President Joe Biden casts the deciding vote. All Republicans in the House and Senate walk out and refuse to participate in any future legislative activity […] In response to the vote, all seven legislatures plus Montana and Wyoming vote to secede from the United States of America. President Obama immediately retaliates by invoking his newly created power and federalizes the states’ Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine National Guard Armed Forces for all 50 states. Protests break out across the nation. Gun ownership—already difficult—is made nearly impossible by a Presidential executive order suspending all gun AND ammunitions sale; including gun shows and private exchanges.Long simmering racial tensions—fueled by gas and commodity shortages, and exorbitant prices driven by runaway inflation—explode in Miami, Memphis, New Orleans, Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles, Boston and dozens of smaller cities. Governors and mayors in the affected states and cities declare martial law and install dusk to dawn curfews. Hundreds of civilians and law enforcement officers are injured—including over a dozen killed—in the uncontrolled rioting.Several high ranking Pentagon generals and admirals resign in protest of the congressional vote and declare the President in contempt of the constitution and guilty of high crimes and treason. The Obama administration has the Generals placed under house arrest and ordered to cease ALL communication with the media. White House vetted censors are placed within all media outlets. Fox News refuses and the government immediately blocks its satellite links and shuts down internet domains. Popular conservative talk-show hosts are forbidden to broadcast—particularly Rush Limbaugh—who is placed under house arrest and forbidden to talk to the media.
Notice the projection. Obama will become a dictator overnight, arresting Generals who speak out against him, installing government censors at al media outlets (hey, at least that would create a few jobs) and – GASP! – placing Rush Limbaugh, patron saint of all that is good and holy in Conservative America, under house arrest. Not to mention that greatest of all wingnut fears: the loss of their right to bear arms.
Meanwhile the good citizens of Red State America will be left to their own devices to confront this wave of racial rioting, violence, looting, etc. Again Obama is viewed as both all powerful and a tyrant, yet also as a powerless and sadly ineffective tyrant, unable to deal with the ongoing crisis. Remind you of anyone? Well, we all know what’s coming next, but let’s let our semi-literate wingnut fantasist tell us his tale in his own ill chosen words.
As the severity of economic depression both quickens and worsens, wave after wave of violent and uncontrollable riots spread across the U.S. Several other states join the original nine secessionist states and declare independence. Obama orders all military stationed abroad to immediately return to the U.S. to bring “order and unity” back to a quickly fracturing U.S.A mass arrest of senior military officers is ordered by Obama after the Secret Service and FBI allegedly uncover a high-level military plot to remove him from office. To enforce loyalty, Obama has hand-picked political loyalists appointed to the Pentagon to monitor all troop movements. Senior military officers not arrested are threatened with imprisonment if they defy the president. Secret Service and FBI personnel are also attached to monitor the Pentagon, CIA and other intelligence and federal police agencies.As essential services across the U.S. spiral to a standstill and race riots and counter riots intensify, Obama further clamps down by ordering the governors to use all necessary force to stop the violence, including “unrestricted” use of lethal force. Several governors refuse and in reaction, civilian militia groups form to counter heavy-handed federal activity and maintain local order. […]
Yea verily, we shall be saved by stout hearted men joining self created militias to prevent the evil federal government from slaughtering its own people! Wolverines! It’s a vapid mixture of Red Dawn and The Manchurian Candidate all over again, with Obama in the lead role as the evil Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-Communist (and Fascist) invader/sleeper cell agent single-handedly out to destroy our freedoms. Meanwhile what’s happening overseas while Obama works his evil voodoo magic on the Greatest Nation on Earth?
Iran [fires] two nuclear tipped missiles at Israel[.] Both are intercepted by state-of-the-art patriot ground to air missiles and Israel immediately retaliates by exploding high altitude nuclear devices (EMPs) over Iran and Syria. […] Within 48 hours, Israeli fighters and bombers have degraded the military capability and infrastructure of both countries to rubble. […]
In retaliation, the UN convenes an emergency meeting and demands—in an extraordinary action—that all member nations not only boycott Israel, but the Security Council take up resolutions that would in effect place the world body at a state of war with Israel. Obama’s UN representative advises calm and reason, but does not reject or protest these resolutions. In fact, she criticizes Israel for “excessive and unwarranted” actions in defense against the Iranian provocation.
Yes, Obama stabs Israel in the back. And the evil UN helps! But at least Iran and Syria are toast.
And now for the big Star Wars ending!
Return of the JediSpring / Summer, 2011 – Civilian militia groups loyal to secessionist states begin to increasingly—and successfully—confront military units loyal to the Obama administration. These militia groups are often lead by state and local police officers (including federalized military deserters) with substantial military training. [Steven D here: You just knew this was coming, didn’t you?] As these armed clashes increase in number and ferocity, the Obama administration orders the military to clamp down on “unpatriotic forces” by imprisoning local leaders and quarantining cities and towns that support the freedom fighters. […] Rumors of massacres and abuses by Obama’s forces circulate in dissident internet traffic, but are not officially reported by the media. In retaliation, heavily armed and well-trained secessionist units begin a campaign of successful hit and run attacks to demoralize and frustrate Obama’s nationalized army. Captured federalized officers are forced to confess atrocities—subsequently broadcast on a heavily censored internet.As Obama’s unfocused attention is split between a Middle East in the throes of all out war, Russian expansion back into Eastern Europe, the Baltic’s and southern Europe, and Chinese opportunism against Taiwan, he prepares to attend a conference to seek foreign support to maintain domestic and regional order. In the wake of this unprecedented disorder, nervous administration allies secretly reach out to active and retired military officers. [Steven D: Obama is no Emperor Palpitine, that’s for sure] […] [A] plan is hatched to end the chaos and remove Obama and his administration.A heavily armed presidential security caravan departs the White House headed for Andrews AFB where Obama will board Air Force One for the conference. After all White House personnel and security are loaded and Air Force One is prepared to take off, there is a sudden and violence-free takeover of the air traffic tower. The tower takeover is immediately followed by the sudden emergence of four Apache helicopters from behind two idle hangers. The Apache’s are bristling with laser guided missiles locked on Air Force One and the escort F-15s. With no time to react or negotiate as the Apache’s computer-guided missile systems impatiently ping Air Force One and the surprised F-15s, the tower orders Obama to depart AFO immediately or the Apaches will fire. With no time to negotiate or compromise, Obama is forced to deplane. He reluctantly walks to the bottom of the ramp where a black SUV whisks him away. Two buses pull to within a short walking distance from the ramp of AFO to accept the Secret Service, FBI and White House personnel. Reporters are ordered to remain on the aircraft while patriot forces board and interrogate them. [Steven D: Still can’t trust those liberal media types] Back in DC, the Vice President and his security detail are ambushed and overwhelmed after leaving a speaking engagement. Unfortunately, though more violent and bloody than the capture of the president, the Veep is secured as well.On vacation in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi—third in line for presidential succession—is alerted to the putsch and feverishly tries to organize an armed escort back to DC. Her chief of staff is told that if she leaves SF, her plane will be shot down. Military advisors [sic] confirm this and advise the speaker not to attempt a return. The Speaker is also cautioned to cease all legislative activities and not to resume her duties—or she will be stopped by any and all means. Forth in line for the presidency—Hillary Clinton—is also notified of the revolt while on official mission in the Middle East. After consultation with the Secret Service and her military attaché, she is advised not to return to the States. She is told that all incoming international air traffic has been stopped and ALL aircraft entering U.S.airspace will be considered hostile and shot down. Secret Service and intelligence services attached to her detail confirm this.
Meanwhile, military forces in the U.S. suspend national legislative activity, but request that state and local activity continue unrestricted. Media restrictions are lifted, but some media outlets are cautioned that they risk censor if they engage in promotion of the Obama administration or its policies. Israel is advised to mop up its operations in Iran and Syria but not to engage in further military activity. U.N representatives are ordered to their home countries immediately with no time-line for return.
All 50 states are ordered asked to send representatives to Washington to debate the future of the U.S. amid historic and nearly uncontrollable chaos. Against this backdrop of strong regional differences, ideological fissures, and U.S./ Mexican border turmoil (aggressively combated by army and civilian militia forces) several petitions are offered that would essentially break the U.S. into semi-autonomous regions. […]
That’s right, a military coup aided by Patriotic Rebel Forces (I know, that’s an oxymoron) bring down Obama and his Evil Empire. The world goes to shit, the US likely breaks up into numerous “autonomous regions”, but at least Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton will never work their seditious feminine wiles on good hearted men ever again. Oh, and that first Black President ends up like every other African Despot — deposed.
Now, I’ve liberally mocked this guy’s apocalyptic “prophecy” of the End Times for the United States, but rest assured, I take him, and the many like him very seriously. As should you. It only takes a few delusional maniacs to blow up a Federal building (Oklahoma City and Tim McVeigh), gather together the makings for a dirty bomb (Mr. “I abused my wife and all I got these bullet holes in my chest” Cummings), or assassinate a popular President or other political figures (JFK, MLK, and Lincoln, to name but a few). Not to mention the undeniable evidence that mentally unstable individuals, stirred up by the leading conservative hatemongers of our times, have already taken to hunting and killing “liberals” (James Adkisson).
These people are sincere in their derangement. Liberals who oppose their government go to anti-war rallies. Conservatives form “militias” and “armed border patrols” like the Minutemen Movement, bomb federal buildings (or plan to do so) and shoot to kill their “enemies.” Their fantasies about rebellions and military coups and overthrowing the US government may be unrealistic and borderline psychotic in its paranoia and hatred of all those who don’t believe as they do. However, thanks to people like Chuck Norris, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and a whole host of lesser right wing “talk jocks” providing the “truthiness” and radical right wing propaganda talking points which fuels their delusions, all too often violence perpetrated against their fellow Americans is the end result.
Ignore their insanity at your peril.
This dude better hurry and send his script over to Fox. I believe he has just written the next season of 24.
I guess in this case Chuck Norris would be Jack Bauer.
Serious people with serious access to guns and more, jobless and fixated on destruction for the sole sake of destruction.
Hatred, like a stalker leaves no time in the day to be a productive worker, tortured death is all that is left for them to produce.
This article is a powerful argument for the return of the Fairness Doctrine so these right-wing apostles of hate can be answered directly by citizens desiring to set the record straight.
The federal government is under no obligation to provide the likes of Hannity, Limberger et al with an unchallenged forum to propagate messages of delirium and revolution over the air waves which, if I am not mistaken, belong to all of us.
Time for the national government to take steps to provide for the health of all its citizens; in this case, the mental health of the body politic. Let there be an open and frank discussion of these basic issues, which the Fairness Doctrine would provide. Let’s put the right wingers to the test and see if they really care about the first amendment or is their devotion just a charade?
that is some crazy-ass shit steven. how much meth you think that guy smoked to get this all out?
but yeah, you have to take these nutballs seriously. and i hope some of this has been reported to the FBI.
And hey, thanks to bush Wingy McWingnut’s phone can be tapped without a warrant and obama can put him away on suspicion of of terrorism (no charges, no due process, just an allegation).
holy shit, he really DOES say “rturn of the jedi”.
that. is. AWESOME.
Who knew Cheney was Yoda? And Bush Obiwan?
with Rush Limbaugh as Jabba the Butt.
You should cross-post your diary. You’ve been all over this issue and should have your perspective seen by more eyeballs.
It’s over at orange now.
get this on kos and oxdown gazette (firedoglake).
i will link during lunch.
In the United States of America the political right has become a dangerous and violent entity. We ignore them at our own peril. Make no mistake-they do constitute a threat to all of us-and this needs to be taken very seriously. I do not even want to know what they are truly capable of. It is just-plain-too frightening.
Wow. Scary stuff. My nightmares usually just involve someone chasing me, or something similar. This guy needs therapy.
Like I keep saying folks, it’ll only take one of these lunatics to get lucky.
This kind of insurrection fiction has been around for so long the first similar screed I read was reproduced on a mimeograph machine. If you substitute the name Johnson or Nixon for Obama, there were even left-wing versions back in the sixties and early seventies. Some people are always dreaming about anarchy… Like to like, they form militias/freedom fighter/resistance/ and/or survivalist clubs. It’s a mental derangement triggered by issues with father figures, gift-wrapped in flags and tied with explosive bows.
Maybe one among a thousand such groups actually do something. Like the Weather Underground or McVeigh/Nichols or al Qaeda. The vast majority are placated by mouthing-off and playing war games. Thankfully, most of them vent their madness by preparing for “it” to happen instead of making “it” happen.
I’m not saying these nuts aren’t scary. I’m just providing some perspective: This is nothing new or distinctly different from previous variations. And, yes, I’ll point out that “liberals” have had “guerilla training camps” in the past, complete with semi-automatics and bomb-making classes. The nuts — on the Left and Right — we really need to worry about don’t publish rants on blogs or have “meet-ups” at a local Holiday Inn. We can relax, assured that the FBI knows where they live.
I’d agree with you if we weren’t entering a Depression while fighting two un-winnable wars in Asia at the same time. During the Clinton years when the economy was booming we still had a McVeigh bombing the Federal Building in OK City and the growth of hundreds of militias. Now, in a time of far greater economic and psychological stress, I get a little more concerned when I read this crap, or watch the Restore The Republic video, or hear from Chuck Norris about cells of like minded souls who think Obama is a tyrant and talk openly about secession and support for members of the military and intelligence communities refusing to obey the President’s orders.
Just what is the evolutionary value of hate and fear?