Pick your poison.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Pick your poison.
oh my fucking jesus.
I already had a headache, and now it’s worse, thanks to YOU. Why did I follow that link?
the stupid, my god how it burrrrrrns, it burrrrrrrns!
impossible to pick the stupidest part?
the stupid part: “yes…<insert stupid>…Christianity.”
if l had to pick just one sentence, this would be it: “Nevertheless, I respect Rush for his independence of thought and his always provocative news analysis.”
She respects Rush for the same reason she respects herself – they’re both professional shit-disturbers, neither with an ounce of perspective.
Oh no! (or should that be oh noz?) President Obama has failed again!
This has to be about her concern troll column in Salon, right?
Paglia’s been dialing that column in ever since re-launched it. When it comes to political theater, every point she makes in every single column comes directly from the rightwing talk radio hit parade. She doesn’t even try to hide it. Maybe she gets kick-backs from Rush and Hannity. Who knows? What is clear is that there is an entire alternative universe created by rightwing radio and Paglia’s columns are dispatches from it.
dispatches from the past. the late, great, and sorely missed, molly ivins wrote the definitive smack down of paglia nearly 20 years ago, it’s brutal, and spot on:
some things never change.
Oh yeah, she loves Rush for labeling real feminists (who see right through her self-serving schtick), “feminazis:”
So why is she at Salon, founded by people with a more liberal bent?
The first few paragraphs of her article are right on… She blows it by focusing on Limbaugh… she should have made THAT an aside and instead focused on the embarrassing gift Obama gave to Gordon Brown or Tim “Deer in the headlights” Geithner and his perpetual inability to know which way is up.
Uh, she blows it by admitting she is herself a Limbaugh supporter, thereby losing all credibility on any issue of importance.
I’m not sure Paglia is, in any meaningful way, a Limbaugh supporter. Or that she actually has any real political views. Her life is devoted to pissing people off, and I think she just chose the Left to piss off because she knows we probably won’t kill her. She’s the equivalent of those teenage boys who ride around areas with lots of pedestrians and yell loudly out their windows as they approach one just to see them jump.
Want to get even with her? Ignore her. We are her audience, not the wingnuts whose views she adopts to piss us off. It’s our clickthroughs that sell ad impressions on the Salon pages where she is featured.
What Paglia makes obvious in her first few paragraphs is that 100% of her information comes from right-wing propaganda. Absolutely nothing is balanced against, I don’t know, uh, reality?!?!?