Mark Danner has two articles in today’s New York Times about the International Red Cross’s confidential report (which he obtained) on the treatment of terrorist suspects at CIA black sites. The longer article is in the Review of Books and the shorter one appears on the Opinion page. The information is credible and proves that George W. Bush flatly lied when he said the United States does not torture. I recommend you send links to these articles to your wingnut friends and relatives.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
well, that made for depressing reading, no?
No point is sending it to the wingnuts I know. They have no problem with torture. Most American dont IMO so long as “it keeps us safe”
but it didn’t keep us safe.
They have no interest in that. Have we been attacked again since 9/11? Didn’t these torture victims give up other bad guys and thwarted attacks? They’ll tell you so.
Didn’t Ari Fleischer say that to Chris Matthews just last week? It must be working.
They also will discredit the publication as liberal, a very convenient tactic for any info they don’t want to accept or acknowledge.
It is dangerous to pretend that it all started with George W. Bush, or that it will end now that he is gone.
America has always tortured. The use of torture by America did not begin with George W. Bush, and will not end with George W. Bush.