If a girl telling you she is on the pill dissipates the ‘residual enthusiasm you feel for the venture with shocking speed’ you might be the new conservative columnist for the New York Times. I mean, he thought it was a good idea to have sex until he found out the girl used her own birth control? That was a turn-off?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
there’s nothing like the prospect of unintended, unwanted pregnancy resulting from a drunken one-night stand with a relative stranger to get my juices flowing.
And if you REALLy want to give me a boner, just coo those sexxxxxy words “18 years of child support” and “babymama”. GRRRRRRROOWWWWWLLLLLL! Thta’s hot.
signed, ross asshat.
NR interview with Ross Douthat, author of
(Harvard) … has many of early-21st century America’s strengths — but many of the country’s weaknesses as well. Its diversity is skin-deep: like the country as a whole, Harvard is actually getting more class-stratified, not less so, both within the school and in how well the student body reflects the broader society. Its scientific successes have been balanced by drift and even rot in the humanities, which mirror the larger rot in American popular culture; its formidable clout is undercut by a deep insecurity about its purpose and it founding ideals; and perhaps most importantly, its unprecedented wealth has too often fostered a spirit of materialism, greed, and success-at-all-costs. Harvard doesn’t “hate America,” as one conservative writer once put it — it is modern America, with all the good and bad that being modern America entails.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
what might he mean by that?
just read the interview – gives supercilious a new meaning. and he certainly trashes Harvard!!! from what I’ve heard Harvard is very diverse in nationality, ethnicity and also class because they admit the best students from all over the world and can afford to give full $$. guess he never looked up from his elite lunches, or ventured outside the dorm.
He doesn’t seem to have been turned-on in the first place:
She was kissing him. Instead of lying there passively being kissed?
She was thrusting out her boobs. Instead of him ripping the pajama top off of her?
She wanted to have sex. Instead of fulfilling his rape fantasies?
Her being on birth control was the last straw for him because that meant she was already sexually experienced and would know a) he was too drunk to get hard, b) his penis is the size of a pencil stub, and/or c) she was a feminazi bonecrusher!
these dudes don’t have issues with women, they’ve got life time subscriptions. this is some seriously weird shit.
a textbook worthy example of RAT sexual dissonance, aka: perversion.
maybe he and ross are the latest reincarnations of the infamous original doughboy, al goldstein.
in their dreams, eh?
Assuming that passage is accurately listed as written, it’s not even correct English. It doesn’t even make any sense.