This is truly a story for the ages. Today’s WSJ  portrays two very special Madoff victims: a pair of artists, Arakawa and Madeline Gin, who designed houses, that are meant to prolong the lives of their inhabitants and perhaps even make them immortal by making them uncomfortable.

… They build buildings with no doors inside. They place rooms far apart. They put windows near the ceiling or near the floor. Between rooms are sloping, bumpy moonscape-like floors designed to throw occupants off balance. These features, they argue, stimulate the body and mind, thus prolonging life. “You become like a baby,” says Mr. Arakawa.

The pair financed their work by investing with Bernie Madoff, no doubt attracted by the, ahem, great comfort that came with those uncannily regular returns…

In general I really try not to gloat but this is just too funny.

Here is video.