What happens when you whip up outrage in a struggling global economy? The Hill discusses the security threats for Obama when he travels to London next month to attend the G20 summit. These types of summits always attract anarchists and other anti-globalization protesters, but this year they have a new theme:
Another group, known as G20 Meltdown, distributed a flier with a picture of dummy hanging by a noose and the caption “what a banker,” calling on agitators to storm the Bank of England at noon on April 1. “We should kick the bankers and their political cronies out of the city and out of power. This is really the beginning of the end.”
A rallying cry of the groups, as heard at a protest outside the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters earlier this month, has been “stay warm during the credit crunch — burn a banker.”
I certainly understand the sentiment. It’s the same sentiment that is so dismissive of issues of fairness that they’re happy if a rich person, any rich person, loses a ton of money for no good reason. There are merits in gathering an angry mob, but you must be able to control it and you must use it for sane political ends. If you’re just as unhinged as the mob you lead, then gathering a mob just makes you dangerous.
Mob Rule – a mob never rules itself but is ruled by “leaders of the moment”. A mob is directed by inflamed passion. A mob is agitated by manipulators.
A mob, by definition, is incapable of governance.
A mob is a tool.
Now, tools are neutral. They serve a function. A hammer is a hammer whether it hits a nail or skull.
Political change happens when the mob threatens the status quo. Sometimes the change is the opposite of what’s desired – more oppression versus less.
The passion, if not the actions of a mob, is a genuine reflection of public sentiment. We KNOW the anger of the public is great and yet nothing changes. Only mob action – destruction of public and private property, assault, battery, and murder of the CEO and upper management class, and refusal to cooperate until changes are made – is probably the only thing to get POWER to adjust.
Except it won’t happen, because when the mob appears, so will the micro-wave brain burners and other non-lethal weapons in the aresenal.
A mob is whipped up by passion and destroyed by pain. (And it doesn’t take a lot.)
“Except it won’t happen, because when the mob appears, so will the micro-wave brain burners and other non-lethal weapons in the aresenal.”
In this country there are just enough loonies with the stocks of weapons that are probably waiting for a moment like that… And when it happens the mobs may just become bigger and be more armed.
Or they may just all lock themselves in the John. (They would prefer we use the more romanticized randian version of “Going Galt” – too bad for them that I would prefer to mock them.)
Mobs are excellent, however, for burning Rome once it’s been revealed as rotten to the core.
Call me ‘old school’ but looting the banks and the ultimate destruction of Capitalism is looking more attractive than ever.
How many “it’s too late” warnings do we need to hear before we understand that Capitalism and continued life on Earth are mutually exclusive? Just take Global Warming alone and one understands the time for deliberative politics is near dead.
The Mob is there to ensure that when the hand-wringers’ fail us, we may still act to save ourselves. Many people are rightfully concluding that this is such a time. More every day, I am sure.
“Fairness” has never been on the agenda of leadership, so that deficit can be forgiven of the mob, of which it should never reasonably be expected.
It’s been a long standing opinion of mine that the only time you get real change is when the PTB feel physically threatened. One wonders where Northern Ireland would be without Shin Fein, African Americans without the Panthers and Malcolm.
Where will banking reform be without a few good roving looters?
Just not PNC, ok folks?
Eh, I’ve begun forming a cadre of individuals with necessary skills to survive after societal collapse. We are plotting out the best places to retreat to, to secure the resources (arable land, fresh water) we need to rebuild.
These are contingency plans only, but even if we never have to implement it’s a good thought experiment in what is “essential” and what is “necessary” to avoid going back into dark ages-style subsistence.
I’m with you, but I’m more operationally minded at this time: I’ve concluded we well are passed the ‘no return’ limits on several critical issues that will prevent peaceable reconstruction of the current system into a sustainable form.
I have two tracks: one where the big wigs just go away and leave local folks to get their lives on in a sustainable and the other which requires a ‘final escape’ from Western Capitalism’s demise (let others try to destroy it). I just can’t conceive of a near future that doesn’t require one or both tracks to be prepared for ASAP.
For track one, I (well, mostly other folks) am trying to rally my local community around the idea of regional self-sufficiency where possible. Problem is, eventually all the unprepared will come calling – hence my vocal calls for others to act to bolster their own self-sufficiency NOW else risk be rejected at my door once it’s all gone to pot.
For the ‘final escape’ plan, I have 40 acres land in the Bahamas that’s not exactly the best place to farm.. but if you like seaweed and fish… consider it available.
I’ve been studying various systems of how agricultural states raised and maintained armies to determine the system to be planned.
Because make no mistake, I know we’ll have to fight.
The mob actually kind of scares me a bit too, but i don’t blame people for wanting to “burn a banker”. Not after what’s happened to the economy on their watch and at their behest.
If someone destroyed my life savings (not that i have any), i would want to light them on fire too.
And i DID take a hit, albeit indirectly. My father has, or rather had, a substantial amount of money saved for retirement, and when he and my mom pass away, obviously some of that is for me. That sum is a LOT less than it was a year or so ago.
anarchronarchist writes “It’s been a long standing opinion of mine that the only time you get real change is when the PTB feel physically threatened. “
I feel the same way: no one has ever had freedom or rights given to them, they have had to take it by force.
“anarchronarchist writes “It’s been a long standing opinion of mine that the only time you get real change is when the PTB feel physically threatened. “
I feel the same way: no one has ever had freedom or rights given to them, they have had to take it by force”
Ah, so this is how it’s gong to be . . . you’re going to help Obama commit an act of financial terrorism. You claim to understand how the people are upset with the banking class but . . . . we all need to just STFU and do what they say. Like always. Obma’s mindless minions want us to STFU and give the last bit of this country to Obama’s Wall Street masters.
We’ve already given them over 11 Trillion dollars . . .
and still you come back with this fiancial terrorism trying to squeeze the last bit of money out of real Americans before this sucker blows. If the mob is “dangerous” how do you describe your role or Obama’s role? It appears to me he is engaging in financial terrorism and robbing the American taxpayer for the benefit of bankers. Any sort of squawking about it and you immediately step in to say “leave the bankers alone”. Your whole approach is ridonculous. Our country has been run for the benefit of bankers and not real Americans for decades now!!! Any sentient being can see this. Only Obama partisans and those that have completely sold out to Wall Street would be making the argument we should be more solicitous of Wall Street. Your credibility is shot. You evidently will follow the bankers and the DLC and Obama down the path to complete corporate toolhood. You fools are signing up to corporate tools right when the public is finally figuring out the system is rigged. And a corporate tool does not make a good blogger.
We need to give Wall Street a break??? My God man are you not getting it. You and Obama have spent ALL your credibility, your political capital, to defend bankers and a crazy rigged system wherein they get all the benefits and real Americans get screwed and get terroristic threats from the bankers and their tools in Washington. The bankers hate real America. Real America is suffering. We are talking about the future of this country and you throw down the gauntlet and announce you will go to war for Wall Street and serve as their humble tool (pro bono?). Suckers.
We are a nation of suckers and hucksters. The Democrats are Kings of Suckers. No wonder Obama and his mindless minions will now go on a blame the victims tour. It’s the American people who are unserious and unhinged because they won’t quietly give money to bankers with no string attached like the Democratic sluts that will blow any banker for peanuts. We should all just bow down to our corporate overlords and start shoveling money at them faster.
The righteous anger at the wealth of this county being stolen and given to the top 5% is necessary. Why are you trying to assist in the theft? Why do you hate America?
This administration is acting like financial terrorists. So are you. Blame the victims. Indeed. Thanks for helping Obama put a gun to our heads and say pay off the bankers or else . . . . What dishonesty. What crap.
The Democratic party is dead. You are owned by the bankers now. Your acts of financial terrorism might work in the short term but my guess is the American people are sick and tired of being victims of terroristic threats, especially coming from bankers and their bought and paid for bitches.
there’s a party in London next month. You should book a ticket.
Well, believe it or not, while I can understand the anger I don’t share the same goals as these groups. I have no interest going to London and protesting that way.
However, I will spend my time getting angry at those that caused this problem and won’t take the bait from the right-wing (like you are doing) and blame those on the Left or those that are angry for the world’s problems. It is not the anarchist or the peoples’ rightous anger that is problem. No, the problem is you and your corrupted party and your masters on Wall Street.
The fact you are taking the bait and blaming anarchists or the “mob” and not focusing on the systemic rot in our economic system speaks volumes. This is why I’m done with the Democratic party. The self-defeating cowardly and traitorous tendencies are simply too embedded in the Democratic party. Instead of standing up for the people you seek to pile unfair blame on the scapegoats on the Left: whether it is Kucinich, or Wes Clark, or Some Angry Black Preacher, or anarchist–you and the conservative Democrats always blame liberals. It’s a sickness. Or you are completely on the other side. I don’t know. But anarchists or people that are angry at bankers are not responsible for our problems. Until you accept that you will be stuck in an approach that blames the victims.
And the victims are getting wise to the financial terrorism you and your party are engaging in. Go ahead. Try to scare everyone with these crazy anarchists. I’m sure you’ll get the media to take the bait and scare everyone that if we don’t give traders 3/4 million dollar bonuuses to gamble on stocks then the only alternative is gangs of 20 year old black-clad kids keying Mercedes. I know that’s your schtick. But it ain’t gonna stick this time. The victims are done with your finiancial terrorism. I’m less scared of these kids getting beat up by the paramilitary police force in London than I am of these bankers.
However, I will spend my time getting angry at those that caused this problem and won’t take the bait from the right-wing (like you are doing) and blame those on the Left or those that are angry for the world’s problems. It is not the anarchist or the peoples’ rightous anger that is problem. No, the problem is you and your corrupted party and your masters on Wall Street.
I’m with ya SFhawk, but it really isn’t worth getting angry about, because there is nothing you can do. It’s their government now, bought and paid for a long time ago – they don’t have to care what you or I think because there is nothing we can do to stop them from giving themselves trillions of dollars.
I advise you to take Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s advice to heart: “Don’t believe them, don’t fear them, don’t ask anything of them.”
Yeah. That sounds right. And I take that advice on my good days . . . until I get suckered back into caring again . . .
I’ve definitely looked out for myself first though. I’m more prepared than most. I still feel like reaching out to my fellows though.
I guess I’m an optimist and I think that the good in America will come out and that people will finally realize the scam and take back what is ours. I’m as guilty of the next guy of falling for the false promise of hope. But at least I wasn’t foolish enough to pin all my hope on the shoulders of one conservative Democrat.
I was just thinking about this today after seeing, this BooMan.
Also heard today on Bloomberg the former CEO of Bank of Scotland’s house and car were vadalized. Nice.
They damaged the house and Mercedes of Fred Goodwin, RBS head:
It’s begun.
See, the way to get back at that guy isn’t to break his windows and key his Mercedes. It’s to change the laws so he can’t repeat his act of raping the rest of us. Hell, maybe we can even try to claw back some of the money he has.
I confess that a part of me kind of likes the fact that these people are being intimidated. But it’s not the better part of me.
I like it too.
I also like the fact that in Connecticut, they’re taking poor people from bridgeport on bus tours of fairfield, wilton, and weston, so they can see how billionaires live.
not very comfortable for these people now.
see, they should go to Newport. Much classier.
LOL, you’ve don’t know the newport i know
newport’s where the millionaires used to go on vacation in the 1920s. those mansions? i shit you not, they were actually “summer cottages” for the Astors and Vanderbilts. Now those are historic sites; most fo the residents are middle-class and dirtbags. Our parents worked for the navy base and the associated defense industries (my old man worked for IBM on the trident subs).
On the other hand, western connecticut is where the wealthy actually live. I used to canvas for greenpeace when i lived in new haven, and we’d get the big bucks from our trips to litchfield, ridgefield, fairfield…
just visit my facebook page for a view of “classy” newport.
Most of the NY bankers and insurers are in Greenwich, aka: “Banksville”… Though, I think that Stamford has recently taken over the spot as the richest town (on one of those average incomes of some sort) They will hit Newport and points north in the summer, I am sure.
I hated living in Greenwich. Not all of them are stuck up assholes, but more than enough of them are and are not ashamed to show it.
that was the weird thing about growing up in newport. every summer, the wealthy would pour in, spending their money everywhere. we hated them but loved their cash.
then, on labor day, they’d all disappear, and everyone was poor again.
from what my friends who still live there tell me, the town has become much less family friendly than it used to be: owning property is out of reach for most people, and the town has invested way more in being a tourist playgorund than a place where people live.
“I confess that a part of me kind of likes the fact that these people are being intimidated. But it’s not the better part of me.”
Take a look around at the stories you read about from and about your peers and friends and the stuff you see going on in killerdelphia everyday and tell me that the it is not really the better part of you that enjoys this just a bit?
There is no shame in feeling just a twinge, a tiny little tingle, of joy seeing ruthless criminals (when you look at how they have made their money off of the poorest and weakest of the world – they are all, for the most part, ruthless criminals) getting their well deserved and hard earned comeuppance.
If you had said you were going to pop a bottle of champagne and have a viewing party to celebrate this violence? Then I might say you were talking about the worst in yourself.
But a little schadenfreud type feeling about this has got to be a good, honest and human/e reaction.
Violence against people is bad.
Losing trillions is bad.
Are they morally equivalent in any way?
The mob will be comprised entirely of agents provocateurs and useful idiots.
Sounds like the general population.
Sorry, that should have been “agents provocateur.”
It’s the same sentiment that is so dismissive of issues of fairness that they’re happy if a rich person, any rich person, loses a ton of money for no good reason.
You’re not actually defending Mr. DeSantis’ whinefest are you?
Defending it?
I don’t know. At least in part, I am.
If I were him I’d be a little more sensitive about complaining about the loss of pay when so many are hurting.
But his points are pretty close to unassailable.
If AIG had paid out those ‘bonuses’ as regular salary pay instead of as a balloon payment, these folks would be getting the money they were promised for work they performed. If we want to retroactively collect 90% of the salaries over $250,000 of everyone working on Wall Street because it makes us feel good, then we’ve become the assholes.
Do I feel sorry for the people at AIG? No. But I don’t think throwing a tantrum and lashing out blindly at whoever gets in the crosshairs is responsible or fair governance.
“That’s his name, sir, ‘Major Asshole'”.
That movie is goofy.
Funny how your outrage regarding the sanctity of contract is selective.
Corporate America promises, via contract, to pay pensions to working Americans. Corporate America, with the help of the Democratic politicians, violate these contracts, literally, and we don’t hear a peep from Democratic politicians and their boosters about the sanctity of contract. It’s also funny how you and your Democratic friends mad hardly a peeop about violating auto workers contracts. Tehy were supposed to take one for the team and give up their hard fought contract but this pig trader’s contract is hallowed. I see how you work.
We have to bend over backwards to “honor” a sweetheart contract given to a pig trader in an insolvent firm that lost billions and is not being forced to go through bankruptcy or downsizing like a normal insolvent firm would. No. These are sancrosanct contracts that make America great. The guy working on the manufacturing lines or depending on social security is a chump and promises made to him are voidable . . after all it’s time for sacrifice.
Absolutely hilarious. Democrats defending the sanctity of contract for equities traders (evidently the engine of American capitalism is 3/4 million dollar bonuses for traders) while destroying working Americans pensions and social security promises (a social contract if you will) is accepted wisdom.
Your selective outrage is noted and is entirely consistant with a party that cares more about Wall Street than working Americans.
Well, it is rather consistent with his toungejacking of Financial America. I smell someone trying like the devil (or making a deal with said entity) to get a column in the MSM or as an aide for someone like Bayh. What better way than to lecture us as to how we that work and actually create goods are the whiners for wishing to get paid a living wage commensurate with our skills, and the ones who complain on the pages of the MSM who created no value in this economy are the righteous? It may taste like ambrosia, but his tongue and lips are brown.
I didn’t mind the defense of the Geithner plan, simply because there is a difference of opinion about it, but this really smacks of either protecting one’s own interest or a monumental suckup to get into the club. And it disgusts me no end. “Unassailable”, eh? Those words are going to be thrown back at you Booman, when another worker contract is abrogated “for the good of the country”.
Nothing like substituting personal attacks for an argument.
One of the reasons I’ve taken a bit of a devil’s advocate role of late is because my comrades are behaving like a raving mob rather than cool-headed analysts.
It’s logical imprecision and dishonesty and passion overwhelming reason that I’m attacking. And I get a lot of responses from people that don’t address my points.
There isn’t even the loosest logic in you telling me that I am in favor of (or, at least do not object to) wiping out pensions because I am in favor of paying people what they were promised for their work.
If you do not join the crowd in hysterically repeating absurd “leftist” attacks on the President that are, by pure coincidence word-for-word copies of attacks by the right, then you must support the corporate boot in the face of mankind. It’s that simple.