Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This week’s theme: Random. Show us what you got.
Website of the Week: Photomuse. A resource for Scholarship in the History of Photography.
AndiF Random Cliches
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Given enough rope
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All that glitters
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Reach exceeds grasp
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olivia’s random
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Iron cross oxalis
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- Next Week’s Theme: Story Time. What stories do your pictures have to tell?
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When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Very nice and welcome indeed!
Gorgeous set, especially the setting of the yellow flowers against the blue, blue sky. I am jealous of all your beautiful blossoms (and their visitors).
All of these were taken last week a Harry P. Leu Botanical Garden’s annual plant sale. And yes, the car was full on the way home.
Morning Bob. Lovely images, especially the yellow – it’s so cheery. Do you know what the pink blossoms are in the second photo?
Thanks, it’s a Tropic Blaze nectarine, ‘Martha Jane’.
I feel warmer already!
Beautiful photos, Bob.
Were still mostly gray and brown here. Thanks for the blast of colors.
Seconded. Utterly.
Oh my! Colors are slowly appearing in my part of the world – your blast of color is delightful.
I, too, really like the yellow against the deep blue sky.
No, she didn’t create it. Just photographed it. 🙂
Delicious! Just a beautiful image.
Well somebody (or two somebodies) is creative.
Hi LEP … lol, never know what she’s going to find next. And belated birthday wishes (saw her blowing out the candle over at ET …:)
We’re doing things a little differently today. I’m off of work right now (usually work 7a-7p) but I’ll be working the overnight so I can drop some photos now and maybe even come back again before my shift actually starts!
This is the chandelier that hangs in the entrance to the Franklin Institute in Philly. It doesn’t really look like one at first:
Until you step out from directly underneath it, that is:
Love the patterns of the top shot.
The intricate design reminds me of some of Hurria’s pictures.
Hey there … saw this when you posted on your b and thought it was fantastic! (Tried to leave a comment, but I’ve been having trouble getting comments to stick at haloscan lately.) I love the first shot — love the colours and light, and how it darkens towards the outside. Great eye!
That’s odd cuz I don’t have Haloscan comments on the WordPress account. I wonder what happened.
But thanks for noticing it regardless. I boosted the blacks just a tad on the top shot so that the focus remained more on the center of the image but it’s still essentially as it was – a dark shot with lots of light in the center.
(Oops, I figured it was haloscan b/c I know I was having trouble w/ that at b2’s site. I tried to post it a couple times but it never stuck. I’ll try again and let you know.)
You did a great job w/ it. It looked like a mehndi pattern (henna) at first — one of those images that stops you and makes you really look.
aka: the morning after the day before
no parking anytime
crater b&w in colour
crater context: sorry, alfresco dining unavailable
sun’n buds
branching out
clik to biggerize
Love the second shot — the patented dada-finds-the-perfect-framing shot. 🙂
The extremes of the last shot work so well together.
I really like image #4, dada — the way it captures transformation/contrast. Very beautiful.
LOL d … no more snow. Hope it melts quickly. 🙂
Love the shot w/ the sun and snow on branches though — that’s really pretty.
dada – I’m finding myself looking at the world a bit differently after seeing your photos like “crater” – looking at a “whole,” then looking at a part of the “whole” which then becomes a new “whole.” Hope that makes sense.
“Crater context” looks like a cake – there would be a temptation to lob a weighted object onto the top 😉
Your “branching out” reminds me of long ago art classes in elementary school, involving blue construction paper, black crayon, and white chalk.
Beirut, Lebanon
Singapore Airport
Mutrah Fish Market, Musqat, Oman
The top shot is just perfect composition and all the colors do a great job of setting off each other.
I love the juxtaposition of the coy pond and the fish market. 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing your images, Hurria. They teach so many things.
Thanks for appreciating them!
Hi Hurria — love the fish shots, both the koi and from the market.
I do believe the Singapore airport is the best possible place to have a layover. I used to think Schiphol was the ultimate airport until I had a couple of long layovers in Singapore. There are two koi ponds in different parts of the airport, and all over the place they have kiosks with internet-connected computers that you can use for free, plus in at least one place they have rows of desks where you can hook your laptop up to the internet for free for an unlimited period of time. Apparently they also have rooms with beds you can rent for quite a reasonable rate. If you are into duty-free shopping (I am not), you would be in heaven there. You can also go into the city if you have time, but in one case it was raining and in another I was sick (literally came down with a bad cold between ‘Oman and Bahrain), so I passed on that experience, and should probably kick myself for it. Next time.
That’s a lot nicer than many hotels I’ve stayed in … 😉
Milo and Millie
Forensic evidence (possum)
Darth Tater meets his match
Great set but I love dog feet shots so there’s no competition for my favorite.
If you like feet shots you should check out paw-nography.com.
Thanks for that link — it’s nice to know I’m not alone in my love of paws.
That’s because the American opossum look like super-sized rats. Australia’s possums are much cuter.
They range in color from golden through reds and browns to nearly black. We have one that lives in the roof of our shed.
Glad to know this was a misplacement … otherwise I would have figured you were trying to gaslight me.
I’m sure it would take more than flickering possums to make you question your grip on reality.
The skull studies of the possums are probably the most attractive dead possums I’ve ever seen. As an avid bicyclist, I come across a lot of road kill, and possums are the ugliest dead animals on the road in Indiana.
The stand off between Milo and Millie is a hoot.
Oops, see above reply.
Love the feet, of course. Like furry flowers — what amazing structures (as are the skulls).
LOL keres … wonderful random selection.
“Darth Tator” is my favorite – LOL.
Random scenes from around the county where I live
Goin’ fishin’

Old covered bridge, inside…

…and out

Cabin in the pines

Take the long view

Those are all really fine (you continue to be an excellent chronicler of the pleasure of Brown County) but the first and last ones are by far my favorites. Great use of perspective and railings.
Hmmm, I see in retrospect a suppressed longing for summer to be here as well. I must remember not to rush things so much, especially at my age;-)
Summer I can do without but May … oh be still my heart.
These are lovely shots. Taken all together, they describe a very welcoming place. I’m in love with the cabin, for sure.
Hi ID. The covered bridge is so pretty – love the shot from w/in, looking out at all that green! And the cabin … 🙂
ID – oh, the green! The covered bridge inside changes from the thumbnail to the larger view – interesting how the light reflects.
I really like the “Take the long view.”
Lichens’ Lunch Leftovers

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Indiana tries for a Tucson sky

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Lots of “branches in the sky” tonight, aren’t there?. I like ’em all, especially the big nerve shadows in your number 2.
Love that second shot, Jim — an image so common (at least for us folks who live near trees), but so ethereal!
Hi Jim … 🙂 Wow, the colours in that sky! And that second photo is fantastic … lol.
I really like “Dendrite” – just wow!
Andi, the ropes course shot looks as spooky from below as it must look from above.
Olivia,the trompe l’oeil Christine is cool.
Hi Jim. The artist is Shaun McInnis … He has quite a few building murals … 🙂
Hopefully this is the “Random” theme FFFF.
Otherwise, do not look at these images.
Merve Corning`s art
Oh wow, the top shot is gorgeous. And WAXING ELOQUENT is giving it righteous run for best of show.
At a flower show, the flower in “Waxing Eloquent”, might just win top honors.
I`m hoping for another bloom like that, within a few days.
Hi Head. The stalked purple worts and Pippi-pix are my favs … 🙂
Hi Olivia,
I was going to rename the worts “Graduating Class”.
They look like they`re wearing mortar boards.
And you know I had you & Andi in mind when I included a shot incorporating both Pippi & Big Blen.
KH – I seem to choose my favorite based on your titles. “Who’s the Fairest of Them All” particularly charmed me. 😉
Maybe it`s because of my amazing lizardry.
Hah, Thanks Tampopo.
I like the sparkles and textures in the creek, Andi and Olivia’s Ford looked real at first glance. Have you been visiting boran2 recently, Ms O?
LOL ID … I thought immediately of b2 when I saw it as well … 🙂
It’s part of a mural on the outside of a building, done by a local artist. His name is Shaun McInnis (his site: link). He’s very talented!
Thanks ID. This time of year light on creek rocks is the best photo op around. 🙂
Don`t look at these either if this is not the “RANDOM” theme tonight.
Looks random enough to me. All great stuff, but the sunsets are, IMHO, especially spectacular.
Those are my homegrown backyard sunsets.
My neighbor used to wonder why I was constantly up on my roof.
At certain times of the year, that`s my best vantage point, for an ocean horizon.
I’m with IndianaDem — the sunsets are outstanding, thought GARDEN BRIGHT is an Olivia-class flower photo.
Andi, Thank You
I`m sure Miss O can do more justice than I can, with that color of red.
An absolutely amazing set, as always, ‘Head.
It’s hard to find the words to compliment such rich imagery. “Wow” is totally insufficient.
Wilderness wench,
That will do just fine,
Thank You.
Fabulous legs! I love it … 😀
I pulled that shot from a sequence of 6/7 shots.
Being a ‘Gam’ man, I chose that one & titled it accordingly.
Those are the longest legs I`ve ever seen, & especially on a crab.
Made you smile, though, didn`t it?
Destination is a neat shot.
Thanks BobX,
It does take a discerning eye to get that one. I`m glad you saw that.
Up in the darkening sky, who are the people in that airship, & where are they going?
Do they know something I should?
Compliments to Andi for her gold & to Miss Olivia for that amazing Ford! These are my favorites up top.
Thanks ww!
Thanks WW. I could watch the light play on the water and rocks all day … except for the dogs splashing through to let me know it’s time to move on.
I was hoping you’d have some pics for us too. Maybe next week?
Ah yes. Light & water — two elements of our collective being. I s’pose that’s why they fascinate us so.
With me, it’s the weather and/or oncomoing darkness that breaks the spell.
As for pix .. lack of a theme mystifies me, personally.
Other people’s pictures.
Isis, central NY
Whitewolf, western NC
Mari (age 9), the big back room
The Jesus picture gave me a smile… rather irreverent thoughts came to mind 😉
You’re not the only one. The local heathens always had lots of fun with him on holidays.
Looks like he’s preaching to the trees … 🙂
.. or he’s about to hug ’em.
Well I think I prefer your own stuff but these were all fun.
Thanks always for encouragement, Andi. I’m sure I’m the only one of the four who’s actually addicted to taking pictures.
a favorite rock
summer meets winter
I like your rock a lot but i love summer meets winter.
Hi tampopo! I liked the darkened woods with icicle lighting;-)
I’m stunned. Is your first image a photo or painting .. ? It’s lovely. Very magical.
If this was a painting, I would probably consider it kind of “hokey,” yet, that is what I saw in the woods.
Amazing! I’ve only seen lights in the woods like that with chemical help. So pretty!
I really like the woods, I’ve always liked shots that look into woods like that.
Hi tampopo … my favourite is the woods photo as well … that is so pretty! Amber icicles.
You`re the only other person I know who has favorite rocks.
Rock On!!
Oh those flower are lovely. Also, I’m jealous of all your green.
Also, nice nose. 🙂
We’ve had a very cool, wet spring. Today I’d guess we’ve had at least 2.5 more inches of rain. But at least it’s warming up. Don’t be jealous though, everything will be brown before June.
Well in that case, I guess I’ll give up my jealousy. Even in the bad drought, most things stayed green here.
I love these as a group. Just love ’em! Love that kitty-nose especially.
Thanks, wench. I planted catnip for her in a pot on the deck and she simply loooooves me now.
I’m sure she’d love you even if you didn’t — but catnip helps them release their inhibitions.
It reminds of that line in The Truth About Cats and Dogs, where Janeane Garafalo says “it’s okay to love your dog, just don’t looooove your dog”
Indeed. Heh.
I’m not familiar with The Truth About Cats and Dogs. (I mean, not someone else’s.)
You’re a fortunate person, SN — so many lovely things surround you (including your very attractive kittykat).
The light there seems really luscious. I’d like to bask in it.
I really like the flower-lady-monet-quote-bird-bell thingy.
“Given enough rope” is another of your photos that gave my brain a workout. Looking at the thumbnail, I first thought, “A bridge?” But that didn’t make sense. Then I wondered if I was looking up or down. If it was down, then what was I seeing? If it was up, which made more sense, what is it? A puzzle… which the larger view clarified a bit, yet still mysterious.
“All that glitters” was particularly soothing after studying the first picture 😉
Oh tampopo, I’m sorry to torture you but I do seem to like odd perspectives. The picture was shot straight up at part of a ropes course (though nothing as spiffy as shown on the wiki page) at the kids camp next door.
I’m glad the water picture could make up for the overclocking. 😉
I hope I don’t come across as kvetching 😉 I really find it entertaining to follow my thoughts when confronted with your puzzles. A much more pleasant mental confusion than when I try to understand current economics with huge numbers and alphabet soup.
I look forward to more of your puzzlers – good brain exercises.
I absolutely don’t see you as kvetching, just expressing your reactions … which I always enjoy reading.
I had no idea what “poutine” was, so I checked it on wiki. Canadian comfort food? French fries and gravy with cheese curds?! Are those onions?
Love the Ford – interesting how boran2 has influenced so many of us. It took me a bit of time to realize it was a painting on a wall.
And the flower… sigh, just beautiful. olivia = flowers up close and personal 😉
LOL … yeah, those are onions. Poutine is usually just fries, gravy and cheese curds, but these ones I like have crumbled onion rings on top. And it MUST be cheese curds – real poutine has curds. They way the curds melt is a thing of beauty. The sweet little balls become soft and melt-in-your-mouth, mingling w/ the hot gravy and salty, crispy fries and onion rings. Mmmmmmm. 😉