Your message of fear and despair (and batshit insanity, too) deserves a wider audience than just the poor folks who actually think Fox News is fair and balanced:
President Barack Obama has been in office just over three months, yet former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is already forecasting a looming “political dictatorship.”
In a televised interview with Fox editorialist Sean Hannity on March 25, Gingrich cited Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism as reference for what he sees Democrats in Congress and the White House pushing for.
“I think [Goldberg] ought to reissue it as sort-of an introductory guide to how the left is thinking this year,” said Gingrich. “We are seeing the biggest power grab by politicians in American history. […]
“As has been demonstrated time and again, the right wing has nothing to offer but demonizing attacks on progressive policies,” noted Think Progress blogger Ben Armbruster. “Seeing that Gingrich has escalated the game to ‘dictatorship,’ what will be next?”
Asked that very question — “What’s next?” — Gingrich told reporters earlier in March that he may run for president in 2012, but only “if it’s necessary.”
Newtie, it’s necessary, it’s very necessary that you run for President. Just ask Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
How in the hell is this cretin still around? Ridiculous.
“Batshit insanity,” I wouldn’t argue with one word of that!
the said the same thing, with a lot more merit, about Franklin Roosevelt.
You know Obama is eying the SCOTUS and thinking he can fit a couple more robes up there..
Oh yeah. Newt/Palin. Pleeeeease.
Rep. Wasserman was out kicking ass for all of us right through a secret cancer battle.
Not sure how I feel about her secrecy beyond it sure was impressive to pull off.
I personally believe that her own choice whether to reveal her illness or not. Being a politician imo doesn’t require you to give up any private life. Now if it had been a presidential candidate, I might feel differently.
should of read “it should be her own choice whether to reveal”
With you 100% on health and privacy, the part that gets me is firmly in the ‘none of my beeswax’ category:
I come from a family where everything significant is above board always, for better or worse, and the whole not telling your kids thing seems odd to me, but obviously within totally normal behavior.
Then again, I totally get her reasoning, especially since she’s apparently ‘pulled it off’ and the kids are so young. Didn’t mean to imply and high crimes or even misdemeanors here..