The NRA, an organization which knows better than you or I what the Second Amendment really means, has decided to push for a law allowing students to carry handguns on college campuses in Texas. Because, if only we had more handguns at our colleges and universities, we wouldn’t have had that terrible massacre at Virginia Tech. What? You don’t believe them?

Rep. Joe Driver, R-Garland, said his bill would be limited to students 21 and older. […]

“There might have been a lot less people dead” if there had been a legally armed student at Virginia Tech to stop the gunman, Driver said.

Liberal Communist College Professors, naturally, oppose the exercise of students 2nd Amendment rights. Why, one could even call them “scaredy cats” if you wanted to be mean about it:

“As one faculty person told me, ‘Do you think I want to pass out those F’s and D’s with somebody in the classroom having a gun?’ ” said Rep. Lon Burnam, D-Fort Worth.

For some unfathomable reason, however, Campus Police organizations in Texas agree with those wimpy commie profs. What gives with that?

Organizations representing campus police departments and the more than 40 independent colleges and universities in Texas have registered opposition to the bill.

Seriously, though, is there any evidence at all that adding more guns to College campuses would help campus security? Bullets don’t know how to distinguish good guys from bad guys after all. Just ask police officers who have made a mistake in shooting an unarmed person or innocent passersby in situations in which they used a firearm. And police officers are trained in when and under what circumstance to use their weapons. You really expect an untrained 21 year old kid could do better when suddenly everyone is pulling out a gun to shoot at each other? Haven’t these people at the NRA ever heard of “friendly fire” incidents?

Or what about all those alcohol and/or drug fueled parties that are held in college dorm rooms (yes, I remember my college daze — vaguely)? Would you want your son or daughter attending one (and how are you going to prevent them?) if you knew some yahoos would likely be packing? Testosterone and alcohol make for a deadly mix when guns are added to the stew. In other words, wouldn’t this law just lead to the types of gun murders and other shootings we hear about all the time with respect to night clubs? Not to mention accidental shootings by intoxicated fools (and even some sober) students (Plaxico Burress ring a bell, anyone?).

No, on this law, I have to agree with the College administrators and campus police organizations in Texas who think this is one really bad idea:

Texas Christian University, Baylor University, Southern Methodist University and the University of Texas System expressed opposition or serious concerns in statements to the Star-Telegram on Friday.

“We’re opposed to the legislation,” Don Mills, TCU’s vice chancellor for student affairs, said in a telephone interview. “It’s our belief that it would make the campus less safe rather than more safe.”

Having guns in a “high-density” environment such as a dorm would create “a potentially dangerous situation,” especially when combined with college drinking, said Mills, who will testify against the bill Monday.

Then again, this is Texas. And this is the NRA we’re talking about. Lot’s of luck Vice Chancellor Mills. You and your fellow allies against this really stupid bill are going to need it.

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