Republican Mitch MCConnell, Senate Minority Leader, shoveling the naughtier word for manure as hard as he can regarding the election court’s decision in Minnesota favoring Franken and practically guaranteeing that Franken will come out of the election contest by Coleman with the lead:
“The court’s decision in Minnesota leaves no other choice but to continue the process to ensure that every legal vote is counted.
“Minnesotans deserve a final ruling that applies consistent ballot standards and addresses serious unresolved questions in order to have any confidence in the accuracy of the result.
“Although we all want finality to this historically close election, patience must outweigh partisanship as Minnesotans continue the process to attain the accurate results from Election Day.”
Shorter McConnell: The RNC and our donors will spend whatever it takes to keep Franken out of the Senate for as long as we possibly can, election results be damned. And Normie boy better go along with it if he knows what’s good for him.
Ah, yes, the smell of Republican hypocrisy in the morning. It smells like [long string of expletives deleted just in case my mother is reading this blog today].
Google the search Mandamus Minnesota. After the Minnesota Supremes rule, Franken has a pretty easy path to his certification, as the relevant statute says the Governor “shall issue” certification after the state courts have ruled. It doesn’t give Pawlenty any discretion and a Writ of Mandamus is made for cases just like that. I don’t think Coleman has any defense to a Franken Mandamus suit and I’d be surprised if that one didn’t go quickly.
… and if the Republicans filibuster Franken’s seating once he is certified, why that’s the perfect excuse to abolish the filibuster.
So all the RNC contributors are OK with throwing money at a losing battle, huh?
Another victory for fiscal conservatism!
I have never in my life seen a bigger group of sore losers than the republicans. They will descend to any level-embarass themselves to any degree. Have they no dignity of any kind?
As a resident of the state in question, I don’t need McConnell telling me what I do or don’t deserve.
What Minnesota deserves is TWO Senators – just like every other state in the union. Right now, when it comes to the Senate, we only have half the representation that the rest of the states do. What I deserve is to have that imbalance rectified ASAP!!!!