I’m thinking that writing ‘teh’ instead of ‘the’ never really was that clever, that’s it now seriously dated, and that people should just stop doing it. What’s your pet peeve?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Then I should also stop going to hotmial.com [sic] by accident?
When the G20 meets and does nothing but deregulate and increase the indebtedness of the developing world.
Makes ‘crazies’ like this make more and more sense everyday:
or people who never capitalize. i can’t imagine why they enjoy looking stooooopid….
Me too. And the ones who don’t use paragraphs, but type in one big block that my eyes can’t handle.
could care less
went missing
Craigslist favorite: chester draws, mirro and rod iron.
Also: people who leave their shopping cart in the middle of the aisle and won’t move.
People who honk at me to turn right on red when I am going straight.
People who throw cigarette butts out of the car window.
People who don’t say thanks when I hold the door open for them.
People who talk loudly on their cell phones or bluetooth headsets in public places.
People who spit out “have a nice day” like they really mean “I hate your fucking guts but they make me say have a nice day”
I can’t stand it when I hold the door open for someone and they don’t say thank you. I always give a chipper little “you’re welcome.”
There are a number of reasons why people for whom you hold the door open do not say “Thank you.”
One is because they are so preoccupied with the problem of getting through the door (which is, after all, the reason you’re holding it for them, isn’t it?) that they just forget to say thank you. This is often the case with parents shepherding one or more small children through a door, possibly with strollers, etc. Such people should not be thought badly of.
Another is that they are in such a hurry or so deep in thought that they don’t even notice somebody is holding the door for them. This is perhaps harder to understand but it happens all the time.
Then there’s the person who takes offense at the idea that somebody should think that they NEED the door held for them. Such people are a$$holes. Usually you can identify them by the fact that they make a face or give you a dirty look.
It really annoy’s me when people use unnecessary apostrophe’s.
just go w’ild with those babys.
en’joy some snarkish use and s’how how peculia’r it looks to us who t’hink we know every’thing.
i DO love the tradition of slapping recipes down as a troll response. so t’his should fin’d it s way, a’lso.
and you don’t even need to have been provoked into doing it: just d’o it! practice random postro-commenting.
today it’s a credit card company that cancelled my office credit card because it had been “compromised”, and didn’t bother to notify me.
needless to say it created some problems.
their answer when queried: “we’ve sent a new one to you thru the mail”…not fedex, not priority mail…just snail mail…bastards.
That people aren’t biting and my use of the word “ridonculous” isn’t taking off. I love that word.
you’ll like this.
the Dood likes!…. and thinks that maybe it’s a pity that the Administration chose to be that way, for this…
Nothing like a healthy fear of being impaled to keep one honest–the convincer. Definitely a step in the right direction.
But at this point I think Obama needs to pick up the pitchfork and hold it in a threatening and belligerent manner instead of putting himself between the pitchforks and Wall Street.
I’m going to use a real pitchfork this weekend–it’s mandatory gardening day for the community garden. With all my landscaping experience I’m used to using spades as my weapon of choice but with my recent gardening I’m discovering the fork is a great tool.
Love it!
What’s real sad is that he even needed to say this.
Do conservatives get that the likely result of them achieving all their goals isn’t them living in a rich-man’s utopia with serfs and servile slave girls. It’s them, swinging from lamp posts.
And Obama is being too cute by half. It’s pretty obvious to me that this statement is just thrown out there to appease us rubes that he supposes are over-reacting and he needs to manage. He doesn’t really mean it–nor does he “get it”. His actions do not demonstrate that he gets the severity of the crisis and that America as we know it is dead. He’s still trying the Bush tactic of talking the economy up and papering over the structural damage. Oh well, I’ve been resigned to our fate for a while now and as you know I think drastic action is necessary and the Democrats simply don’t have the constitution to bring change quickly enough. Change is coming to them–not from them.
Here’s some weekend reading in the necessary apoplectic tone:
http://jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot.com/2009/04/credit-bubble-was-ponzi-scheme-enabled.html (his other recent posts are in a similar vein and he does a good job of describing the doom and gloom I see).
The end is nigh!
Have a good weekend.
i use it regularly, though admit to letting a recockulous slip through every once in a while
That’s a good one too. Doesn’t have the same ring to it but it probably does a better job of getting people’s attention.
for me, ‘teh’ comes out simply because when I”m on a roll (figuratively speaking), my fingers come down in the wrong order. I agree with you that it’s a pretty dated affectation….
I’m not sure how ‘dated’ it is. My younger brother’s 17-yo friends still use it.
Many of us were still in our late teens and early 20s when the blogosphere began. We didn’t say it to be clever. We did it because it’s what people our age did.
My biggest pet peeve are people who give other people shit saying ‘irregardless’. It’s like those people think American-English only has one dialect, or that words are set in stone. all words are made up words. As long as they have a recognized meaning, that’s good enough for me.
Words are set in stone. But you can sand off the top, re-carve the rocks, or break them. My pet peeve are people in the tank for anyone.
Oh also, anyone who uses the term “slap in the face.”
Your pet peeve ARE?
Words are important. They are not just made up out of nothing, they are develop according to rules that help determine their meaning. It is critical to communication and understanding that those who use them agree on their meaning, and that they are used correctly.
Irregardless means the direct opposite of what people are trying to say when they use it.
“I could care less” means something very different from what people are trying to say when they use it.
If we are to understand one another we should try to use the language correctly and accurately.
Those who ca`nt spell should shout the hell up!!
It never occurred to me that anyone would write ‘teh’ on purpose. For me it is caused by fat finger syndrome. Or really just typing too fast, I guess.
Live and learn.
You were better off before you knew.
Posts titled: “Deep Thought”
People who send me text messages who can’t be bothered to write actual words.
Not seen on the blogs but “..at the end of the day.’ is my numero uno. I don’t catch much of the vowel movement on TV but it is all over the radio dial.
Can you use your influence with the “powers that be” to make them stop?
Thank you in advance.
Call me a language nazi, but it makes me crazy that people say things like
And when people who should know better (e.g. professional broadcasters, government officials, journalists who have a lot of experience reporting on Arab and Muslim maaters) say things like
And, of course
While we’re on the criteria/criterion peeve, what kind of scientist doesn’t know that data are always plural?
HelLOOOOOOO! Yes, that’s another one. VERY annoying, but for some reason that one does not grate on me quite as much as media and criteria.
And almost NOTHING gets on my nerves as much as Eye rack and Eye Ran. Not everyone can reasonably be expected to know that Khalid is KHA lid, not KuhLEED, but seriously, Eye rack?! Eye ran?! They make racks for eyes? Why did you run?
mispronounce: kroog-man.
(or, like “bless his heart,” it was intentional?)
yea, such a lowly flea as i, having NEVER heard it spoken (throughout the meagre conditions of my youth) could recognize ‘dess-karties.’ great thinker, that dess.
This is not America.
Nor is it a democracy.
Nor is the word ‘democrat’ descriptive.
Nor do I feel that any sacrifice is justified for ‘our way of life’ (whatever that is).
My pet peeve is people saying things like, “This recent statement BEGS THE QUESTION whether…”
What they mean, and should say, is “RAISES the question.”
“Begs the question” means something completely different:
I also can’t stand it when people don’t decline pronouns correctly, as in “He came for my husband and I,” instead of “for my husband and me.” (I don’t have a problem with emphatic pronouns, as in “it was me.”)
“us” doing it, but laughing/mocking/ridiculing/denigrating “them” for the exact same thing. (usually morphs into simple mud-slinging type scene.)
oooh: another one is “thread wrasslers.” guys, you know you aren’t even listening to each other; go to thread B.
this one goes way back: Greek not continuing to be taught in primary school. even sodbusters had to learn it. AND other languages, that is, not JUST Greek…