Ezra Klein wants to know why Evan Bayh was uncharacteristically liberal in 2005-2008 and why he is uncharacteristically conservative now. Simple. Between 2005 and 2008, Evan Bayh was either thinking of running for president or auditioning for vice-president. As such, he did not want to appear too conservative. When he got passed over by Obama for the veepee nod, he decided to exert his revenge by organizing a caucus of ‘moderates’ to screw everything up and maximize his influence.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
On this, I completely agree with Chris Bowers. 100%.
He is following his father’s footsteps of attacking a Democratic President. Didn’t work out too well for his father and I don’t think it will work well for Bayh. So far Indiana bloggers seem OK with it.
Not this one by a long shot! We called him Governor Bland when he held that office. Unfortunately, we have gone from bland to much worse with Daniels.
One word: primary.
Who’s running against him, and how soon can I start sending checks?
I doubt anyone is running against him and I wouldn’t waste a dime funding anyone that does. Evan Bayh will crush and humiliate any challenger from within or without the Democratic Party.
It’s funny that the Bayh name is still political teflon in Indiana .. being that his dad(as good as a Senator as he was .. and I can’t speak for his Presidential campaign(s)) lost an election to Dan Quayle(yes that Dan Quayle)
Regrettably, there are still a lot of Kool-Aid drinkers here in flyover country.
Probably the same sacrificial lamb who ran against Dick Lugar…