On April 3, 2009 at 1:31 PM, the Spirit of DC, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) became the first vehicle of its kind to have visited all 48 states of the contiguous United States of America. “The Spirit of DC became an All American,” says “EV Jerry” Asher, the driver and co-chair of the effort. The history making record was set after Asher and the Spirit of DC crossed over the Georgia/Alabama line while on US 78. This is the beginning of the end for the Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle All Around America (PHEV3A) Team that is made up mainly from members of the Electric Vehicle Association of Washington, DC (EVA/DC).
“It is certainly a mile stone,” says the PHEV3A co-chair, Joseph Lado, “However, it isn’t over yet. Jerry is going to finish his trip right where he started it last year on the National Mall in front of the US Capitol. Jerry started the tour at EPA’s 4th Annual National Sustainable Design Expo and we will finish the trip at the 5th one, which is going to be held from noon on April 18 to 3 pm April 20, 2009. That will be the official end of Jerry’s PHEV3A tour. Plug-in cars when coupled with renewable energy make personal transportation sustainable. We are planning a big press moment at the Expo, hoping that it will focus attention from the public and the media on sustainable design through the expo, and plug-in cars with the Spirit of DC and Jerry Asher.”

To catch all the coverage that the PHEV3A tour has generated, Google: Jerry Asher plug-in hybrid. You will find video news reports, blogs, news articles and much more. You can also visit www.SpiritofDC.com or www.PHEV3A.com and read Asher’s blogs from the road. There is an interactive map that shows the Spirit of DC’s location.

After the 5th Annual National Sustainable Design Expo Asher plans to help out in another sustainable transportation venture. This venture is called the Fun Run in the Sun, (www.FunRunintheSun.org) and will be piloted by EVA/DC vice president Charlie Garlow. This isn’t going to be another PHEV going all around America, but rather Garlow will be driving a specially modified three wheeled electric motorcycle that will be pulling a trailer of solar panels. The solar panels will provide the three wheeled vehicle with a significant amount of electricity for Garlow to make his journey. The Fun Run in the Sun team includes Jo Reyes, the vehicle builder and former racing mechanic, Jerry Asher, lead vehicle driver, Joe Lado, who will coordinate public outreach and Chip Gribben, who will be the team’s webmaster.

To be present at the PHEV3A/Spirit of DC grand finally press conference and the opening of the 5th Annual National Sustainable Design EXPO please contact:
Mary Wigginton
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20046
Phone: 202-343-9861
E-mail: wigginton.mary@epa.gov

To contact EVJerry Asher call (202) 486-5450, Joe Lado Email JoeLado@yahoo.com.