Hi CG! I’ve had this for about a week. My sinuses have actually been painful when I cough. Thankfully it’s a little better today. Hopefully yours will be too.
I’ve never had sinus problems which is amazing for around here. It like a yellow haze with all the pine pollen and every other types of pollen. Then again, I sneeze every morning for about 5 or 10 minutes and then nothing else. Go figure. Hope everyone’s sinus problems clear up soon.
Well “today” was yesterday and I’m not having sinus misery but there are little snow flakes wafting through the air and that’s making miserable. So does that ocunt?
Its been cold and overcast here for the last couple of days. We’re supposed to have a couple of more days of cold and then back up into the 70’s. Just a roller coaster ride with the temps here.
I’m doing pretty good this morning. Just been up most of the night and catching naps here and there.
The upside would be that the cold would slow down the blooming that is the cause of the sinus misery. The downside would be the frozen daffodils.
You can be miserable if you want. I’m trying to not get annoyed by someone’s lack of post 6 pm work boundaries….does anyone really expect me to check (much less reply) to work email after 9:30 pm?
I had a customer who used to do that — she was on the west coast and she knew I worked at home. The first couple of times I was very nice about it and helped her — big mistake because she started to just assume she could do it whenever she wanted. So I’d say cut it off it off right away.
The daffodils are done for — they’re all shriveled up now.
I did. I don’t mind people thinking I start my day early (I do), but I’m not available 24/7. Working from home, you have to have boundaries or you’ll have no life…
I’m just going to assume she wanted to email me before she forgot to tell me what was in the email, and ignore the timing. 🙂
I can see the late night infomercial now with Billy Mays for Treejans – arboreal condoms in all shapes and sizes when forests get frisky. (Topiary models available at extra cost.)
I think you missed your calling. Yep, treegasm. I hate pine trees. Sure they look nice, but between the pollen ejaculation each April, the constant shedding of pine needles and the enormous, sharp pine cones falling from 40 feet up and denting my car, I really never want to see another one. To bad there are like 15 of them in my yard.
If you just let the pine needles build up, you could replace the grass with a lovely soft bed of them. No more mowing and year-round soft walking.
Of course that doesn’t solve the goo-problem (I have to pretend that I don’t think treegasm was cleaver or I’ll have to put up with Jim’s preening for the rest of the week).
Huzzah! Spring is coming, yes yes. Spring is coming. Yes.
These are so pretty, Andi. (They seem familiar. Wood betony?)
I hope they’ve survived winter’s farewell too.
Glad you’re looking forward to some warming.
Here’s hoping I can stay OL long enough to post. Dial-up is hell today.
Yep, photo was taken late this morning. For a brief time, the snowfall picked up & all was blanketed white. It was all gone in an hour, though.
Springtime in the Catskills. Boy o boy!
As for the bunny, I can’t do chocolate, but I’ll take some warm weather & just plain chi.
.. should I say the grandest? Over the mighty Hudson. Whenever I see it, I still have to catch my breath.
(Then again, I also become intoxicated by birds.)
One sure way to get high nowadays is to stand out in this old farmer’s field & watch the tree swallows in their artful flight. They’re in danger nowadays due to lack of sustaining insect life (pesticides) & so we’re always so pleased to see them return to the bird houses in Spring. Already there are 2 houses filled with young! Amazing, considering recent weather.
With better equipment I’m sure I could capture their beauty more faithfully. Then again, their cheerful presence & grace may be too much for digital technology to convey. Swoop!
It sounded like several offices came together and made everybody look good. And I have to admit that I’m looking forward to the good old days of getting my tax bill on nice normal schedule.
Looks like the rain has stopped so I think the dogs and I will go see if we got enough rain to make the runoff creeks look like class three rapids.
Did you happen to catch the premiere episode of Parks and Rec, or whatever it’s called with Amy Poehler last night? Reminded me of you and Andi as it’s set in some fictional town in southern IN called, I think, Pawnee. It’s exactly like The Office, but not as funny yet. Has potential though.
I didn’t see it, as we ditched our satellite subscription over two years ago. We’re probably missing out on a lot of neat pop culture stuff, but the local drama is much more interesting – see next which came from behind the annoying subscription firewall at the Bloomington Herald-Times.
A Thursday court hearing for a man who told police about Jerry Pelfree’s brutal killing of two men and how he had stuffed their bodies into barrels and stashed them on his property was postponed.
Troy Harden’s change of plea hearing, on multiple charges involving drugs, guns and also one of assisting a criminal for his involvement in the spring 2007 murders of Everett Shaw and Douglas Brown Jr., is now scheduled for Wednesday.
Pelfree, convicted of both murders, was sentenced last week to a 130-year prison term.
Harden, whose uncle is the sheriff in Brown County, confessed to him two years that he saw Pelfree shoot Shaw in the head multiple times. He said he then saw Brown inside Pelfree’s rural mobile home, sitting upright and dead on the couch.
This happened in the county next door to ours. Meth, firearms and rednecks are ingredients guaranteed to produce an ugly stew of evil.
Come to think of it, maybe we should hook the satellite back up and stop reading the dang paper. At least the mayhem in the news would usually be a lot further removed from this mostly very nice little community and we could catch The Daily Show again. That and Mystery are really the only shows I miss very much.
Sorry, I kept forgetting to bring the camera.
Below was early Tuesday, getting fresh bread. My friend lives just around the corner from the vegetable shop on the opposite side.
Hi ask! I note the trolley and lack of private autos, at least in this photo, lamenting the sorry state of public transport in this country. Indiana had quite a network of interurban light rail during the first half of the 20th century, but the auto and big oil saw to the end of that era.
On a happier note, hope you’re having a great time!
Wonderful weather this weekend in the Netherlands which includes an Easter monday as holiday. Some 800,000 tourists (mainly an invasion from Germany) are visiting the North Sea coast and the blooming fields of daffodils, hyacinths and early tulips.
We’re just starting to get Autumn weather here, which is mild and windy. Australia has flowing plants in just about every season, so the big difference between Summer and Winter is the amount of daylight.
In Australia, we have a long-eared marsupial call a Bilby. Since rabbits are an introduced pest, there’s been a campaign to replace chocolate bunnies with chocolate Bilbies – usually with a portion of the proceeds going towards maintaining Bilby habitat.
I’m pretty sure it is an Agricus augustus (and very august at that), therefore edible. But I’d have to pull it up to be sure and it looked so happy there with all its little friends.
Good morning all!
Anyone else suffering from sinusoid misery today? This year has been the worst. I feel like my sinuses are glued shut.
Hi CG! I’ve had this for about a week. My sinuses have actually been painful when I cough. Thankfully it’s a little better today. Hopefully yours will be too.
It’s my eyes this year – itchy, itchy itchy. Some days I can’t face putting in my contacts.
But today it is snowing so the eyes feel fine.
Good morning CG, Boran and Mary,
I’ve never had sinus problems which is amazing for around here. It like a yellow haze with all the pine pollen and every other types of pollen. Then again, I sneeze every morning for about 5 or 10 minutes and then nothing else. Go figure. Hope everyone’s sinus problems clear up soon.
Well “today” was yesterday and I’m not having sinus misery but there are little snow flakes wafting through the air and that’s making miserable. So does that ocunt?
Morning Andi.
Oh how lucky you are. To still be in a winter wonderland. 🙂
It’s actually cold down here. The wind chill is at 28 right now. If wishes come true, the lawn will be a nice shade of brown in a couple of days.
The flowers sure don’t think the weather is wonderful. But I wish you luck in killing your lawn. 🙂
click for larger
I think the lawn is going to win out. That’s the reason I want snow so bad. Even if the grass grows, I wouldn’t have to see it covered in snow.
Unfortunately, we’re sort of living an ongoing cold gray damp weather pattern, kind of an unending November punctuated with daffodils.
How are you this morning?
Its been cold and overcast here for the last couple of days. We’re supposed to have a couple of more days of cold and then back up into the 70’s. Just a roller coaster ride with the temps here.
I’m doing pretty good this morning. Just been up most of the night and catching naps here and there.
How are your sinuses today?
Wow, I’m a little envious of your 70-degree weather. I’d like some of that for Friday.
I hope you got some good sleep in those naps. 🙂
My sinuses are definitely feeling a little better today.
Yeah I don’t mind the 70-degree weather. It’s when we’ll start getting up into the 80’s and 90’s that I’ll miss this weather.
Glad to hear your sinuses are better.
The upside would be that the cold would slow down the blooming that is the cause of the sinus misery. The downside would be the frozen daffodils.
You can be miserable if you want. I’m trying to not get annoyed by someone’s lack of post 6 pm work boundaries….does anyone really expect me to check (much less reply) to work email after 9:30 pm?
I had a customer who used to do that — she was on the west coast and she knew I worked at home. The first couple of times I was very nice about it and helped her — big mistake because she started to just assume she could do it whenever she wanted. So I’d say cut it off it off right away.
The daffodils are done for — they’re all shriveled up now.
I did. I don’t mind people thinking I start my day early (I do), but I’m not available 24/7. Working from home, you have to have boundaries or you’ll have no life…
I’m just going to assume she wanted to email me before she forgot to tell me what was in the email, and ignore the timing. 🙂
Good plan.
Well I’m off to the dentist.
See ya later.
See ya Andi and enjoy. 😉
Good luck with the dentist.
Good luck with that!
In the “Bad Idea Jeans” category, I present, Obama Chia:
Walgrens and other stores pulled this after someone objected to this being racist. Imagine that! 😉
Better Kal Penn in the White House than Mark Penn. Rock on Jersey Boys!!
I can see the late night infomercial now with Billy Mays for Treejans – arboreal condoms in all shapes and sizes when forests get frisky. (Topiary models available at extra cost.)
I think you missed your calling. Yep, treegasm. I hate pine trees. Sure they look nice, but between the pollen ejaculation each April, the constant shedding of pine needles and the enormous, sharp pine cones falling from 40 feet up and denting my car, I really never want to see another one. To bad there are like 15 of them in my yard.
If you just let the pine needles build up, you could replace the grass with a lovely soft bed of them. No more mowing and year-round soft walking.
Of course that doesn’t solve the goo-problem (I have to pretend that I don’t think treegasm was cleaver or I’ll have to put up with Jim’s preening for the rest of the week).
Oh, c’mon, he has so little preen about…. 🙂
Oh well, when you put it like that …
Does Billy Mays use shoe polish on his hair?
I hope the flowers survived the freezing nights. Warmup starts today.
click for larger
Ooh, very pretty. How was the dentist yesterday?
Glad to hear it’s going to start warming up-it’s cold here today. We’re (CBtY and I) off to Tar-zhay for Easter basket goodies this morning. Big fun.
Dentist was fine.
We hit the upper 50s today. Hope you get some of that too.
It’s getting warmer, little by little.
Huzzah! Spring is coming, yes yes. Spring is coming. Yes.
These are so pretty, Andi. (They seem familiar. Wood betony?)
I hope they’ve survived winter’s farewell too.
Glad you’re looking forward to some warming.
Here’s hoping I can stay OL long enough to post. Dial-up is hell today.
BREAKING: Moon Hill Weather Remains Frosty, Distasteful
Winter Will Not Release Hold ‘Until Franken Is Seated in U.S. Senate’.
Gah, I hope you’re wrong about that ’cause Coleman is apparently is worse about hanging around than skunk smell.
Love the photo, though.
Oh and the flower is wood sorrel.
Wood sorrel — of course! Thank you.
Re: winter’s remains, I certainly hope so too. Sometimes I do wonder, though. Air temperature today at the time of the photo was about 22F.
Dven skunk smell fades eventually, Coleman will eventually lose, and Spring will eventually chase that bully Winter out of there.
And then you can take me some lovely pictures of a stone fences in a green, green forest. 🙂
Is that more snowflakes? Today?
I hope the easter bunny brings us all some chi-chi chocolate and warmer weather.
Yep, photo was taken late this morning. For a brief time, the snowfall picked up & all was blanketed white. It was all gone in an hour, though.
Springtime in the Catskills. Boy o boy!
As for the bunny, I can’t do chocolate, but I’ll take some warm weather & just plain chi.
Here in Goshen, we were watching it fall yesterday. It’s chilly today but no snow in sight.
Aha — so you’re in Goshen! I’m about an hour NW of you (Claryville) & probably another 1600′ up.
It’s warming up here nicely now.
I work here in Goshen, but live on the other side of the river in northern Westchester. Glad to hear that it’s warming.
Yep. Then it’ll cool down again tomorrow.
Follow the bouncing ball, kids.
You probably have one of the state’s prettiest commutes.
.. should I say the grandest? Over the mighty Hudson. Whenever I see it, I still have to catch my breath.
(Then again, I also become intoxicated by birds.)
The views from the Bear Mountain bridge are wonderful.
This is what I’ve heard. Haven’t visited yet myself.
A day like today is worth waiting the winter for.
One sure way to get high nowadays is to stand out in this old farmer’s field & watch the tree swallows in their artful flight. They’re in danger nowadays due to lack of sustaining insect life (pesticides) & so we’re always so pleased to see them return to the bird houses in Spring. Already there are 2 houses filled with young! Amazing, considering recent weather.
With better equipment I’m sure I could capture their beauty more faithfully. Then again, their cheerful presence & grace may be too much for digital technology to convey. Swoop!
That looks like a really great place to keep revisiting and taking pictures at different times of day and different seasons.
It is — though you don’t always want to walk this far into the field. It’s rather far from shelter.
Honestly, though: there are very few places here that don’t appeal to me the same way. I’ve been lucky.
More images from an April day.
So pretty — well maybe not the deer leg (but the dogs are jealous, they chewed their last one up weeks ago).
At least the poor things can’t smell it.
What, says the dogs, you don’t like perfume?!?
Tell them I like mine on the living, thank you very much.
Was that your lunch, WW?
Not mine, dear.
Lovely crocus shot, ww!
Thank you, ID.
Too bad these crocus pix don’t come with audio — you’d hear me whooping with joy at the sight of them.
The first sign of the end of cold to arrive, they gladden the heart.
The theme is Texture. Smooth/rough/soft/hard or the combination of elements, photos that make us feel. Join us here.
Good morning Andi! It appears the outdoor theme for us today is soggy.
Yeah April showers, May flowers but not I hope June floods.
Hey, I read that lead story in the Democrat and thought how happy you must be. Light at the data tunnel. 🙂
Yea! Goes to show what a great, dedicated staff can do to make the dept. head look good!
It sounded like several offices came together and made everybody look good. And I have to admit that I’m looking forward to the good old days of getting my tax bill on nice normal schedule.
Looks like the rain has stopped so I think the dogs and I will go see if we got enough rain to make the runoff creeks look like class three rapids.
See ya later.
The little waterfalls should be singing today. Have fun!
Did you happen to catch the premiere episode of Parks and Rec, or whatever it’s called with Amy Poehler last night? Reminded me of you and Andi as it’s set in some fictional town in southern IN called, I think, Pawnee. It’s exactly like The Office, but not as funny yet. Has potential though.
I didn’t see it, as we ditched our satellite subscription over two years ago. We’re probably missing out on a lot of neat pop culture stuff, but the local drama is much more interesting – see next which came from behind the annoying subscription firewall at the Bloomington Herald-Times.
This happened in the county next door to ours. Meth, firearms and rednecks are ingredients guaranteed to produce an ugly stew of evil.
Come to think of it, maybe we should hook the satellite back up and stop reading the dang paper. At least the mayhem in the news would usually be a lot further removed from this mostly very nice little community and we could catch The Daily Show again. That and Mystery are really the only shows I miss very much.
Been there, blogged that.
‘Night all.
Night. See ya tomorrow.
Good morning and happy holidaze to all!
Back after a relaxing week in Oslo.
Happy niece in fairy outfit that I sent to her for Christmas:

Magic ponies up front!
Aw, cute!
I was just saying to Jim that you hadn’t been around — glad the reason was something enjoyable.
And you niece is a cutie.
Three people (my friend, his young son and I) sharing one internet access (no wireless), while the provider was having technical difficulties…
Well I guess that’s a pretty good explanation for your absence.
Will you have any pictures from the trip for us.
Sorry, I kept forgetting to bring the camera.
Below was early Tuesday, getting fresh bread. My friend lives just around the corner from the vegetable shop on the opposite side.
Hi ask! I note the trolley and lack of private autos, at least in this photo, lamenting the sorry state of public transport in this country. Indiana had quite a network of interurban light rail during the first half of the 20th century, but the auto and big oil saw to the end of that era.
On a happier note, hope you’re having a great time!
A couple of hours later, and it will be busy.
Saturday afternoons are insane.
Here is a great NYT-profile of the very street in the picture above.
It looks so quiet and pleasant.
But is that a McDonalds arches?
Yup 🙁
Actually, the front is fairly inconspicuous, but the trash can outside is an eyesore.
I think that’s called ‘truth in advertising’.
Looks like a lovely morning, though. You captured a lovely light!
I guess MickyD’s is just like cockroaches — found everywhere and able to survive atom bombs.
From the Easter Puppy.
Oh you are cruel … to puppies but so very, very good to all of us. 😀
The third one is my favorite — it has the perfect mix of cuteness and misery.
Why me? I’ll bet Gar and The Dude don’t have to wear costumes. Nobody laughs at them!
Oh sure – Bebo gets a basket of cookies.
Bebo got cookies!
Lily and Luna got (skinned) wallaby tails (really – and let me be the first to say ewwwwwwwwww).
Hah, says Bebo. Dogs with real talent don’t need any help looking silly. 😛
click for larger
Start ’em young I say – get used to indignities, kid, life is full of them.
Happy Easter to you and to Princess Bunny of Fluffy!
And to you and yours.
Happy Easter!
Thank you. It was a day filled with working on the house and the yard, and chocolate.
Happy Easter!
Wonderful weather this weekend in the Netherlands which includes an Easter monday as holiday. Some 800,000 tourists (mainly an invasion from Germany) are visiting the North Sea coast and the blooming fields of daffodils, hyacinths and early tulips.
VIDEO of Keukenhof gardens
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
That photo just screams “SPRING”.
We’re just starting to get Autumn weather here, which is mild and windy. Australia has flowing plants in just about every season, so the big difference between Summer and Winter is the amount of daylight.
In Australia, we have a long-eared marsupial call a Bilby. Since rabbits are an introduced pest, there’s been a campaign to replace chocolate bunnies with chocolate Bilbies – usually with a portion of the proceeds going towards maintaining Bilby habitat.
Some times it’s not so bad.
click for larger
‘Morning Andi.
Another episode of:
What dogs find comfortable.
Comfy, I guess, if you like a huge crick in your neck.
btw, the light in that picture is gorgeous — such a warm, soft gold.
Drive by hi. It’s cold here and I’m back at work. Ugh.
A short walk around the house revealed the following:
The spent blossom of a Banksia serrata
A native pigface just starting to flower.
Wild mushrooms.
That’s a big mushroom you got there me. Makes me think of … oh never mind.
That second one would be perfect for a new cafe (just in case you needed a hint, CG).
I actually didnt need the hint – I woke up going, “New cafe! Now!”
It does have the hint of a plumber about it.
I’m pretty sure it is an Agricus augustus (and very august at that), therefore edible. But I’d have to pull it up to be sure and it looked so happy there with all its little friends.