And it costs $4,998 a couple to go:
You may need to run away. It’s understandable, so yes, yes, give in to the urge – run away! How about—with us?! In luxury and comfort on the National Review 2009 Mediterranean Cruise.
Picture yourself abroad, enjoying 10 beautiful Franken-free days and nights (July 8-18th) visiting Rome, Dubrovnik, Corfu, Santorini, Katakolon, Piraeus, Ephesus, and Messina, in the company of Karl Rove, Jonah Goldberg, Michael Novak, John Bolton, Dick Morris, George Gilder, Tony Blankley, Pete Du Pont, Cal Thomas, Rich Lowry, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Kate O’Beirne, Christina Hoff Sommers, Jay Nordlinger, John Hillen, Ramesh Ponnuru, John O’Sullivan, Jason Steorts, and Sally Satel. Now that’s deserved temporary relief.
Prices for a sweet and neat cabin on Holland America Line’s scrumptious Noordam start at a super-affordable $2,499 a person). Get complete info and even sign up securely at
Visiting Santorini with Kate O’Beirne, Cal Thomas, and Karl Rove? OMFG, no.
Wouldn’t it be fun…
to get a bunch of really progressive folks and just go and have our own cruise, just to see them dive off the edge into shark-infested waters.
Of course, I could think of LOTS of stuff I’d rather do with 5000!
I have a better idea. Get a bunch of hard core progressives together, all pose as people like them and go on THEIR cruise with them. Wait until the ship is out in the middle of the ocean somewhere, and then…
And be sure to bring video cameras to record their reaction.
If I had the money, I’d pack it with gay honeymooners and gay couples planning on tying the knot in one of the EU ports of call.
I like the way you think!
Do I get to LEAVE some of them permanently in each port of call, kinda like an ongoing dinner theater production of Ten Little Indians?
That’d be a good way to undo all the European goodwill President Obama spent the last week building.
Aww damn, didn’t think about that.
I mean K-Lo drunk on ouzo and grappa, that’s an international incident right there.
They better have food tasters.
and a boat load of dramamine as they’re very likely to experience the symptoms of seasickness; severe headache, vertigo, nausea, pale and sunken features, and disagreeable hallucinations leading to mild or intensive paranoia.
aka: just another day in bizzaro world, eh.
Someone might throw them overboard as a “team building exercise” :-).
Seriously, $5000 is soooo worth it to be on a boat with these fools. Now, I don’t mean to imply anything violent here, but imagine what hell you could put them through while out at sea, with no where to run?
I say we send Boo. Hit that donations link!!
I’m surprised that there’s enough room for all those egos.
Are they ALL gonna be on this boat at the SAME TIME? Or are they going to fly in at different ports and ‘copter off again? ‘Cause all together, at one time… Not that I can do anything about it but maybe some Somali pirates are paying attention… Wouldn’t that be awesome?
Seriously. Is this called the “Ship of Fools Cruise”?
…when he wrote up his experience on the cruise.
Why yes, he did. And his piece on it was fracking hilarious. And scary. And mindblowing. And hilarious again.
Just go read it, folks. My favorite part was when the mob turned on William F. Buckley. I’m not making that up.
Good for them – Holland America is the most environmentally-conscious cruise line. They are very careful about their waste, recycling, water use, etc. Let’s hope the value of such behavior impresses these passengers.
I’m curious about how much of that admission cost goes to the ship and to the entertainment. It does sound worse than “extraordinary rendition.”
ok now to remove that foul image from your mind go to
his first time on the dog beach in Venice Fl.
i’m so proud of my boy
typical Republicans can’t vacation in America and support our economy.
July 8-18 is 11 days, not 10.
And you can’t even spel. :o}
Yes, but hell for whom? That passage fare is actually pretty decent for a Med cruise. Just think of the the fun one could have by being up close and personal with this vermin. If one had an argumentative turn of mind, this would be a great cruise. The ports of call are interesting, the food’s likely to be pretty good, and the shopping’s going to be pretty interesting. You get to actually harass these a**holes up close and personal as bonus, with no police available. If the passenger line detains you, you can probably sue for a refund (or more, because you were a paying passenger), after enjoying the food and travel. They can’t even nail you for stalking because the trip was arranged by the publication and they forced you to stay on the ship. It could be great fun all the way around.
I’m trying to decide if it’s the cast list of the next James Bond or Austin Powers flick.
Maybe it’s just a remake of Ship of Fools.
I’m holding out for a cruise with Limbaugh, Malkin, Hannity, Savage and Coulter. Find some eccentric millionaire who would pay to arrange for a “Magic Christian” style storming of the bridge. Zombie enactors would be an idea.
Hopefully some foreign court will charge most of them with war crimes while they’re on their cruise and they all get nabbed and sent to The Hague.
what are you talking about??
it’d be my chance to make sweet sweet love to kathryn jean lopez.
do you think she wears sexy lingerie, or does she go for the zebra striped granny panties? either way, she rrrrrrrrrevs my motor!