And it costs $4,998 a couple to go:

You may need to run away. It’s understandable, so yes, yes, give in to the urge – run away! How about—with us?! In luxury and comfort on the National Review 2009 Mediterranean Cruise.

Picture yourself abroad, enjoying 10 beautiful Franken-free days and nights (July 8-18th) visiting Rome, Dubrovnik, Corfu, Santorini, Katakolon, Piraeus, Ephesus, and Messina, in the company of Karl Rove, Jonah Goldberg, Michael Novak, John Bolton, Dick Morris, George Gilder, Tony Blankley, Pete Du Pont, Cal Thomas, Rich Lowry, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Kate O’Beirne, Christina Hoff Sommers, Jay Nordlinger, John Hillen, Ramesh Ponnuru, John O’Sullivan, Jason Steorts, and Sally Satel. Now that’s deserved temporary relief.

Prices for a sweet and neat cabin on Holland America Line’s scrumptious Noordam start at a super-affordable $2,499 a person). Get complete info and even sign up securely at

Visiting Santorini with Kate O’Beirne, Cal Thomas, and Karl Rove? OMFG, no.