Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) now says she will vote against the Employee Free Choice Act and that she will even participate in a filibuster against it.
“I consider both the labor and the business communities to be my friends. However, now that we need all hands on deck, including business and labor, to get our economy moving again, this issue is dividing us,” Lincoln said in a statement. “While I may not have been clear about my position in the past, I am stating today that I cannot support Employee Free Choice Act in its current form and I can’t support efforts to bring it to Senate consideration in its current form.”
Sen. Lincoln voted for essentially the same bill in 2007, but now she opposes it when it might actually pass and be signed into law. In my book, that makes her a weasel.
primary the bitch.
What a sellout!
Yeah, but Obama should slap the shit out of them, whip ’em into line, and force them to do what he wants by some magical trick.
/Progressive Whineosphere
who could introduce, even as a tactical ploy, a repeal of Taft-Hartley?
Doubt it.
Where is the leadership of Harry Reid? Where is the enforcement of Party discipline? This is important to our very important ally, the unions, and we need that Union force.
We need Reid to get down and dirty and start enforcement of some Party discipline.
Revive the “nuclear” option, abolish the filibuster. The country is more important than the traditions of the Senate.
No way. The filibuster is there to prevent the tyranny of the majority.
It’s not there, however, to promote the tyranny of the minority.
Let them filibuster. They’ll win the battle and lose the war for years to come.
No connection I’m sure that Arkansas is home to Walmart.
the 2007 vote was a gimme because they had the RATpublican majority to hide behind. blanche is only taking the heat off the rest of the demoRAT’s who’d vote against cloture…bennet [dino-co] for one…if it were close, because she’s from arkansass, and in a relatively safe seat. otherwise the weasel list would be a lot longer.
it’s all bs posturing, efca‘s doa, and the democRATically controlled senate couldn’t be happier.
the kabuki continues.
make them filibuster. period. it’s not the end of the world, and I want the video of ALL the Democrats who stand up with the GOP on this. It’s called primary commercials.