A Message from A.M.M.O.
They’re coming. They’re coming to take our guns and our freedoms and our way of life. The Government. The government is the enemy. And if we don’t destroy it then it’s going to destroy us.
Well, let ’em try. Bring ’em on. We’ve got more guns and ammunition than God. They want to put us into camps now. Have you heard that? It’s true. Re-education camps then labor camps and then death camps. The government is planning a holocaust of freedom.
You’ve got your eyes wide shut and this is happening in broad daylight. All you’ve got to do is connect the dots. It’s not rocket science. It’s started back in the 90s with the Clintons and what is Obama but the Clinton’s lawn jockey. (And we mean that with respect. Willie Shoemaker was a great athlete.) The only member of his Administration who isn’t a Clinton re-tread is Michelle Obama – a known communist, who does not believe in disciplining her children as god intended. She spoils her children.
Don’t you see we have a conspiracy so big it’s invisible? And behind the invisible conspiracy is the unspeakable power. But we are not afraid to speak the name of the unspeakable power behind the invisible conspiracy to destroy our ideals, values and patriotism. We are not afraid to name names and say it out loud and proclaim the truth for all to hear.
And if you join our mailing list we’ll tell you. This communication goes out to too many of the zombie ignorant slaves who obediently follow every word the government says. They can’t handle the truth. When you hear it you know it and it sets you free but too many Americans can’t handle the truth of a giant invisible conspiracy filled with ancient dynastic families, secret societies and international bankers.
When the Clintons were in power they bombed the Murrah Office Building in Oklahoma City to discredit the then powerful and growing patriotic militia movement. Timothy McVeigh is not dead but put into witness protection. He was a fake patriot who worked for the government. He was like Lee Harvey Oswald, but different. What remains the same between then and now is the invisible conspiracy which disappears into the government and out the other side to THE UNSPEAKABLE.
But we do speak it. We all know the word. And we know the power of its LOBBY. But no one dares speak its name in public. But if you come to our private meetings and receive our email newsletter well, we are not afraid then. The power of the LOBBY does not extend into our training center and firing range.
FEMAs got camps. And military bases are being converted to more camps. We’ve got US ARMY troops conducting exercises in our streets. They’ve got micro-wave crowd control weapons and they’re expecting trouble. It’s going to make the Great Depression look like the Fourth of July. AND we’ve got Henry Kissinger telling the Communists that the government was to take away our guns by September.
And do you know they want our guns by summer? Isn’t it obvious?
Obama is going to surrender the sovereignty of America to the New World Order. And they want our guns so we can’t resist as is our duty under the law of inalienable rights.
What do you think the financial crisis is about? It’s about destroying America as the leader of the FREE WORLD! The New World Order is a Slave World. No more paper money. All computerized and every transaction logged and accounted. The free market becomes the BIG BROTHER market. And the internet is the next to go, and that’s why we also, for an extra ten dollars a year, send a hard copy of the AMMO newsletter to your mailbox so when the internet goes down in a false flag attack by THE GOVERNMENT, you can still stay informed. We are a well regulated militia as required by the 2nd Amendment.
And anyway, as anyone not brainwashed by the LIBERAL MEDIA knows, Obama was born in Africa to parents who practiced idolatry and taught trance workshops. He is not a natural born citizen. And the Constitution says something about that, doesn’t it? And the Supreme Court even ruled on the matter. And this proves the Supreme Court is part of the invisible conspiracy to destroy our country.
There is a war coming to the streets of America. And it’s all being done on purpose to destroy our freedoms. But even if we do what we should do and nuke all the Arabs and Iranians into oblivion, they are not the enemy. The enemy is within. It’s our government.
Both Political Parties. Treason is Bi-Partisan. Not all in both parties but like 9/10 of all politicians are crooked and “owned” by you know what and you know who.
But the important thing to remember is WE ARE NOT ALONE!
You’ll find us in secessionist movements, tax-revolt organizations and church groups. We’re the local PTA and town commissioners. We’re local little league coaches, scout leaders and youth counselors.
We’re millions and millions of hard working, god fearing and fed up Americans. And our numbers are growing. How can they not grow with things the way they are: immoral, godless and diverse. How can there be democracy when too many people think too many weird things? The best government for the people is one based upon the twin pillars of the CONSTITUTION and THE BIBLE.
If you see the signs and omens and believe in the prophecies then you know what time it is. It’s time to cowboy up. Strap on the six-shooter and stock-up on A.M.M.O.
We all know the Tree of Liberty needs its roots sprinkled with the blood of revolution from time to time.
Isn’t now THE TIME?
Join AMMO and know there is no better patriot than a loaded one.
I’d like to laugh, but I can’t.
Honestly I’ve thought about purchasing a firearm to protect me from these assholes.
Ever notice how political conservatives only love their country when a political conservative is in the White House? Other than that, it’s armed revolt. Or something. Something being “tea-bags,” apparently.