It’s Good Friday, shouldn’t all you people be in Church instead of clogging up I-95 South in Maryland?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’m here ensuring that the wheels of government keep turning. Or something like that.
Me too, Boran2. I was making sure your mail got through, even though there wasn’t much of it. Think of me on Easter. The USPS is a 24/7 operation and I don’t have enough seniority to have Sundays off.
Our evil overlords closed the county offices today, so I must be grateful for a little while, I suppose.
I need to slam Obama for zero change in legal tactics at Gitmo. Hey what can you do? It’s a full time job keeping up with what is the same as the Bushes.
“same as Bush” thing when Obama made an “unannounced” trip to Iraq. Just like Bush and Rumsfeld and Rice.
Well, even I won’t fault him for that. It would be very bad security to announce his visit, reminiscent of Kennedy’s route and timetable being published in the Dallas newspapers.
Obama is shifting the emphasis to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
If, in the seventh year, Iraq is in fact still NOT secure enough for the President of the United States to make an announced visit then that President should get us the fuck out of there immediately.
Even Dallas is not secure. No, not even Chicago.
Presidents make pre-announced trips to American cities and foreign countries all the time.
It’s Good Friday, shouldn’t all you people be in Church instead of clogging up I-95 South in Maryland?
No, since my church is the entire planet not an arbitrarily sited modernly constructed mega building that Jesus would deny was the only place to worship him.
From what I remember he didn’t stand in the pulpit and preach only on certain days,
If sermons were good enough to preach from hilltops and seasides,
I’ll follow his example and not the modern televangelist ideological dictates.
Also, didn’t he (or He if you prefer) whip the moneylenders out of the Temple?
Shhhh, the mega church televangelist pastors don’t want that to get around. that particular passage cuts into their scam if you will.
I was clogging up I-75 south, thank you.
The local Fox affiliate calls him “Mister Obama” instead of “President Obama” like the other networks. This is bothering me.
Stay thy tongue, BooMan! Despite what many folks may profess, driving is actually their primary means of spiritual experience!
Being stuck in traffic gives me the opportunity to listen to Air America. And now during my afternoon commute I can listen to Thom Hartmann! What happened to Randi Rhodes? Did she offend HRC again?
How’s about going another building?
Check out the House of Saud getting their incremental Liberalization on: