It seems Bob Kerrey is less successful and popular as a university president than he was a U.S. Senator and Democrat. No one could have predicted this. Still, I didn’t foresee that the student body would occupy buildings in protest and march on Kerrey’s house.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Deep thought by Eschaton a few days ago.
Prior to the December protest, a contingent of New School faculty voted for a “no confidence” declaration on Kerrey’s performance. Among other things, Kerrey responded by establishing a blog to communication with the university community. Tellingly, there are several posts detailing the university’s guidelines for campus protests and two explaining why Kerrey felt the need to assign a moderator to weed out “inappropriate” comments and asking people to be nice.
Kerrey also used the blog to respond to the demonstration in December but, at present, the blog is silent about Friday’s action.
VIDEO: New York’s finest stepped in late Friday morning and busted up the protest, arresting 19 students, The New York Times now reports. Still nothing new on Kerrey’s blog.
UPDATE NYT: Police Arrest 22 at New School Building
At the New School, long known as a liberal haven specializing in part-time adult education programs, Mr. Kerrey has tried to forge a new identity for what had long been a disparate group of small programs in the fine arts and social sciences. He debated undergraduates in 2002 about regime change in Iraq (he was for it), answers his own email, and generally boosted the university’s profile just by being at its helm.
But faculty members have complained that Mr. Kerrey let fiscal considerations override academic ones and faulted him for high turnover at the university. There have been four provosts since Mr. Kerrey took over. In December 2008, a vote of no-confidence taken among the faculty went 271-to-8 against him.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Wasn’t Bob Kerrey once married to Debra Winger?
No, they never got married.
While our Chancellor was popular, shit like this happened every day at Berkeley in the early 90s, probably still does. Love that place.
One of the more interesting episodes:
She changed her name to make her initials spell “Rad.”
The question is would you judge Kerrey as a war criminal or not? I would and to this, I hold my peace. I know some of the men who served in the Phoenix program in Vietnam and they are ruthless…one a SF and another a Navy Seal. Yes they were our military intertwined with the CIA, of which Kerrey was a member of. he holds no credibility to hold a position of such as this in any school, university or college. This why I do not like the CIA and what they ahve done and are still doing…..
I do think you all would be so amazed to ow our name….. I could go into great rhetoric about this with what my friends have told me and what they have become. It is not a fun thing to think and know about.
“Kerrey’s Raiders,” a U.S. Navy special forces (SEAL) unit commanded by Lt. Robert Kerrey: “this was a Viet Cong village, so gender and age distinctions didn’t matter.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."