You’d think she’d be more worried about whether her husband will get indicted for war crimes.
But Laura has one curiosity about the Obamas that she cannot shake, friends said. Before leaving the White House, she spent her own money to have two of her favorite chairs reproduced as a gift for the new first family. The original chairs, on loan from her friend Anne Johnson, are armless and chic, and Laura thought Michelle Obama would love them.
“Laura keeps asking about those chairs,” Johnson said. “She’s saying to me, ‘Do you think they’re using them? Do they like them? Oh, how could they not love those chairs?’ ”
It’s a nice gesture, but who cares? If I want fluff, I can read stuff like this. Frank & Evelyn’s belongs right where it is and moving it from 10th & Christian into ‘the City’ is a bad idea.
Ya know, I’ve never disliked Laura. I’ve felt sorry for her, at times, and looked down on her at others. She made the mistake of marrying into the Bush Crime Family and has been adapting and surviving ever since. The degree of delusion and denial that effort requires is a kind of strength that’s almost admirable.
I can relate to her thru this fluff story. She left a bit of herself behind in the WH and wonders if it’s appreciated. There were a pair of wing chairs that I covered in outrageous fabric, the kind of pattern you either love or hate. It was interesting to me that my ex-husband wanted them when we divided our property. I was further flattered when he kept them thru multiple moves and his second wife even featured them prominantly in their living room. It was continuity for our children. When the chairs were eventually re-upholstered, my daughter insisted on keeping the original fabric and has gone on to use it in various craft projects. It’s part of our family history — Mom’s outrageous fabric choice. So yeah, I relate to Laura about the chairs.
We were in the First Ladies exhibit at the Smithsonian yesterday, and I was astounded to hear one woman say that Laura Bush was her favorite first lady. She always seemed like a pathetic soul to me, with that plastic smile and xanax-laden manner. The perfect Stepford wife, devoid of most of her free will.
That said, the chairs were a nice gift. I bet she’s happy to see the sun rug still in use…
She coulda just given the Obamas a gift certificate to Ikea and let them pick out their own. Imagine the armored presidential Caddy with a flat-pack box on the roof.
<BLOCKQUOTE[Bush plans to host scholars and world leaders who will ruminate about freedom, the economy and keeping the country safe.]</BLOCKQUOTE>
That should prove interesting
Do they still have a portrait of Il Duce over the counter? Think that will make the move?
I think that you are being a little rough on Laura. I think that it’s wonderful that Laura gifted the Obama’s with the chairs. That she went out of her way to have them made for the new first family only confirms what I thought all along. Laura is a class act.
She’s an Enabler for all of W’s misdeeds.
Even a vacuous Stepford wifebot can behave in a gracious, “classy” manner.
And I don’t think anyone has suggested she is not a “nice person”. In fact, one has to be either a saint or deadly numb inside or both to live with a raging narcissist such as George W. Bush.