Also at
This is the only way we see her these days; long before Paris Hilton, she was famous for becoming infamous. Earlier, she was trying to make a little money or a little noise making diet commercials, telling cruise ship audiences her story, or doing reality shows or walking the red carpet. Now she just wants to be left alone, but now they’re going to make a movie about Bill Clinton and her. It never ends. They haven’t found someone yet to play her: oval faced, long, rich dark hair, heavy-hipped. They may not; they may just use footage. Monica Samille Lewinsky is now 35–middle-aged now, one might say–but she still doesn’t have much of a life or a career to show for it.
Barbara Walters of The View said something really touching a few weeks ago; that while Bill and Hill have patched up their marriage and moved on to new prestige (if you can call it that), Monica has not been allowed to move on and to excel–in her own way. She keeps wearing her own version of “the scarlet letter” over ten years after she came to public attention. It’s her face.
Even Linda Tripp, who earned the everlasting contempt of girlfriends all over the country for taping Monica’s confidences and exposing her, has her own business with a new husband. However, she doesn’t look like Linda Tripp any more; she’s changed her face through plastic surgery. A British reporter visited Tripp’s gift shop in Virginia, but wasn’t entirely convinced that the woman who called herself Karen wasn’t Tripp herself. Yet Tripp has been able to blend back into the crowd, to disappear into the everyday. Monica can’t.
During Hill’s ill-fated presidential run, the media made pointed references to the Lewinsky scandal, as it is still called, on its tenth anniversary. Someone in the audience on two separate occasions asked Chelsea Clinton, who was campaigning on behalf of her mother, about the residual impact Monica Lewinsky had on her parents, or what she felt about Lewinsky. I thought that this was a low blow, because those questions should have been forced on Bill Clinton himself, who some people feel had weaseled out of apologizing to Lewinsky. True, at the time she was free, white and over 21, meaning she wasn’t stupid or ignorant. Nonetheless, Bill Clinton was as much a willing and eager participant in this mess as she was an tempting initiator. To misquote Steve Harvey, There’s always a man out there willing to cheat with a woman.
At the same time, I had to admire Monica. She named her desire and went out for it, which was something to be praised and encouraged from feminists and womanists. However, this was the wrong man and the wrong situation to be so bold. The Right had been waiting to catch Bill Clinton at his weakest point. Naturally, the women’s community was divided about her. Some called Monica a homewrecker, not a sheroe. I think she was neither at that time. I think she was a little girl.
I used to call Monica Lewinsky, “Har-Monica,” meaning that I felt that we were all getting played (or blown) by this laughable non-scandal between two consenting, but flawed adults. I’m not laughing now. I don’t blame her for getting a gig out of Bill Clinton and his connections, and then, after she was exposed, for trying to make lemonade out of the lemons she was given. She hasn’t been able to get a real job before and after she received a master’s degree abroad from the London School of Economics. (She wouldn’t have been able to evade the paparazzi at an American university or college.)
Frankly, the companies don’t really know her. It’s not like she’s going to turn a department into a bordello. Sometimes I think these people choose her from the final three or five just to see who she is for themselves and to say that they had Monica Lewinsky in their office looking for a job. This too is cruel. Firms have feared that her presence might prove disruptive to the work environment and that clients might not wish to work with her. This is overkill; they don’t need to protect Bill or Hillary Clinton. My feeling is, how long would the initial awkwardness last if the management grew a length of spine and laid down the law about their confidence in her skills and knowledge? Not long, in my humble opinion.
I don’t care if Monica is simply a privileged white Jewish girl. And I don’t buy the canard that she was a spy for the Mossad, or that marriage is her only refuge. Monica Lewinsky deserves to be left alone, and she deserves a career–like any other woman–as befits her competence, training and skills. She needs to be important for the right reasons, to be a star in her own department, to be challenged and productive in doing the best job possible. Isn’t that what women all over fought for and are still fighting for: to be of use, and to have agency over their own destinies? I cannot believe that this blip in American history is all that Monica Lewinsky is really worth.
This is not the pity parlor for Monica Lewinsky. But how long is she going to keep paying for what happened over ten years ago? Jeez.
Mostly because the world judges women on archaic puritanical sexual taboos.
Americans have a morbid fascination with sex, driven by an obsessive need to be sexually attractive by some insane anorexic/blond/european standard of beauty; and an equally obsessive need to brand any expression of sexuality as Scarlet Letter dirty.
(We called her ‘chubby” we called it her ‘mistake’ we ASSUMED she was duped by power, rather than an equal willing participant… all sexist terms)
We give the men a pass, and brand the woman, when inevitably passion erupts in something outside our “marriage only” judgmental box.
We are not adult enough to consider it is ONLY the business of the people involved, and no one elses to make their own choices with their own bodies without imposing our own standards on them.
She should have her own life, and have never had to pay ANY price in the 1st place.
It’s only her last name that is famous. She could drop it and easily blend in, if she really wanted to live in peace.
Kathleen Soliah knows it can be done.
I suspect fame is a huge incentive to Monica’s behavior. It’s hard to find out that nobody cares, so she plays ‘catch me if you can.’
I think Lewinsky is past being famous for being infamous. She wasn’t making much money then, she isn’t making much money now. It gets to be wearying.
She’s actually telling off the TMZ cameraman with a few expletive deleteds. TMZ is good for sneaking up on people unawares. When they don’t have someone current to show, they pounce on the nearly forgotten, the ‘hasbeens.’ If she shows up on Oprah before the flick debuts, then I’ll know it’s just for money. If she doesn’t accept any media invites, she just wants it to end. Simple. But it’s a losing situation all around.
Yes indeed. As a former risk-taker, it makes me sad to see how recklessness can destroy the lives of promising young women.
I hope she remains a survivor.
Recklessness? She didn’t drive a school bus full of children while on acid, she had consenting relations with another grown adult.
It is America who is reckless, sticking their nose in private affairs.
Firms have feared that her presence might prove disruptive to the work environment and that clients might not wish to work with her.
It was pointed out that Hillary could not be an effective president because of the scandal. I think I remember who pointed that out, it might have been Bar. He said that he could better unite the country cause he wasn’t polarized by a scandal, something like that.
The Party Leaders seemed to fear that her presence might prove disruptive to white house and that others might not wish to work with her.
Clearly, Bill’s history here has impacted two women’s lives so as to limit their potential.
The question is, and I believe it is pointed out above that is not the woman’s fault that others can’t let it go, or bring it up to use it against them.
Yes. Monica should be allowed to have a life of her own.
I was appalled when Ken Starr handed Congress that list of sexual details his people sweated out of Lewinsky. Everyone knew those morals-free House managers would post them online. I think that’s just about the worst thing I’ve seen that body do to an individual (versus to the lot of us or to some minority or us).
Starr remains as stomach-turning as ever, constantly proclaiming his Christianity despite doing unto others what he would definitely NOT want done to himself. In addition to arguing in court for Prop 8, he’s the dean of Pepperdine Law. Here’s the concluding bit from his letter to applicants:
“[T]hat mission translates into an educational environment that produces effectively trained lawyers who know how to practice law as, in the words of St. Francis of Assisi, instruments of the Lord’s peace…
Many blessings,
Kenneth W. Starr”
BTW, Pepperdine’s arbitration training center includes the following classes:
–Faith-Based Facilitation and Reconciliation
–Advancing the Ministry of Reconciliation Around the World
(Bullet-pointed thusly:
-Seven spiritual disciplines for Christian mediators and disputants.
-Reading and applying of God’s Word
-Prayer for God to intervene into the healing of the conflict,
-Meditation on God’s precepts, grace and glory,
-Fasting for the purpose of gaining spiritual insights from the above mentioned disciplines,
-Expectation that God brings healing and resolution for disputants out of harmony with each other,
-Timing is essential to evaluating and understanding God’s view…)
–Law 2282. Selected Issues in Dispute Resolution – Faith-Based Diplomacy and International Peacemaking.
Mossad has lots of other agents to do their spying on America, and she is not one of them.
I agree with all of what you say very, very much.
And let me say this, too:
I am a white guy, a year younger than Monica. I did some work with the WH field staff in’96. It was great. I got to see Bill speak twice.
I would give that man a blow job. He’s just got that thing. And I don’t think that means he took advantage of her; I always admired his taste, frankly. She’s hot, and not conventionally hot. She’s got meat on her bones and good lips, good eyes. And I thought she did a good job, too. What a rad fantasy to live.
It is SICK that our culture punishes people for having fun. In this instance, Monica and Bill are both just free spirits who had a good time and got in trouble for it. Why is a good time something to get in trouble for?
As for the marriage angle, well, shit. It’s not like Hil didn’t know who she was marrying. So whatever on that score (and in general I am not so sanguine about such things–but this is far from a general case). Besides, Bill and Hil seem to do ok.
Thanks for the POV, blksista. I always enjoy your two cents.