Join Gottlieb, Ed-Encho and I tonight at 6pm EDT for WWL Radio!

Please call with any questions you may have, or respectful commentary.

The call in number is 646-929-1264

The live chat link will be active after 5:30-ish.

The Lineup:

(Handy links provided; add more in comments if you have some)

We will start off the hour with talking about Obama’s Economic Speech and if Nationalization stands a chance against America’s Financial Oligarchy.

Then we will discuss Obama’s !!New Rules!! for Cuba taken well with the grain of mind-boggling salty block disparity between the fast track of Cuban immigrants, vs the prosecution of Mexican immigrants, and the flat out shooting of Haitian immigrants. He has done no favors for the US or for Cuba by this action.

Next up will be the Torture Memos. As twitters @mikemadden puts it, with jaw-dropping irony, Memos: “The use of the waterboard constitutes a threat of immediate death.” But you feel better once it stops, so not torture. Keith Olbermann calls Obama on the carpet, speaking for me in a Special Comment last night about Obama’s failure to do the right thing. (Vid below the fold)

Then we move to the encroaching Domestic Police State, as highlighted in the Janet Napolitano Report (little napolean, heh) Of course, with segue’s into the Constitution-free border zones tazing, and the moral questions of brutality and security vs liberties.

Wow, so much to talk about.

We are for TX’s seceding, btw, sure to hit that if we have time. HEE!

See you tonight at 6pm EDT on Wild, Wild Left Radio. Will amend with links to show later.

If you have any thoughts, questions or links you would like us to consider prior to the show, please add them below!