The thing Rush Limbaugh doesn’t understand, and that perhaps Orval Faubus could have explained to him, is that history brings a shithammer. It might have felt like segregation was a reasonable position at the time, but there’s no mercy for the segregationists in our textbooks. So it will be for the torture-apologists. Bet on it.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I don’t think Rush gives a flying fig for what history will think of him. He’s of the school which judges success solely on the basis of how many toys a boy has acquired before he dies.
I believe it’s even more base – the larger his audience the more money he makes. If that puts the GOP in power then so be it; if that screws the GOP for the next 40 years then so be it. His response to the GOP (and everyone else) is the classic conservative response to anyone who has a problem: “F— you, it’s not my problem.”
Conservative chickens coming home to roost and whatnot…
I don’t think Rush gives a flying fig for what history will think of him. He’s of the school which judges success solely on the basis of how many toys a boy has acquired before he dies.
Exactly. He doesn’t care about anything but Rush Limbaugh. And he doesn’t even care much about Rush Limbaugh beyond the money and the immediate gratification that the money provides. He doesn’t care about how history will view him – hell he might well be of the opinion that if history remembers him at all he comes out on top. The man’s personal heroes include folks like Joe McCarthy after all.
OMG I was involved in a lengthy argument on this topic today. Seemingly rational people are protorture wackos. Remember when we we were the good guys. The first Gulf War and the photos of soldiers black and blue from the beatings they were enduring? How about being used as human shields?
Schwarzkopf, his voice rising, denounced the Iraqi leadership for its announced tactic of putting captured U.S. pilots as human shields at likely bombing targets. He said U.S. and allied forces are according humane treatment to Iraqi prisoners of war and allowing Red Cross delegates to visit their camps according to the Geneva Conventions. “I challenge the Iraqis, right now, to do the same damn thing in their POW camps,” he shouted.”
Now we rationalize anything. God help our prisoners if we get in another large scale conflict.
When I thought they couldn’t splinter themselves any further, they proved me wrong. Now there are pro-torture Republicans, and the rest, who are obviously pro-Obama softies and no doubt want to pay restitution to the torturees.
Thank you, Dick Cheney, for your upcoming efforts to prove that torture works. Wingnuts, wackos, & sickos everywhere are on your side.
Personally, I blame Bar & Poppy. If they hadn’t gone golfing the day that Dubya’s little sister died (and never mentioned her again), he might not have started blowing up frogs, progressed to shooting his siblings with his BB gun, and ended up getting his rocks off as our Sadist-in-Chief.
Because that’s where this is all headed — Dubya’s sick streak, aided and abetted by Psycho-Dick.