Dazed and Confused

Who may you ask? Who do you think?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A debate over how to investigate Bush-era officials who authorized harsh interrogation tactics of terrorism suspects split Washington on Thursday, and Democrats squabbled over how to proceed.

The top Democrats in Congress differed over the creation of a special “truth commission” to investigate whether laws were violated by Bush administration officials whose legal analysis sanctioned waterboarding, a form of simulated drowning, and other methods such as sleep deprivation and forced nudity.

While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for creation of such a commission, her Senate counterpart, Majority Leader Harry Reid, declined to endorse it.

Reid said the Senate intelligence committee should complete its own closed-door inquiry, which could take up to a year. “I believe what we have to do is wait until the intelligence committee finishes its work,” Reid told the Las Vegas Sun.

And whose to blame for all this chaos? Who do you think?

Democrats are being driven by pressure from their left wing to take action against Bush administration officials, saying Bush allowed interrogation techniques that amounted to torture and someone should be held responsible.

Good evening Shepard Smith. Welcome to the Left Wing of the Democratic Party.

Ps. When are we going to stop reading these euphemisms for torture? Just today I’ve read “interrogation techniques”, “aggressive interrogation techniques”, “harsh interrogation techniques” and “intelligence techniques” (which has to be the most laughable one yet). If the news media can’t bring themselves to call it what it really is “torture techniques” let’s at least call them something a little less oxymoronic. How about we start calling them “False Confession Techniques”? At least that one has the benefit of being more truthful regarding the reason torture has historically been employed than the rest do. It certainly explains why Bush and Cheney authorized torture.

Author: Steven D

Father of 2 children. Faithful Husband. Loves my country, but not the GOP.