It wasn’t George Bush’s fault that a people were tortured, or the fault of the Bush OLC lawyers Yoo and Bybee, or even Darth Cheney. George Bush and his administration acted within the law. If you were tortured it wasn’t the fault of the Bush administration. You want proof? Go back a few months to this interview where Bush himself told us who was responsible for all the torture: It was US soldiers. Honest to God, that’s what he said. Just listen:
So no need for investigations, commissions or indictments. Except for those “soldiers” of course. They should get their asses handed to them for making George Bush America look bad.
There now, aren’t you glad I cleared all that up for you. Tomorrow I explain how George Bush wasn’t responsible for the economic collapse. It was just all those those unscrupulous poor people who got mortgages from Fannie Mae and a bunch of unfortunate bankers who were forced to write those mortgages because of socialistic Democrats like Barack Obama. Trust me, it makes a great story.
What a blessing to be rid of him.
typical republican..You should go and see..crap line. As if W knows what’s going on and the interviewer doesn’t.
But, but, but, he was the decider!
…cowardly Americans we could have found. They blame other people, they won’t take responsibility, they can’t admit that they ever did anything wrong.
But it certainly isn’t a surprise. Look how they handled their military commitments. Look how they behaved on September 11th. True chickenhawks.
I’ve already heard this from two separate wingnuts.
The second one told me that Obama wants to tax all capital gains at 50%. Not a 50% increase, not a maximum rate of 50%, but ALL capital gains at 50%.
Reagan, Bush II, and McCain. Politicians who were plausible enough actors to spread their backers’ lies, but too dim to realize when a lobby’s greed would lead to disaster. They probably gained billionaire support for those reasons. The only prominent conservatives telling the awful truth about Bush/Cheney were those who knew they would not live long enough to incur any revenge, William F. Buckley, Milton Friedman, and Gerald Ford.
GWBush is really quite breathtaking in his basic misunderstanding of America, its values and its Constitution. How did this political nitwit ever become (1) a Governor, (2) a President? The Empire is sinking fast and the Republicans won’t be happy until it hits the bottom. At the rate we are going, that won’t be very far off.
I wonder about Laura. how much she is aware of what crimes he committed.
You don’t have to be quite that sophisticated to live with Georgie boy, will he ever grow up to be an adult and accept responsibility? The decider! It’s a shame his presidency was a product of our democracy, or was it our culture?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
what the republican party has become – they don’t have actual human candidates the way we do, they’re some kind of corporate entity that runs shell people figureheads to carry out their bidding. John McCain was their perfect candidate. Imo the corporate entity wanted clueless george for more of the same, but got also darth cheney, active not just passive evil. The george/laura incident I can’t get past is when George dropped the dog and blamed it on Laura, imo the tip of the iceberg of the level of abuse she must be taking at home. Does he manipulate her through her guilt about her car accident that killed her high school bf? She is an enabler of the tremendous destruction he oversaw, so I can’t really feel sorry for her. some fascination and curiosity I guess.
Steven, you have given me a double dose of double speak this AM, I need some Tylenol…quick!
After years of racing to stand mindlessly, talking pts in hand, behind Bush, the R’s have left themselves no path to jump off Bush’s twisted logic, immoral ship. He gives interviews like this and the Rep brand owns his mindset, words & actions. He is them.
Interestingly, you’d think the R’s would fight for their souls, but they stand tongue tied, inert & clueless. The good old Rep’s would have fought for their souls, these guys, not so much.