A lot of nonprofits are still just starting their outreach on the web.  When someone from these groups needs a quick, short answer on where best to simply get started, I invariably direct them to Google for Non-Profits.

Launched approximately a year ago, Google opened up a one-stop shop featuring an array of tools.  Beginners will have heard of many of the tools (e.g. YouTube) but the site serves as a reminder that these tools can be harnessed for nonprofit communications and advocacy.

The site is also replete with tutorials on how to use each of Google services.  Some of the highlights are:

*Create a page and be listed on the Nonprofit YouTube channel.
*Start a blog to keep your supporters informed and engaged.
*Cut costs using Google-hosted email at your own domain. Access your e-mail from any computer with an Internet connection.
*Accept online donations with Google Checkout.
*Apply for free online advertising through our Google Grants program to raise awareness and drive traffic to your website.

Google’s put together a well-crafted testimonial video. Check it out for more info and visit the Google for Non-Profits page.

Read more at The Opportunity Agenda’s blog.