When liberals and progressives are out of power we hold protests about illegal wars and the mistreatment of our fellow Americans, we recruit new voters and we try like hell to convince people that our views on politics are correct. When the right is out of power they buy guns, spread lies, turn up the hate-0-meter on talk radio and Fox news and talk secession and revolution.
they plot how to overthrow the government. Impeachment, secession, stolen election, conspiring with Mullahs that are holding Americans hostage…or worse.
Well, ya know, they’ve had 50 years of thinking we’re dirty fucky hippies who hate America so, clearly, Dems in power have driven them insane.
I have never heard it put so succinctly.
Guess I’m no liberal or progressive then. Revolution and secession still hold their attractions for me. (Though less so than last year.)
Maybe you’re a contrarian progressive. ;o)
at this point a complete restoration of the constitution would constitute and revolution and I for one am all for it.
What’s a poor teabagger to do?
Take it on the chin?