United States: catalyst for peace or financier of conflict? Ask Congress to investigate tax dollars used to harm civilians in Gaza.

So says the sign on this truck, parked outside of the site of the AIPAC Conference going on May 3-5, which was paid for by Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). It is nice to know that AIPAC will not get into and out of town without some comment on its perennial function: to get the US Congress to continue military aid and funding to Israel, free and clear without any limitations on its uses. Palestinians on the ground in Gaza during Israel’s invasion reported “Made in USA” on weapons used to kill innocent civilians including entire families and over 400 children. Phosphorous bombs, DIME munitions, the planes the dropped them, the tanks that shelled homes and even UN facilities where many civilians sought refuge in vain, were of American origin.

JVP’s message:

Here’s a little something we’ve kept to ourselves until today… Why? Well, we wanted to make sure the truck pictured here was already rolling on the streets in front of the AIPAC Conference and the US Capitol.

In our line of justice work, you never know if a contract will get canceled at the last minute, or if other, bigger trucks will show up on the scene.  

But we’re happy to report we’re on the ground in Washington, DC along with volunteer activists who are handing out flyers and talking to attendees.

From May 3-5, AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is holding the country’s largest annual gathering of activists, students and political leaders dedicated to “supporting Israel.” But we wanted to be there with our message because we think their right-wing agenda actually harms Israelis, harms Palestinians and harms all of us who want justice, peace and stability in the region.

As Vice-President Joe Biden and countless members of Congress make their appearance at the annual AIPAC Conference in DC, they are being met with JVP’s message of hope and accountability about US funds and Gaza.

They will see that many of us–you and me–care for both Israelis and Palestinians and ask our government to do the same.

Surely at the conference many will speak about peace. In fact, the conference platform talks about ‘peace principles.’ But simply talking about peace is cheap.

AIPAC insists on more unconditional military aid to Israel, without taking stock of–or even mentioning–the attacks on civilians in Gaza.

AIPAC decries any divestment from the Israeli occupation–do they even know there’s an occupation?–but pushes for divestment from Iran. We are there now to remind them that there are real people and real lives being destroyed by US support for the occupation.

Please help us bring accountability to Washington, DC. It’s our money, our choice.


If you would like to help JVP cover the $5,000 it cost to put this important message in front of the AIPAC attendees, and the journalists covering them, click HERE.