You know, I am beginning to forget some of the details of the Clinton impeachment saga, but I seem to remember that Newt Gingrich had a rather prominent role in it. There were a lot of Republicans that had some familiarity with extramarital blowjobs from their interns who didn’t think the issue should become a federal offense. But Newt thought differently. So, it’s interesting to see what he is saying now about the Big Dog.

WALLACE: There were stories back when you were Speaker that you would be very upset and then you’d get into the presence of Bill Clinton and he could charm you. Can Barack Obama charm you?

NEWT: Well, he’s not charming in the same sense that Clinton is. I mean, President Obama is a very smart, very gifted person, a very good strategic thinker. He’s a very pleasant person. The fact is Clinton was charming, but we got welfare reform. And he was charming, but we got a tax cut. And he was charming, but we balanced the budget. So I’m perfectly happy to be charmed with somebody who says “yes”.

If I were new to politics, a statement like that might make my head explode. Unfortunately, it makes perfect sense.