Which is more important to conservatives? The “right to life” or the 2nd amendment right to bear arms? Careful, it’s a trick question:
Gayle and Sheila Muhs gave trespassers a blunt warning. They posted a large sign outside their Texas home saying trespassers would be shot and survivors would be shot again.
Actually this is what the sign really said: TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT. SURVIVORS WILL BE RESHOT!!! SMILE I WILL. Obviously these folks learned their syntax from Yoda. So what happened when a Father, a Mother, their five year old daughter, their two sons, eleven and seven years old and a family friend, came too close to the Muh’s property line for the Muhs’ comfort? Read and weep:
Police got a 911 call just after 9 p.m. Thursday, [Liberty County Sheriff’s Department Chief Deputy Ken] DeFoor said, from Sheila Muhs who “reported there were people in jacked up four-wheel automobiles … and that she shot them.” She also reported that the vehicles were destroying the nearby levees.
But in reality, DeFoor said, the families in the two cars had done nothing illegal. And, he said, they never set foot on the Muhs’ property. […]
In the Jeep were Cammack, 30, Donald Coffey, 30 and Donald Jr., 7. In the following Ford SUV were Becky Coffey, Nelton and the Coffey’s 5-year-old daughter, Destiny, and 11-year-old son.
The two cars stopped on the county-owned road outside the Muhs’ home so one of the boys could go to the bathroom by the side of the road.
That’s when, DeFoor said, the couple ran out of their house.
I guess they were pissed that a 7 year old boy needed to go to the potty. So pissed they felt they were within their rights to defend their property from little Donald Jr.’s stream of pee by exercising there god given 2nd amendment rights against the unsuspecting Coffey family:
“Sheila Muhs started cursing at them ‘Get off our property,'” DeFoor said and fired off at least one round, causing the Jeep, which had started to leave, to veer off the road.
Muhs, he said, then put the shotgun down and chased after the Jeep on her all-terrain vehicle, eventually catching up to it on the levee about 100 yards away, the ATVs headlights pointed at the Jeep.
While that was happening, DeFoor said Gayle Muhs picked up the discarded shotgun and fired at the SUV. DeFoor said the trajectory of that shot showed that the back of the SUV was sprayed with pellets, it’s rear window blown out.
“The SUV was in the process to flee,” the officer said.
Nelton told the Houston Chronicle that they yelled at the Muhs after the first shot that they had kids in the car and to stop shooting, but another gunshot — possibly more — is all they heard in return.
Nelton said Destiny was in the back of the SUV screaming.
“She said, ‘Mama, they shot me. Mommy, they shot me.’ There was blood all over her,” Nelton told the Houston Chronicle.
Donald Jr. died from a shotgun pellets that het him in the head. Both Donald Sr. and his friend were also shot, in addition to five year old Destiny.
All this was done to defend property from a trespass that never happened by people who were not a threat, and never behaved in a manner that was threatening to the shotgun wielding Muhs. Still, I told you this was a trick question. There is no conflict between the right to life and the right to bear arms for conservatives. That’s because the “right to life” for most of them starts at the moment of conception and ends at the moment of birth. After that, you’re on your own, kids. I can paraphrase for you the NRA/wingnut response already: “Too bad the Coffeys weren’t packing their own heat. They should have armed themselves. Then they could have defended their family the way God and our founding fathers intended: with hot lead.”
Yes, if only little Donald Jr. and little Destiny and the adult members of the Coffey party had had their own firearms locked and loaded ready for a fight, all this could have been prevented. Another tragic case where a family of (no doubt) liberal wimps failed to exercise their Constitutional rights to carry guns like all Real Americans would have done.
As Kurt Vonnegut might say, “And so it goes.”
Texas still uses the death penalty…
The Muhs’ were surely all for it…
Has the queen been quoted on a price for Texas, yet?
As for the reckless shooting, there’s no words anymore. Just as the banks own the Senate, the NRA owns gun control.
The 2nd amendment should not apply to delusional people. “They are destroying the levees” by peeing on them?
There is no justification whatever for the use of firearms in this case. Having said that, I’ll say that I would not pull right in front of a house to relieve myself. Three more seconds at 60 mph would have taken them 268 feet down the road, out of clear sight would have been better. Urinating on property activates many territorial instincts.
And, if you are in Texas, you have to be careful especially with those crazy signs around. But, what a tragedy for those unfortunate motorists. And, what a travesty for the NRA and their fellow gun lovers.
Paranoids believe everything is all about them. Perhaps the Muhs’ social lives had contracted to the point they believed the only reason anyone would stop on the road in front of the their house is because the Muhs live there, and the slamming of a truck door would be a signal that their long awaited war has begun.
Much like the nut in Ohio(?) who went on a shooting spree because he believed Obama was going to confiscate his guns.
BTW, the hunters where I work report that they can only buy a handful of rounds for target practice because there is a shortage of ammunition. The shortage seems to be because of a belief that Obama is about to confiscate guns and ammunition. Rush Limbaugh and chain e-mail seem to be spreading this rumor. The guys are quit irritated to have taken out their rifles and driven an hour or more to the range, only to find they can only buy ten rounds of ammunition for target practice. Yes, there are a lot of paranoids out there and they are hurting legitimate (i.e. sane) gun owners.
The Muhs’s look like they’re straight out of Deliverance.
This story didn’t make it to the New York Times. I guess it’s not that newsworthy.
When you pass the “castle” doctrine, this is the natural and expected consequence. In the “castle” doctrine, the right to your property is sacrosanct, and trespassers have put themselves into danger. In other recent cases, a drunken college student was shot to death when he entered the wrong house; the shooter was exonerated. In another case, a man chased down and shot two robbers of his neighbor’s house; he was exonerated.
The gun wackadoodle culture is toxic and insane.
Texas does have a “castle” law that allows property owners to shoot if someone is trespassing on their property at night. But that law, he said, does not apply in this case. While guns may have been used to settle disputes in the 1800s, he said, Texas is “not the Wild West.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
So when the hell are they finally going to secede? You’d think such freedom loving heroes from Liberty County could move things along a little faster.
I’ve owned guns for all of my adult life. To be honest, I’d be perfectly willing to give them up if they were banned. I behave responsibly with mine and mainly just use them for harmless target shooting because I enjoy the practice, but I can get by with a paper target and a pellet gun just fine, thanks. I’m not under any illusions about resisting the government with small arms — I mean, come on, the government has fucking B-52s. And I’ve been in enough tense situations with firearms (all of them in Texas, perhaps not coincidentally) to know that more guns make a situation much less likely to be defused peacefully.
I did, however, buy my first military-grade assault rifles this year. One is a very nice old Soviet-made sniper rifle, complete with a scope. The other is basically an AK-47 variant whose emphasis, as with most ordinary assault rifles, is more on massed fire than aimed fire.
I got them because of the growing number of right-wing nutjobs who are stockpiling arms for their paranoid apocalyptic fantasies. We’ve already seen a few of them go on rampages with tragic consequences. And unlike ordinary crime which, contrary to NRA fear mongering, has been declining steadily for a few decades, separatism, militias, and white supremacism are on the rise.
So I took the NRA’s advice and armed myself — to protect myself from NRA members, who are, in my opinion, the real threat to public peace.
If observant, one can recognize real crazies & then get as far away from them as possible.
One does not want a confrontation with a real crazy, because real crazies don’t care.
Unfortunately, as a nation, our powers of observation & the numbers of real crazies seem to be inversely related.
May the Muhs suffer whatever consequences are most useful.
Did you get a look at the full face photos of the Muhs? These people have been deep in their own miserable personal hell for years, that’s why they were thirsty to kill. From a psychiatric point of view, their respective mania drives them to put the cause all of the years of their mental pain and suffering on anyone who crosses their own personally set and well guarded deadline. Couples like the Muhs left alone generally wind up killing one another…