Another Hard Left partisan who thinks waterboarding is torture:
“Torture is against the law!” Well, clearly Jesse is not the intellectual or moral equal of people like John Yoo, Alberto Gonzales, Condoleezza Rice, and Dick Cheney (etc.) who know better that a former Navy Seal who actually underwent this “enhanced interrogation technique” as part of his special forces training, what torture is and is not.
Well, Ventura’s obviously just another pansy liberal nut who is suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome.
anyone watching the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on torture?
I did ….the whole thing!!!!!
I always had kind of a soft spot for Ventura in spite of everything. Glad to see it wasn’t entirely misplaced after all.
I guess King gets some credit for having him on, but it’s deeply disgusting to watch him try to get his guest off Bush. Once a toady always a toady.
I still can’t figure out why all the torture enablers believe that ‘being above the law’-is a valid legal argument to make.
I thought Jesse was the man after his Playboy interview way back whenever. But his subsequent governorhood gave me deep regrets. Now he occupies a similar space in my perceptions as people who occasionally make good noises but whose actions really don’t deliver, like Arlen Specter, Chris Mathews, or god help me, sometimes even Pat Buchanan. Hooray for the good noises, but I don’t think this helps elevate the cause in any particular way.
The awesome Light rail exists in the Twin Cities and points beyond because of Jesse Ventura. Pawlenty ran against it and ended up expanding it, but Jesse (and Bachman-whipping boy, Tinklenberg) made it happen.
That Navy SEAL badge goes a long way. Major respect points there.
Of course, I have a soft spot for Ventura from his wresting days.