Speaker Pelosi’s statement on the CIA and torture:
“Throughout my entire career, I am proud to have worked for human rights, and against the use of torture, around the world.
As Ranking Member of the Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee in the 1990s, I helped secure the first funding for the Torture Victims Relief Act to assist those suffering from the physical and psychological effects of torture.
I unequivocally oppose the use of torture by our government because it is contrary to our national values.
Like all Members of Congress who are briefed on classified information, I have signed oaths pledging not to disclose any of that information. This is an oath I have taken very seriously, and I have always abided by it.
The CIA briefed me only once on some enhanced interrogation techniques, in September 2002, in my capacity as Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee.
I was informed then that Department of Justice opinions had concluded that the use of enhanced interrogation techniques was legal. The only mention of waterboarding at that briefing was that it was not being employed.
Those conducting the briefing promised to inform the appropriate Members of Congress if that technique were to be used in the future.
Congress and the American people now know that contrary opinions within the Executive Branch concluded that these interrogation techniques were not legal. However, those opinions were not provided to Congress.
We also now know that techniques, including waterboarding, had already been employed, and that those briefing me in September 2002 gave me inaccurate and incomplete information.
At the same time, the Bush Administration was misleading the American people about the threat of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Five months later, in February 2003, a member of my staff informed me that the Republican chairman and new Democratic Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee had been briefed about the use of certain techniques which had been the subject of earlier legal opinions.
Following that briefing, a letter raising concerns was sent to CIA General Counsel Scott Muller by the new Democratic Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, the appropriate person to register a protest.
But no letter could change the policy. It was clear we had to change the leadership of the Congress and the White House. That was my job.
When Democrats assumed control of Congress in 2007, Congress passed legislation banning torture and requiring all government agencies to abide by the Army Field Manual. President Bush vetoed this bill barring the use of torture. An effort to overturn his veto failed because of the votes of Republican Members.
We needed to elect a new President. We did; and he has banned torture.
Congress and the Administration must review the National Security Act of 1947 to determine if a larger number of Members of Congress should receive classified briefings so that information can be utilized for proper oversight and legislative activity without violating oaths of secrecy.
I have long supported creation of an independent Truth Commission to determine how intelligence was misused, and how controversial and possibly illegal activities like torture were authorized within the Executive Branch.
Until a Truth Commission is implemented, I encourage the appropriate committees of the House to conduct vigorous oversight of these issues.”
How close might we be getting to the tipping point on the whole torture debate?
As more and more things like Pelosi’s statement hit the streets. As Cheney continues to add his own fuel to the fire. As it becomes more apparent that much of the torture was done in an effort to forge an Iraq-Al Qaeda link. At what point will there become such a constant and interminable screeching about this that the need to actually formally investigate this matter becomes unbearable?
So recently it seemed like this whole torture thing was going to go down the memory hole. Now, I’m not so sure. It seems to have metastasized almost overnight. As if it just all of the sudden has taken on a life of its own.
This is getting very, very interesting.
That’s an astute observation. I’d kind of forgotten how much the whole thing seemed to fade away. It should be much harder to sweep it under the rug at this point. The irony is, the cause of the change is probably more Cheney’s yapping and the GOP attempts to attack Pelosi than to anything the congressional Dems did. Although I like to think Obama’s hand is moving some pieces around in the background.
There sure are a lot keyboards being worn out right now on the Inner-Toobz postulating as to the motivations of the King of The Dark Side, Mr. Cheney.
Every day it gets just a little stranger than the day before. Not quite sure what to make of it. On the surface it seems like he is just begging for everyone to dig deeper. You have to wonder, just why in the hell would he do that???
It is just really, really strange.
Then Boner comes back and says it’s unthinkable that the CIA would lie. Yeah, I can’t stop laughing either.
Spies, assassins, and saboteurs lie? Surely not.
ok…l’ll give her a pass for 5 months, but, by her own admission, she learned in feb 2003, that waterboarding was being utilized. this information/knowledge was followed by yet another stern letter, then silence…acquiescence, or whatever one chooses to call it…then <crickets>.
there was a window of opportunity, prior to the 2004 election, to make this an issue, and she, as well as others, failed the test in refusing to expose it. she, and a great many other demorats, are complicit in these crimes, and no amount of parsing or spin will change that fact. sorry madame speaker, it still doesn’t wash.
there needs to be an independent prosecutor, with the full might of the doj and government behind it, to bring this issue to the fore and resolve it. whether that’s via prosecutions, or pardons.
we are either a nation of laws, or we are not; and currently, the verdict seems to be heavily weighted towards “not”.
In their zeal to see Nancy Pelosi investigated, the Republicans are going to open the door to a whole lot of GOP wrongdoing.
Personally, I think Pelosi’s playing this brilliantly.
yes she is. She SEEMS to be saying
“Bring it”.
Hope it isn’t just a cya tactic.
In their feverish effort to make this a bipartisan issue they have all flocked toward Pelosi to toss their collective bucket of piss on her. But what they failed to notice was that a gale force wind was blowing in their face.
And after they throw their hissy fit and toss their buckets Pelosi’s way they will all stand around and wonder how in the hell all that piss ended up back on them.
Nobody has ever accused them of being very smart.
I have really been wondering – of all the people in the world for them to antagonize. She is really the one that can bring the house down on them…. It does not make ANY sense for anyone on the inside, and surly not those complicit to try and implicate Pelosi…. She can crush them….
A Truth Commission, yes, but no Reconciliation.
It’s interesting to see Cheney, the self described Cold War/State vs State guy who so easily gave up Valerie Plame (a more Cold War type of intelligence analysist) for the instant gratification of the one on one torture the terrorist war.
And is the CIA that Pelosi is talking to the same one that Cheney is so sure still pays alligance to him?
I have to say – I don’t know. The jury is out on what Pelosi knew when.
It’s a given that the CIA most certainly lied on some of their allegations. But it’s also a pattern that when an accusation that direct is made – that they did tell her, they have something they can back that up with.
We’ll see.
The CIA was, by law, supposed to have officially briefed members of Congress on this. Instead, Pelosi found out through an aide of hers that the CIA was lying.
Is there a link to the statement in the box?
it’s email.